Monday, May 25, 2020
What Did The Lord Made - 3169 Words
Something the Lord Made It only takes a thought to inspire someone to think that the impossible can be done. That is exactly what happened in Something the Lord Made. Dr. Blalock and Dr. Thomas did what they had always been told could never be done. Dr. Blalock had the thought and Dr. Thomas had the drive and self-motivation to prove that the impossible was possible. If it had not been for Dr. Blalock and Dr. Thomas millions of people would have continued to die due to cardiac problems. Since the time of their first successful operation to now, the world of cardiac treatment and procedures has evolved and now saves millions of peoples’ lives each year. When it comes to new medical treatment it only takes one person, (or a few people), to believe or have curiosity to explore new ideas that can lead to life saving/improving treatments and/or devices. Once a new technique is discovered to work, over time that once â€Å"new technique†seems to evolve and more and more â€Å"new techniques †spawn off of that one single idea leading to amazing things. The new technique that Dr. Blalock and Dr. Thomas used would definitely have an effect on the length of stay and the reimbursement amount. Before Dr. Blalock’s work the â€Å"blue babies†were hospitalized until they passed away. It could take six months to a year before the babies passed away. Obviously the length of stay and the reimbursement amount would have been extremely high before this new procedure came out. After Dr.Show MoreRelatedLego Movie Analysis787 Words  | 4 PagesHarvarinder Sidhu CHV-2O0-D Ms.Bains November 29th, 2017 Lego Movie Leadership Styles Lord business is the complete opposite of President Business. Lord Business is a very evil and selfish leader. Lord Business wants to take over the world himself and the leadership style he portrays is Dictatorship. 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