Thursday, August 27, 2020
Andrew Marvell and Oliver Cromwell Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Andrew Marvell and Oliver Cromwell - Essay Example His feelings were all in all traditionalist and highborn yet he felt extraordinary reverence for Oliver Cromwell the Lord Protector of England who came to control subsequent to ousting Charles I. Milton's exemption at the Restoration was generally because of Marvell's impact and efforts. Not many of Marvell's sonnets were distributed during his lifetime. A large portion of his sonnets showed up after death in 1681. His parodies were distributed distinctly in 1689 after the Glorious Revolution. Marvell's best sonnets were written in the mid 1650s. He used to be considered as a common love artist who wrote in the powerful strain. In any case, Marvell shows inquisitive attributes which set him apart from the typical writers who composed of adoration. Marvell however a writer of mind, love and extravagant peculiarly however not without reason proclaims deference for Puritan goals. Marvell for some odd reason was a Puritan __an admirer of Cromwell, a give peruser of the holy book, a supporter of the dreary system whose soul is to not normal for that of his stanza (Wilson 136).But this vagueness isn't astonishing when one thinks about the disturbance and political changes of Marvell's time. In August 1642, the long standing fight between Charles I, and the Parliamentarians or Roundheads including political, strict and sacred issues, separated into open threats. In the fights that followed, Oliver Cromwell before long demonstrated himself to be the most impressive applicant the Parliamentarians had. Disregarding restrictions among his own kin Cromwell took on the situation of the Lord Protector of England. In 1647, Cromwell sorted out the New Model armed force which incurred a devastating annihilation upon the regal armed force. Charles gave up to his Scottish subjects who later gave him to England in 1647. It is astounding to take note of the various strains of thought which hued Marvell's wonderful yield. In his sonnets from the Horatian Ode Upon Cromwell's Return from Ireland e onwards the one discovers his adoration for Cromwell expanding. The manner by which Marvell's impression of Cromwell changed means that the trouble of the decisions of political devotions confronting an alarm and delicate psyche of a writer who had political desires himself. In the Horatian Ode the Marvell we meet is a disturbed man conflicted between isolated loyalties. The title alludes to Cromwell's arrival from Ireland which occurred in May 1650. The sonnet invites Cromwell home from his victory of Ireland, anticipating his crusade against the Scots. Since Cromwell came back from Ireland in May 1650, and entered Scotland on July 22 of that year, the sonnet along these lines, was likely written in the late-spring of 1650.The sonnet contrasts two political figures, the formal Charles I and the military Cromw ell. It communicates a profound feeling of misfortune in the dying of service and custom with the decapitation of the ruler. A polarity is found in the contemplations and feelings of Marvell the verse artist and Marvell the Parliamentarian. The Puritan upheaval, the new science and current radicalism were completely observed as disturbing a more seasoned brought together world view in which verse had a supported spot. In this sonnet Marvell's mentality towards Cromwell is, best case scenario irresolute. While he shrivels from specific components as a part of Cromwell's character and government the sonnet finishes up with a fair perspective on his organization. The Ode in two sections observes Cromwell
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Aesthetics Of Passion And Betrayal Essays - Films,
The Esthetics Of Passion And Betrayal The Esthetics of Passion and Betrayal In The Passion of Joan of Arc, Carl Theodor Dreyer utilizes the visuality of spatial connections in each shot with the human face and its capacity to pass on implicit feeling in his depiction of the destruction of Joan of Arc. In contrast to most film, the message is essentially told by simply the eyes and articulations of the entertainers. There is almost no dependence upon props and foundation. The camera points and close-up shooting complement feelings and responses. The altering style is nearly methodic in keeping the passionate pace; it is a lot of like a contention, rotating pictures of Joans relentlessness, and the adjudicators scorn. The masterful components of the film are found in the unpretentious components of the setting interestingly with the story that is acknowledged by investigating Joans eyes as she observes her long lasting convictions denounced and pulverized by her suffering. The stylistics of Dreyers vision in The Passion of Joan of Arc are one of a kind in that they can't be described by one specific traditional style or definition. Joans convictions and character are regularly portrayed as being otherworldly. Supernatural style happened in the imaginative world as an approach to depict what is viewed as Holy on a progressively raised level. As a rule, particularly in film, supernatural style can leave a film delayed in pace, and make an absence of sympathy for the characters and their predicament. Dreyer accordingly should not be focusing on the supernatural style alone since the film is methodic in pace and the crowd effectively feels the sadness Joan is encountering. There are at any rate 2 other major complex impacts at work in The Passion of Joan of Arc. As indicated by Paul Schrader, Each of Dreyers singular film styles is, to be progressively exact, a combination between three essential and restricting styles at work in his movies. So as to characterize Dreyers stylish, one must go up against to restricting imaginative schools: the Kammerspiel and Expressionism. The Kammerspiel or chamber-play style focuses on simply the nuts and bolts, setting reality up front. This is generally obvious in the focus Dreyer puts in the nearby ups of the appearances. The expressionist style is less obvious since the intensity of the truth is what is generally significant. The expressionist components are found for the most part in the sets. German Expressionist ace Hermann Warm who planned the uncontrollably contorted arrangements of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari planned the sets for The Passion of Joan of Arc. He purposely made sets without sharp edges to make the foundations center the feeling made by the on-screen characters as opposed to changing or repudiating it. The general stylization of the movies world can be taken to show the province of Joans cognizance with the level spaces and moving points and surrounding. The technique utilized in shooting the film additionally holds allegorical centrality. There is an extraordinary inclination of vulnerability made by the absence of precise profundity. With all the shots so close up and foundations without edges, shading, and reference focuses, everything on the screen is set in a similar plane outwardly. The lighting is likewise beguiling since there are barely any conclusive shadows cast to offer definition to profundity. The Passion of Joan of Arc isn't without geometric themes nonetheless. It is recognizably obvious that despite the fact that there are barely any very much characterized lines in the sets, when lines do show up, they show up as a couple of lines converging in sharp edges. This is reminiscent of the sharp contrast in Joans perspective with that of her adjudicators. The shockingly abhorrent nearness of the adjudicators is expected to some degree to the camera points. The activity of a scene is infrequently focused and the activity position hops around from scene to scene. Deriding smiles from the upper left corner and judges leaving Joans cell in the base left corner. Additionally, the low camera points cause the appointed authorities to seem bigger and all the more approaching. They seem sheared off at the chest, causing them to appear to buoy and skim rather than walk. Carl Theodor Dreyers altering style is additionally part of the aesthetic technique that makes the passionate estimation of The Passion of Joan of Arc so incredible. The absence of congruity legitimately matches the
Successful after-school program Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 20750 words
Fruitful after-school program - Essay Example Significant consideration and assets have been coordinated to after-school programs, especially those that serve urban understudies and much more explicitly those that serve in danger understudies in urban schools. In any case, little is thought about the cause, strategic, objectives of after-school programs (Halpern, 2002), and even less is thought about the effect on scholastics of the understudies who take an interest in these projects. More consideration is as a rule by and by concentrated on these projects in light of the fact that there is a developing mindfulness that all understudies, incorporating the individuals who contrast here and there from the â€Å"average†understudy, must be furnished with a fair, non-defaming training (Montgomery and Rossi, 1994). Scholastic based after-school projects might be one way that experts can enhance the customarily under-accomplishing in danger students’ information, aptitudes, and capacities and assist them with coming to and stay at-grade-level execution. Neither understudy assorted variety nor after-school programs are new to America’s educational system. One record proposes that these projects rose toward the beginning of the twentieth century because of a financial and ideological move in the United States from utilizing kids as workers to setting kids in study halls (Halpern, 2000). Kids are done working with their folks in a plant or in the fields. As the century advanced, different patterns, for example, ladies working outside the home (and the resulting â€Å"latch-key kid†), developed (Lopoo, 2005)... 5 Summary 6 CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE 6 Introduction 6 History of After-school Programs 7 No Child Left Behind 9 Federal Role of Out-of-School Learning 12 At-Risk Students 13 Computer Usage in After-school Programs 14 Attendance and Academic Success 16 Benefits of Math After-School Programs 17 Summary 17 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY 18 Introduction 18 Research Questions and Hypotheses 19 Research Questions 19 Hypotheses 19 Background and Purpose 19 Methodological Design 20 Participants 22 Data Collection and Analysis 23 Consent and Confidentiality 24 Assumptions and Limitations 25 Summary 25 CHAPTER IV: RESULTS 27 Introduction 27 Description of Participants (Demographics) 27 Students’ Academic Performance 28 Analysis of reactions to survey 1: Student cooperation 31 Detailed examination of each section 31 Further investigation through order of the reactions 37 Identification of qualities and shortcomings of the program 39 Analysis of reactions to the subsequent poll: Open-fi nished inquiries 40 2-1 Where the understudies followed school before the program 40 2-2 How frequently the understudies were separated from everyone else before the program 42 2-3 Improvement in homework in the wake of going to the program 43 2-4 Classes that would assist with finding a new line of work in future 43 2-5 Usefulness of the PC lab at the program 45 2-6 Usefulness of the program in scoring better on the report card 45 2-7 Main language spoken at home 45 2-8 Affect of program on preferring to go to class 45 2-9 Willingness to go to another program 47 2-10 Future objectives since going to the program 47 2-11 How interest in the program could assist with accomplishing future objectives 50 2-12 Whether the program would be prescribed to companions 52 Analysis of results from the parental assessment 53 Detailed examination of every reaction 53 Summary
Friday, August 21, 2020
Veneer free essay sample
Immediate and aberrant facade Dental facade (once in a while called porcelain facade or dental porcelain overlays) are skinny, uniquely crafted shells of tooth-shaded materials intended to cover the front surface of teeth to improve your appearance. These shells are attached to the front of the teeth changing their shading, shape, size, or length. There are two primary kinds of material used to create a veneer,â composite (pitch) and dental porcelain. Porcelain facade oppose recolors better than gum facade and better copy the light reflecting properties of regular teeth. Tar facade are more slender and require evacuation of In 1930, a Californian dental specialist called Charles Pincus made the principal facade. These were overwhelmingly used to improve the look and grins of Hollywood on-screen characters and entertainers at that point, a significant number of whom it is thought, neglected to deal with their teeth and seemed marvelous until the second when they opened their mouth, just to uncover their messed up or rotting teeth. It is believed that it was the methodology of adding facade which prompted the amazing ‘Hollywood Smile’. Charles Pincus spearheaded dental facade by sticking an extremely slim tooth like bit of porcelain over the on-screen characters normal teeth to improve the appearance thus make a hallucination of flawless straight white solid teeth, similar to present day porcelain facade. The dental facade just endured a brief time however, as they were stuck on with dental replacement cement. It was not until 1982, when an exploration by Simonsen and Calamia occurred which demonstrated that porcelain facade could be scratched with hydrofluoric corrosive which it was felt would empower the arrangement of facade to be fortified onto the tooth forever. Signs Traumatized/cracked teeth Anatomically twisted teeth Hypoplasia of polish Stained/stained teeth (inherent or extraneous) Diastemas Misaligned teeth (not all that much) Eroded teeth Or only for a superior stylish look on the patients demand Contraindications Patients with bruxism Teeth with enormous class 3 rebuilding efforts Severely pivoted teeth(teeth that are an excess of turned) Mandibular teeth Bulimic/Anorectic patients Too little lacquer for holding Patients with a terrible oral cleanliness Patients with a ton of caries The facade are isolated into three gatherings as indicated by the materials and methods that are applied: Direct, roundabout and direct-aberrant facade. The immediate facade are made of composite, legitimately in the dental bureau of the clinician himself, consequently the name â€Å"direct composite veneers†, implying that the patient will leave the bureau with the facade effectively after the primary gathering on the grounds that no lab work of an expert is required. It is more affordable than the artistic facade, yet additionally less impervious to harm. The aberrant facade then again are made in the lab by an expert, and are typically made in pottery, which suggests that the patient will leave the bureau after the primary gathering without the last facade, yet with impermanent composite facade, and a subsequent gathering is required for the cementation of the last earthenware facade. This decision is obviously increasingly costly for the patient due to the earthenware production, yet in addition motivation of the work that the expert is doing. There is additionally a little gathering of facade called direct-aberrant facade, which is said to use the upsides of both the immediate and backhanded strategies of the rebuilding efforts with improved physical properties, this is the least utilized method that is least utilized. First gathering: Preparation of the teeth, impression, shading One of the basic focal points of utilizing porcelain facade to make changes for teeth, instead of different kinds of porcelain dental rebuilding efforts, is that next to no tooth decrease is required. As a rule (and relying on the points of interest of the case) the dental specialist just needs to trim the ooth a similar sum as the thickness of the facade being set. By and large this implies the tooth decrease will be as meager as . 4 to . 8 of a millimeter (0. 3-0. 4 at the cervical third and 0. 5 †0. 8 at the center and incisal thirds). That is on a similar request of thickness as the plastic charge card conveyed in a people wallet. In ex amination dental crowns require up to 2 millimeters of cutting, and this measure of decrease is required on all parts of the tooth, not simply the front side just like the case with porcelain facade. There can be contrasting conditions or ways of thinking with respect to the need to trim the gnawing edge of a tooth when it is set up for a porcelain facade. Now and again the facade may plume out and end directly at the tip of the tooth though in different cases the facade should fold around and encase the gnawing edge. At the point when the gnawing edge of the tooth is decreased it is for the most part on the request for around 1. 5 millimeters. The gingival planning was in more seasoned occasions quite often puts subgingivally, however these days they are regularly set just supragingival. At the point when the tooth/teeth are set up for the facade the time has come to take the impression of the dental curves to send it to the dental lab where the specialist will begin making the artistic facade. Since it will require some investment for the dental research center to be done with the facade, it is required for the clinician to make a brief facade for the patient, this is effectively finished with some liquid composite and an amalgam impression of the readied teeth. The explanation behind putting brief facade isn't just purpose of the patient’s accommodation, yet in addition to ensure the readied surfaces on the teeth from getting crushed while hanging tight for the last cementation of the fired facade. The needed shade of the facade is significant, in a stylish perspective. The shading ought to be chosen in the start of the arrangement, and under great lighting conditions, the shading picked could be a choice made of both the dental specialist and the patient, together. Second gathering: â€Å"Try-in†of the facade, holding of the facade When the professional is done with the facade he sends them back to the dental specialist, and afterward it’s time for the patient’s second visit, in which he will get his brief facade supplanted by the changeless fired facade. The primary thing the dental specialist is doing is to anesthetize those teeth on which the facade will be applied, and this is on the grounds that the cementation of the facade may be a very touchy and here and there even agonizing action. After that the dental specialist will expel the impermanent facade and afterward clean the outside of the readied teeth. To get a solid and dependable bond between the porcelain and the tooth all flotsam and jetsam and impermanent cementation material must be expelled. At that point the dental specialist will assess the fit, shape and form of the facade, and ensure that the facade fit on the readied teeth and with the neighboring teeth and structures. Finally, the dental specialist will confirm the shade of the facade, and in light of the fact that the porcelain facade are very translucent the last shade of the facade will likewise be reliant on the shade of the concrete that will bond the facade to the tooth. So a number or diverse test glues will be attempted with the facade, to see which one that gives the best tasteful appearance of the facade comparable to the neighboring teeth. Presently it’s time for the facade to be for all time clung to the readied teeth, and a couple of various methodology are made to streamline the holding of the facade to the dental substances. First the facade itself must be cleaned and arranged for the holding, and this is done through surface carving for 90 seconds and afterward washing and drying for an additional 60 seconds, after that the dental specialist applies a silane that should be dried for one moment in around 100 degrees Celsius, and the facade is presently fit to be clung to the tooth. After that the dental specialist will begin drawing the outside of the readied teeth, for around 20 seconds, and afterward wash and dry the tooth so all hints of the carving gel is evacuated. At that point the holding specialist it applied on the readied teeth and light restored for around 20 seconds. The dental specialist will currently put the concrete inside the facade and spot the facade onto the readied tooth and afterward delicately push on the facade so abundance concrete will come out from underneath the facade. The dental specialist expels all the abundance concrete from around the facade and tooth and will at that point light fix the concrete for around 1 moment. Presently the facade is put there for good and will ideally remain there for in any event 10-15 years. The dental specialist will complete the work by emoving the now hard abundance of concrete around the facade and furthermore fix the shape or framework of the facade if there are any issues with those. Also, the exact opposite thing to check is the mandibular developments while having an impediment paper in the middle of the facade and the adversary to check with the goal that the facade isn't excessiv ely long, however assuming this is the case, at that point to somewhat utilize the drill to change the facade to a superior occlusal fit. Rundown Porcelain facade reclamations require close tender loving care from start to finish. It is frequently imperative to go gradually when working with these cases. Patients getting them have elevated standards that go past contemplations of capacity alone. Yet in addition a decent oral cleanliness of the patient is fundamental so as to boost the life expectancy of the facade, which is around 10-15 years. Achievement is the consequence of cautious determination of teeth to get facade; getting ready teeth in a way that enhances the stylish capability of the facade; utilizing strategies that boost the quality of both the facade and its glue attach to the tooth; using top notch temporary facade; demanding an exactness fit; and focusing on the subtleties of glue holding conventions.
Essay Samples in Engineering School
Essay Samples in Engineering SchoolAn engineering school is one that prepares students for a career in the fields of engineering, science, and technology. A bachelor's degree in any of these areas is usually required to enter this field. In addition, some schools will also require a graduate degree in order to practice engineering.The admission requirements for the college students' acceptance are varied. Because each school and program are different, the admission requirements are too. However, some of the common admission requirements include essay samples from admissions essays, applications, and transcripts.Most of the essays are based on business application samples, used to determine whether a student can make a good business person. Applicants are then asked to create several business examples. The essay examples, which include mock up examples of operations, are used by the admissions office to determine if the applicant can manage their own businesses.The essays can also con tain questions about academic skills and test taking abilities, which are used by colleges to determine if they are a good fit for the college's program. The applicant should answer each question with accurate facts and information, as well as the expected answers. In addition, they are tested for personality traits, so those who don't have good reading and writing skills will be easily passed over.A personal essay is another form of admissions. These are a series of paragraphs about the applicant that are based on their life experience and personal character. The details include information such as what the applicant has done to help others, or how they can help the college.Although the essays can be used in all levels of admissions, an admissions essay sample is generally found in the first year of college. This is because essay samples are usually the result of research done on an applicant. This allows a college to find out which parts of an applicant's life style and personalit y are likely to make them a good fit for the college.Application essays, which are basically the basis for acceptance of an application, are not considered admissions essays. Therefore, these should not be used in addition to admissions essay samples. They should instead be used as a means of evaluating applicants for admission to the engineering school.At every college students are allowed to write a thesis statement. This is used as an admission letter of sorts, in which the student explains why they want to attend the college. Some students do not do this because they believe that their personal essays can be more important than an application essay, but it is still used in admissions.
Friday, June 26, 2020
Richard Revenge and Empathy - Literature Essay Samples
It is not uncommon to observe individuals that seek the validation their psyche demands from external sources in order to achieve their personal desires. More often than not, it is this undeterred resilience to achieve that seeks to confiscate empathy. Feeding resiliency with empathy, in this way, creates an aspect of control that flawed individuals hoard internally, protecting it with lies and manipulation in order to seek revenge from those that they originally sought empathy from in the first place. Exampled in William Shakespeares Richard III, [empathy] provides the pleasure particular to desire, for it is seen that Richard himself is guilty of attaining his resiliency through the empathy he manipulates out of his victims such as Lady Anne (by way of romancing), and Queen Margaret (by way of repent). In this running theme, Richards own revenge lastly attacks his own lack of self-empathy, by way of self-destruction. Demonstrated in Richard III, the eponymous character reveals that his use of manipulation, displayed in various attempts to seek empathy for his disadvantaged condition and status, is a means of securing revenge and resiliency in society. In order to gain security as a respected figure of importance, Richard of Gloucester resorts to manipulation, by way of romancing, in order to gain empathy and control of Anne. Richard’s strategy is to impress and woo Anne in order to ascertain a degree of status and overcome the perception that he is an â€Å"elvish-aborted, rooting hog†in Anne’s opinion. This romancing is pivotal to Richard’s conquest to be well-liked a pursuit that has, in his life, been an unsuccessful aptitude as a consequence of his deformed figure. Anne previously had been unsympathetic to his condition due to his violent nature and cause of her husband’s death; yet in winning her affections, Richard adversely gains revenge, as well as the determination to triumph. Richard pleads for forgiveness from Anne and testifies that he is remorseful for being her husband’s killer. This strategy, along with the eventual romancing, results from Richard’s lack of gentilit y and empathy given to him from others. In this same way, Richard will give these same qualities of gentility and empathy to Anne, yet in the end, will punish her for her inability to reciprocate these emotions. His ultimate ploy to bring about the demise of his critics is rooted in his belief that his victims have cause to be destroyed because of their lack of empathy towards his deformity. Therefore, Richard believes that he is the only person suitable for the title of King, propelling him to use Anne as a catalyst to build his resilience and gain the empathy, and Crown, that he believes he deserves. In ploy to gain empathy, security, and revenge, Richard’s resilience then determines that his next move of manipulation will be repent – for in this way, he will thus gain the sympathy of Queen Margaret before he brings about her demise. Queen Margaret, Richard’s own mother, feels no empathy towards her son, a tribute to which Richard regards as cause for his intent to harm her in revenge of her indifference. As he soldiers on in his journey for the goal of revenge and title, Richard deems that Queen Margaret’s commiseration will be crucial evidence to support the new empathy that he wishes to achieve. Given their relationship, a mother’s own approval and empathy will enlighten Richard’s derogatory, repulsive exterior that currently grants him no promise of future and success. Thus, his repent and apology for his past evil-spirited character rooted in the cause of his deformity, he argues – is his attempt to ascertain the determinatio n that will conclusively lead him to the throne. Still, Queen Margaret is unconvinced and apathetic towards Richard’s apology for being â€Å"so far in blood that sin will pluck on sin.†. Yet, others overhearing his atonement such as Buckingham and Catesby, seem to now behold the empathy of Gloucester’s situation. Now seeing his misfortune and promise of goodness, Richard’s newfound followers and sympathizers promote Richard’s resilience in his ultimate, herculean desires, unknowing of his intent to murder them all for their previous ways. Hence, Richard’s succession in his determination to endure lies in his ability to gain empathy from others, which in this case, he gathers through the feigned apologies creates with calculated and manipulative forces. In Richard’s final, climactic attempt to gain empathy, resiliency, and affirmation in his vicious, selfish actions, he comes to terms with his own desolate figure and conscience. Gloucester, now King Richard, realizes his sins. He conclusively learns that his resilience, having guaranteed himself the throne, now has brought on his own doom. Having murdered all of his family, followers, and everyone whose empathy he had gained, Richard now realizes there is no one left to feel sorry for his now worsened state. Loathing is now Richard’s only attempt for empathy. Richard’s inner empathy is now destroyed and deranged due to his murderous manipulations that derive from his disadvantageous short-comings. Richard, now realizing that â€Å"[he] is the villain†has little to no resilience to carry on. He has no one, not even himself, to provide empathy, gentility, and comfort. Thus, in the theme of manipulation and revenge as a catalyst for resilience and empathy, Richard’s loathing transforms into self-sabotage in order to gain the revenge he seeks on himself. His own self-destruction results as a form of coping and self-punishment, crippling his resiliency altogether. Thus, deprived of empathy and resiliency, King Richard is now a shell of a human being to match his ugly, deformed exterior. It is this loss of empathy and resiliency that results from his manipulative revenge of self that all began to compensate for a birth-defect he did not choose to inherit. The seeking of empathy to feed resiliency, through means of manipulation, is derived as Richards need for revenge overbears his deformity, as is revealed in Shakespeares Richard III. Queen Margaret and Lady Anne were manipulated by Richard with repent and romancing in a time where he believed revenge was needed to make up for the lack of empathy regarding his abnormality. In the end, the eponymous characters tragic flaw is his own lack of self-empathy, which destroys his resilience in order to achieve the comeuppance he deems he deserves. Ultimately, it is an individuals accumulation of empathetic followers, gained by manipulation, that feeds ones resiliency to succeed in revenge and ambitions. It can only be assured that such evil forces must only originate in an individual who is incapable of living without some form of deeply-flawed validation.
Monday, May 25, 2020
What Did The Lord Made - 3169 Words
Something the Lord Made It only takes a thought to inspire someone to think that the impossible can be done. That is exactly what happened in Something the Lord Made. Dr. Blalock and Dr. Thomas did what they had always been told could never be done. Dr. Blalock had the thought and Dr. Thomas had the drive and self-motivation to prove that the impossible was possible. If it had not been for Dr. Blalock and Dr. Thomas millions of people would have continued to die due to cardiac problems. Since the time of their first successful operation to now, the world of cardiac treatment and procedures has evolved and now saves millions of peoples’ lives each year. When it comes to new medical treatment it only takes one person, (or a few people), to believe or have curiosity to explore new ideas that can lead to life saving/improving treatments and/or devices. Once a new technique is discovered to work, over time that once â€Å"new technique†seems to evolve and more and more â€Å"new techniques †spawn off of that one single idea leading to amazing things. The new technique that Dr. Blalock and Dr. Thomas used would definitely have an effect on the length of stay and the reimbursement amount. Before Dr. Blalock’s work the â€Å"blue babies†were hospitalized until they passed away. It could take six months to a year before the babies passed away. Obviously the length of stay and the reimbursement amount would have been extremely high before this new procedure came out. After Dr.Show MoreRelatedLego Movie Analysis787 Words  | 4 PagesHarvarinder Sidhu CHV-2O0-D Ms.Bains November 29th, 2017 Lego Movie Leadership Styles Lord business is the complete opposite of President Business. Lord Business is a very evil and selfish leader. Lord Business wants to take over the world himself and the leadership style he portrays is Dictatorship. 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Though he intended to buy it on behalf of himself and P, A contracted in his own name and did not disclose the agency to T. The next day P ratified the purchase at the unauthorized price but, in due course, P and A failed to take delivery. It was held by the House of Lords that P was not bound by any contract with T. It is unclear what the position would be if A said he was acting as an agent but did not disclose his principal. Where, however, the agent has purported to act for a principal whileRead MoreJeremiahs Sermon On The World Of Judah1646 Words  | 7 Pagesa prophet before he was born. Jeremiah did not believe that he was capable to be a spokesman for the Lord because of his age, but God equipped and strengthened him. Jeremiah’s message was from God and he did not need to fear the people because the Lord gave Jeremiah the authority. Jerem iah’s calling was confirmed by two visions that God gave to him. At the age of 20 years old, in 626 B.C. 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The book was also used for the constant mention of what the Lord our God has truly done for them. The name of the book has the meaning of â€Å" Second Law†. This means the Moses has to reiterate to the Israelites a second time as he was the messenger. In the bookRead MoreThe God Of The Pharaoh Of Egypt1373 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt†I am just one man, a prophet Lord, how are my to tell the pharaoh of Egypt to let your people go. God replied that, â€Å"I will be with you. 2. This is the objection Moses raised. â€Å"Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them†God replied that, â€Å"I am who I am. God said he should let the Israelites that know I
Monday, May 18, 2020
International Students At Georgia Military College (Gmc)
International students at Georgia Military College (GMC) face a number of problems and challenges unique to their circumstances. These problems and challenges, namely language, financial and cultural barriers, are specific to the experience of international students, and compound the stresses and difficulties that they already cope with just by virtue of being college students. Without a specific study abroad program or supportive resources to aid international students, these barriers can be overwhelming. Language is the most important barrier to adjusting to college life as an international student, followed by financial difficulties, and, lastly, difficulty adapting to the dominant culture. International students at GMC face many, if†¦show more content†¦Lack of language facility tends to cause international students to become more silent and reticent. According to the descriptions of Vi Lieu, an international student from Vietnam, â€Å"Although she started to learn En glish when she was younger like most other Vietnamese, the way English is taught in her country emphasizes more on the written form than the spoken form. English is taught mostly through the traditional grammar-translation method†(Lieu). Although some international students have to take English courses before they move forward to their career programs, they still cannot use English as a native speaker. Besides listening and speaking problems, writing is also difficult. I personally find it difficult to write. No matter how long it takes me to write a paper I always end up with grammar, punctuation and spelling errors. Although international students may have support from their professors and have access to tutors or other faculty staff at the school, they usually have problems with writing or using appropriate citation on papers. This issue can sometimes cause problems in their academics. Students may try to improve their English in an appropriate way, such as through using school resources, or by hanging out and living together with other American students instead of people from their own or other countries. However, they always encounter some barriers. Financial challenges Although all students at GMC, whether
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Marketing Marketing Across Boundaries - 1369 Words
ASSIGNMENT NUMBER; 1 MODULE CODE; BU 7752 MODULE TITLE; Marketing Across Boundaries TUTOR NAME; TERRY SMITH, SET 1 STUDENT NUMBER; 1426418 INTRODUCTION No establishment is self-reliant; it is rooted in an environment containing different components. So every manager should devote time to understand the effect of these components on their organisation (Czinkota Kotabe). Therefore there should be proper marketing planning, to analyse what is happening in the market. Taking into consideration, an MNC, Nestle, it is one of the multinational companies which have numerous small companies running under it. The company always focused on the needs and demands of their customers which helped them to expand their goodwill (Nestle, 2014).Different marketing tools can be used to weigh up a company’s aggressive marketing environment. In this assignment we use 3 tools to evaluate nestles competitive environment. 1) Porters Five Force Model Porter’s Five Forces Model is a vital tool to expand business policies and to examine the industrial inflections. Five factors in connection to nestle will be discussed to emphasize the magnetism and efficiency of the market (kasi august 9th 2012). Threat of New Entrants Every company would face a threat of new entrants if the market is very attractive. But it becomes extremely difficult for a novel company to enter into a market which is limited to a few resources. Even though Nestle has consummated a strong market image, thereShow MoreRelatedInternational Marketing Across The National Boundaries Essay1757 Words  | 8 PagesIn global marketing, the marketing across the national boundaries lies between the potential complexities of international marketing which precisely defines what is involved in it. On the other hand the orders received from other national boundaries are responded by the independent broker too. The company is also involved in the transaction of selling its products and services to the broker with some efforts put in along with the considerations and long term commitment. Majorly it involves the resourcesRead MoreDifferent Levels Of Market Involvement And Modes Of Entry Essay1251 Words  | 6 PagesDifferent levels of market involvement and modes of entry. In global marketing, the marketing across the national boundaries lies between the potential complexities of international marketing which precisely defines what is involved in it. On the other hand the orders received from other national boundaries are responded by the independent broker too. The company is also involved in the transaction of selling its products and services to the broker with some efforts put in along with the considerationsRead MoreWhat is Boundary Spanning? Essay969 Words  | 4 PagesBoundary spanning is a business term where it means the efforts by an organization to establish connections both within and outside the organization.Boundary spanning is vital to the effectiveness of cross functional teams and change management initiatives because as we work with others,two elements are key to success.The ability to establish and maintain healthy relationship with others as well as the skill to tackle disordered data and potentially a high degree of ambiguity in order to meet objectivesRead MoreMarketing Strategies And Global Logistics Under Globalisation Essay1056 Words  | 5 PagesIn the article, â€Å"Marketing Strategies and Global Logistics Under Globalisation,†the author Dr. Khalil Alkanaani discusses the global logistics and marketing strategies under globalisation, in which companies must take the necessary steps to overcome the risk that are associated with foreign markets, as well as, restrictions and policies. The key to understanding the essence of globalisation is found in the reasons why commodity flows and divisions of production occur. Which is highly important sinceRead MoreAnalysis of the Pros and Cons of Globalization1212 Words  | 5 PagesGlobalization Introduction The continued accelerating pace of change in globalization is forcing an entirely new level of emphasis on individualized, highly targeted marketing across the many regions and countries of the world. Global marketing today must contend with a wider array of constraints, both economic and cultural, that as ever been the case in the past (Gupta, 2003). These constraints fuel a high level of creativity and focus on how to overcome cultural and economic constraints throughRead MoreMarketing Across Culture Success or Dilemma1130 Words  | 5 PagesTable of contents Marketing across culture: 3 Reasons of this dilemma 3 Proposed solution: 5 Pluralism: 6 Cultural analysis before marketing: 6 Change management strategy: 7 Marketing across culture: Marketing across culture is one of the biggest issues which multinational companies have been confronting nowadays. Since marketing is an important factor for the propagation of a particular product or company, marketing plan should also be effective simultaneously. Every organizationRead MoreThe Type Of International Strategy1189 Words  | 5 PagesTYPE OF INTERNATIONAL STRATEGY International strategy has been used by Volkswagen and Suzuki, which involved autonomous subsidiaries. International strategy can be considered an ethnocentric strategy which is characterized by the application of the marketing strategy of the home country to all foreign markets without adaption to local environment (Morschett, Schramm-Klein, Zentes, 2011). They used the multinational type of strategy, which focused on the local responsiveness. Subsidiaries operated onRead MoreThe Tools And Skills Used By Managers Functioning815 Words  | 4 Pagescertain skillsets in order to be successful. This paper will draw from the text of Carpenter, Taylor, and Erdogan (2009) as well as the work of Griffith and Hoppner (2013) on marketing management of global businesses to highlight the expertise required to motivate and lead a team across all cultural and language boundaries. By using the expanding options available to management today, leaders in global business can solicit the best, hig hest quality results from their teams. MANAGEMENT IN THE GLOBALIZATIONRead MoreStrategic Integration Of Marketing Communication1166 Words  | 5 Pagesimportance of intensive marketing communication to convince target customers of the benefits of desired purchase actions, so as to boost sales. Advertisement is no longer enough for this purpose. Firms now strive for a strategic integration of diverse promotional tools and techniques to strengthen the communication impact, giving rise to the concept of integrated marketing communication (IMC) and the communication mix in the marketing field. This essay focuses merely on interactive marketing, a rising elementRead MoreMatrix Analysis : Matrix Management Essay1135 Words  | 5 Pageswhat is a Matrix? A matrix structure describes when we have more than one formal reporting line Matrix management describes where we are managing horizontally across the traditional, ‘Vertical silos’ of functions, geography and organizational boundaries. It can include managing external stakeholders, multifunctional and virtual teams. Thus, in this structure the employment from different departments of the organization temporarily work together. In the matrix structure, there is no particular
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee - 1484 Words
Imagine a hole that radiates gifts every time you visit it. Now picture that being stuffed with such force, that your gifts seem like they don’t exist anymore. In the late Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird, a child named Jem Finch always peeked his head inside a tree on the street right across him. He found the tree always being filled with goodies, filling his heart with pleasure, but later filled with cement, ultimately filling Jem’s open heart with pain. Scout Finch, Jem’s sister grew up feeling both the pain and the pleasure through violence. She always fought her classmates, out of rage, but later changed to a more stable being, to her pleasure. Dill, a friend of the Finch family ran away from his home in Meridian because of†¦show more content†¦The frustration expressed by these actions displayed a pain that he had felt before, which has a deep effect on his own childhood ever since. The box was meant to be a gift, something to tell h im â€Å"it was alright†(Lee 148-149, but Jem knew it wasn’t. He knew he lost someone dear to him, and the box in the flames represent his own heart, an object surrounded by the flame of pain. Scout on the other hand, experienced pain through another person. Aunt Alexandra, a relative of Scout has been babysitting her for the past week, but is already forcing Scout to be the girl Alexandra wants. â€Å"Stop scratching your head†(Lee 168). â€Å"Yessum, and she promised me I could come to her house some afternoon†¦ You may not†¦ I said, â€Å"I didn’t ask you!†(Lee 181). She is trying to change Scout to the typical South girl ways, but Scout, not being used to what Alexandra does, defies her rule and decided to talk back, in front of her father. Experiencing the pain of no mom already pains Scout, and having another woman try to make her a different person as if they are her own mother pains Scout. Finally, Dill Harris experiences pain through the absence of recognition by his family. Dill, being ignored by others forced him to run away because he has no one to look up to, no one to rely on. â€Å"Nothin ‘, just sittin’ and readin’- but they didn’t want me with ‘ em†(Lee, 190). From Dill’s perspective, his own mother does not even want him in the house anymore. Dill had to feel the pain of
Still I Rise - 1036 Words
Still I rise Favorite Poem Essay Maya Angelou’s poem Still I Rise is an astonishing piece of art. The reason I chose this poem is because it’s not only a poem, it’s a story. The poem is about Maya Angelou’s beliefs being a women of color about discrimination. It’s not just her personal story but a universal experience for those with an African American background. Throughout the poem, Maya Angelou uses many poetic devices to give us more in-depth meaning behind what is in the poem. These poetic devices help her poem flow, create emotion, and makes the read more interesting. The poetic devices Maya Angelou focused on throughout her poem are repetition, rhyme, metaphor, and symbols. These poetic devices work together to create an overall†¦show more content†¦This change in rhyme scheme brings attention to the words that are being used. The two lines used are â€Å"Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave†(Angelou 39-40). The rhyme here brings attention to not just the two words, but the sentences before them. She is telling her readers that she is bringing hope and positivity to her fellow African Americans. Her perspective of rising above the classifications determined by others influences the others to do the same. The rhyme of the words bring great attention to them and the sentences. Rhyme is an effective poetic device used to focus readers on important messages throughout a poem and Maya Angelou successfully accomplished this. A third poetic devices the author uses properly within her poem are metaphors. In the poem, Maya writes â€Å"Im a black ocean, leaping and wide†(Angelou 33). The comparison of Maya to a black ocean, leaping and wide, indicates that she is deep, meaningful, giving off a sense of fear and evil. This is how she describes herself and her race because that’s how other races make her feel. The â€Å"black ocean†symbolizes the cruelty that has been brought on to her and all African Americans throughout the years. Having this metaphor helps the reader want to get a deeper meaning of just the words. The metaphor adds flavor to the stanza, creating the reader to be more interested. These words encourage the audience to use theirShow MoreRelatedStill I Rise1705 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Still I Rise†Poem Analysis â€Å"Still I Rise†was written by Maya Angelou, who is an African-American poet. A majority of her poems are written on slavery and life as a African- American woman. â€Å"Still I Rise†is one of the many well known. She discusses how she is treated differently and refers to her ancestry and relates to events they went through during the time of slavery and the events she continues to go through during her time period of life. â€Å"This poem has been an inspiration to peopleRead MoreStill I Rise - Analysis639 Words  | 3 PagesStill I Rise by Maya Angelou is a very moving ballad poem, and has a positive and strong tone throughout it. The main theme of this poem is discrimination. It portrays a strong woman living with confidence and a positive attitude. The reason why I chose to write my essay on Still I Rise is because it has a very powerful message. Although this poem was written in 1978, I feel as if anyone can relate to it even in this time period. Everybody experiences discrimination at some point in their livesRead MoreStill I Rise By Maya Angelou1078 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Still I Rise†by Maya Angelou is a poem of objection and satisfaction in which Maya states that she will raise regardless of any situation. In her poem, â€Å"Angelou also incorporates anaphora, similes and metaphors throughout the poem to illustrate the resilience of the speaker regardless of what befalls he r†(Bouchard: â€Å"Literary Contexts in Poetry†). Using these methods, the reader is able to visualize the hardships the poet went through. â€Å"Still I Rise†by Maya Angelou offers ambition and inspirationRead MoreStill I Rise By Sandra Cookson1124 Words  | 5 Pagesof â€Å"Still I Rise†is Maya Angelou, a well-known poet, author, and civil rights activist. This poem is about a poet who struggles to meet the social pressure and injustices of her time. Her poetry thus concentrates on two kinds of oppression – both racial oppression, and sexism. Amidst the challenges and adversities, she managed to survive and successfully claims that she will not be broken nor will she be defeated no matter how many times she is brought down by society. In this poem â€Å"Still I Rise†Read MoreAnalysis of the poem Still I Rise1268 Words  | 6 PagesAn Analysis of the poem Still I Rise by Maya Angelou African Americans have been oppressed for centuries. Despite this discrimination, people of this race have fought hard for their freedom and respect. This pursuit of equality is evident inMaya Angelou’s poem, â€Å"Still I Rise†. Angelou integrates numerous literary ideas such as various sounds, poetry forms, and key concepts.The poetic devices incorporated in Maya Angelou’s work, â€Å"Still I Rise†,heightens the overall effectivenessRead MoreStill I Rise By Maya Angelou877 Words  | 4 Pagesthrough social media there will be large amounts of individuals who will bully or even belittle a colored female because of the natural kinks of her hair, her sense of fashion, the full shaped curves of her body, and the color of her skin . The poem â€Å"Still I Rise†by the well-known poet, Maya Angelou, specifically describes the reasons why she had so much confidence; even if she were to be judged by her appearances and mindset. This poem is about emb racing females, but it mainly introduces similar lifeRead MoreMaya Angelou And Still I Rise897 Words  | 4 PagesIn â€Å"The Story of an Hour†and the poem â€Å"Still I Rise†Kate Chopin and Maya Angelou have explored the theme of oppression in a variety of different ways. â€Å"The Story of an Hour†is a short story based around how dramatically things can change within the space of an hour and how this can affect your life in the short period of time. Within the hour Mr Mallard is presumed dead in a railroad disaster, resulting in Mrs Mallard short lived ‘freedom’ after years of being oppressed, before soon learning thatRead MorePoem Analysis : Still I Rise 918 Words  | 4 Pages Poetry Response Essay I would like to start this essay by commenting on a video of a poem we saw in class by Shane Koyczan called â€Å"To This Day†it touched me emotionally and almost made me cry. The poem made me reflect on life, on all the emotional hardships I had to endure in my childhood, and most of my adult life; that the loved ones around me had suffered or suffer the same fate. I realized that people who are discriminated or even hated against tend to attract one another like a herd lookingRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Still I Rise 893 Words  | 4 Pagesthe famous words in the Declaration of Independence â€Å"all men are created equal†( ), we are consistently observing that the fight for human rights and equality still exist today. Although African Americans have experienced and endured countless hardships and setbacks, their spirit proves to be resilient. In the unforgettable poem â€Å"Still I Rise†, written by the literary giant, Maya Angelou, the poem powerfully expresses the plight of the African American people and how we have risen above racism andRead MoreStill I Rise By Maya Angelou Essay1649 Words  | 7 PagesJulie A. McGuire ENGL102 Anne V. Powell June 23, 2015 Still I Rise Maya Angelou’s poem, â€Å"Still I Rise†shows a repetition of strength stanza after stanza. African Americans were faced with the challenges of oppression and slavery. African American women not only as a minority of African American race, but as a female, were faced with all those challenges, along with woman’s rights. It took 55 years after the abolishment of slavery for females to finally have the right to vote, under the 19th amendment
Ways to Prevent Dead Zones free essay sample
Management theory and practice Assignment 1 How the managers differ from non-managerial employees ? In larger organizations, management is often broken down into three levels that is upper management, middle management and lower management. Upper management includes top executives who are highest on the management hierarchy. Middle management includes department managers and division managers, who are the communication link between upper and lower management. Lower management includes first-line managers and supervisors, who are on the bottom of the management hierarchy. In smaller organizations, there is often only one level of management between the non-managerial employees and the organizations leaders. Smaller organizations also generally have fewer managers than larger organizations. Non-managerial employees are placed into categories according to their job functions. In an office environment, non-managerial job titles may range from administrative assistant to payroll specialist to computer technician. For the first question, a manager is different from a non-managerial employee in that they carry a wider range of responsibilities. For example, while a normal employee may only have to serve on a shop floor say, their manager may have to ensure that they are doing their job correctly and make sure that the shop remains fully stocked, perhaps as well as doing the tasks that their employee is required to do. It is for this reason that managers are often paid a higher wage than non-managerial employees, especially so as they often have more experience in the retail area. For the different in the span of control, this is a term that is often used in business, and refers to the number of people that a manager is responsible for. The wider somebodys span of control is, the more employees they are in charge of, and who are accountable to them. This idea also works in the other direction that if somebody has a narrow span of control, then they are not responsible for many employees. This is often the case for bosses who are higher up the hierarchy means that the further up the hierarchy of a business you are, the more responsibility you will have, and so to be in charge of many employees too would be too much to take on. On the other hand, there are also have a different by Organizational structures. For the example, there are many different types of organizational structures, all of which have their different strengths and weaknesses, and choosing the right one for your business can be stressful at first, but will be ultimately worthwhile in the end. By having an organizational structure implemented within your business, you can be extremely confident that things will run smoothly and effectively. This is particularly useful when things do not go the way you expected, as it allows you to get back on track quickly, with less hassle. Besides that the most important things are Managers are the decision makers or delegators. This means that they set the goals and objectives of an organisation and are responsible for the success or failure of a business, therefore regardless of the fact that managers delegate, they take the credit of the achievements and suffer the consequences of the failure all by themselves. For the Non-managerial employees are the delegatees skilled and unskilled labour. They are assigned to perform various tasks and duties and are accountable to their corresponding managers, they do not participate in decisions making and are not liable for the organisation other than their part of the job. In simpler words, the managers make the non-managerial staff do work for them in return of the incentives provided by them, and enjoy the success or suffer the failure on their own account. As a conclusion, we can see that a few different between managers and non-managerial employees in many factor included their responsibilities, position in organisation and many others. So, that is why the explanation about this different is going to be very complicated to ensure all fact can be shown smoothly and easy to understand. Explain the universality of management concept. Does it still hold true in today’s world? Why or why not? Management principles are needed for the efficient and effective operation of organizations, regardless of the level of the manager or the industry in which they operate. In my opinion this is true for today’s organizations now more than ever. The global environment of today ensures that organizations will face staunch competition. Failure and weakness on the part of management ultimately lead to loss of market share and organizational closure. Also, gone are the days when managers could ‘bluff’ their way through their dealings with employees who have become more demanding and aware of their legal rights. The universality of management is an important concept to consider in modern management thought. When describing management as universal, we refer to the widespread practice of management in all types of organizations. Among other things, plans must be outlined, task identified, authority relationship specified, lines of communication established, and leadership exercised. Management, therefore, is required before any organization can expect to be effective. Although management is universal, we should not assume that all managers are the same if for no other reason, differences exist because no two individuals are alike. However, all managers perform broad groups of duties that are similar. These groups of duties are the functions of planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling. Although the responsibilities associated with performing the functions vary among levels of authority, managers at all material resources. Since the management functions must be performed to some degree in order to achieve desired goals, we can say that there is, indeed, a universality of management. The universal nature of management also implies that managerial skills are transferable from one type of organization to another. If this is the case, a manager should expect to experience few problems in moving from one industry to another, from the military to business, from business to government, from education to business, or from one department to another within the same organization. There are certainly persons who have been successful in making such moves. Other, however, have failed. For example, Laurence J. Peter cites numerous cases that show promotions in an organization often accomplish little beyond pointing out the incompetency of those persons who have been promoted. Although proven performance in one management position is no guarantee of success in another, various issues should still be explored. First, managerial success depends on how well managers do their jobs that is, how well they perform the management functions in meeting their responsibilities. Remember that manager is not a narrow technical specialist, but a person who must plan, organize, actuate, and control. Again, this does not overlook the need for technical information in the decision-making process. Technological, social, political, and economic factors must be considered in most decisions. At the same time, managers must recognize the importance of balancing the needs and goals various organizational members. This, in turn, requires an ability to understand the overall nature of an organizations operations. A second factor to consider concerns to need for flexibility when adjusting to a new organizational environment. All organizations have unique differences. Thus, for managers to be successful in moving from one organization to another, they must be capable of adapting to change. As a conclusion, initiative, motivation to achieve, and the courage to accept and overcome setbacks are important personal characteristics. When moving from large to smaller organizations, these latter characteristics appear to be especially critical. Perhaps this is due to the fact that smaller organizations do not have the technical specialists and staff support groups found in their large counterparts. In any event, career movements from small organizations to larger ones seem to present fewer problems. In today environment which is more important to organization – efficiency or effectiveness ? explain your choice In my opinion, I believe that both are equally important for organization success so that i cant say that efficiency is more of important than effectiveness and vice versa. Efficiency is attainment of goals at minimum possible resources where as effectiveness is achievement defined goals regardless of amount resource employed. What the trouble here is that both cant be attained at the same time because the ways we follow to achieve efficiency might affect our effectiveness as long as we follow different strategies to attain them. My opinion is true that effectiveness is more important than efficiency rather, I believe that the secret to a successful organization lies in the blending of efficiency and effectiveness when planning and executing internal and client facing meetings and events. In other words, I believe that both of these components are vital to an organization’s success and that they are best used in tandem. Let me first explain what happens when an organization places disproportionate importance on a solely numerical metric known as efficiency. When efficiency is an organization’s number one priority, the main focus is immediately placed on the and the how of planning an event instead of first addressing the integral why an event is being held. The central functionality gets bypassed altogether, as the event portfolio is immediately labelled as a cost and not as the investment it is. Once an event portfolio is framed within this context, those in charge of planning the meetings and events get bogged down with the responsibility of planning all of the tactics involved tactics which are not necessarily preceded by a strategy. The problem here is that a strategy must always be in place before any tactics can be addressed that is similar to how an electrician would not wire a house before the builder spent the time necessary to physically build it. The beauty of using meetings and events as a business and leadership tool is that they provide a platform for c-level executives to disseminate, collaborate and gather information with and from their valuable stakeholders. This focus on content-effectiveness facilitates the continued development of an organization and its most valuable resource. Meetings and events are all about effectively unleashing people potential and building intellectual capital. This, in turn, leads to increased levels of innova tion, participation and collaboration, as well as improved organizational performance, productivity and profitability. The concepts of efficiency and effectiveness are important for every organisation because they go right to the heart of output and quality. An organisation that is efficient is able to achieve its goals, but there is not necessarily a relationship to quality. Efficiency and effectiveness are applicable to all organisational functions including management or leadership, team building and employee performance, sales, production, innovation, and all internal processes including those in the business office. For example, an efficient accounts payable department pays company bills on time. An effective accounts payable department has a system in place which enables the company to take advantage of discounts for early payment and is able to integrate payment information with purchasing data in order to insure the least cost is incurred at all times. It is accounts payable that often becomes the information source for trending prices. There is another way to look at efficiency and effectiveness. An efficient organisation or process will perform as expected and operates in the short term. An effective organisation asks if the performance meets the mission of the organisation and contributes to long term success and sustainability. An efficient organisation spends the expected amount of money to produce results. An effective organisation measures whether the money spent improved its ability to meet future goals. An efficient organisation can produce immediate results by relying on safety in the words of Maslow. The facts and figures supporting the efficient production of output are safe. The effective organisation looks beyond the facts and figures and builds a quality organisation that is prepared for future growth. An organisation should be both efficient.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Annoying Little Sister free essay sample
As a kid, people always asked me if I wished I would’ve had a sister. Usually, my answer was no, I was fine growing up with three older brothers, I actually enjoyed it. On rare occasions though, I wished I would’ve had a sister. Growing up with three older brothers taught me many important life lessons. I have three older brothers whose names are Michael, Thomas, and Ryan. Michael, who’s 8 years older than me, Thomas, who is 6 years older than me, and Ryan who is only 3 years older. Each of my brothers are extremely different. With that being said, I looked up to each one of them for different things. Michael, for his athletic achievements, Thomas for his academic achievements, and Ryan for his hard work in everything that he did. Growing up, I’m sure I was an easy target to pick on, seeing that they were all older, bigger, and stronger, and also that there were three of them, and one of me. We will write a custom essay sample on The Annoying Little Sister or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Also, I know it probably got extremely annoying having that little sister who followed you around all the time. That was me; and looking back I realize just how annoying I probably was, but my brothers did handle it pretty well. In 1st grade, I had a friend over at my house, and we wanted to play in the basement. Thomas and Ryan disagreed, as they wanted the basement all for themselves. Somehow, after we argued for awhile, my brothers decided the best option was just to get rid of us. They each grabbed one of us and tied us up to chairs in the basement. You might think this is just plain mean, but even back then I found this pretty funny. Another memory that sticks out in my mind happened in fourth grade. It was a school night, and my parents were out to eat. Thomas was downstairs, and I decided to go down and hangout. He didn’t want me down there, and made sure I knew it. But, being the stubborn person that I am, I refused to leave. There was a fly swatter sitting next to him, so he picked it up. He kept on saying â€Å"I’ll hit you with it, I’ll hit you with it.†My response to this was to stick my hand out in front of the fly swatter and say â€Å"You won’t, you won’t.†Well, he did. Whether it was on purpose or not I’m not really sure. My hand split open and I had to go to the ER to get it glued shut. Thomas felt like it was all his fault, but I realize it was mostly mine. It did leave a pretty cool scar, though. Even though these stories may seem bad, there were also many good memories. My brothers may have picked on me, but I’m sure this happens in all families. As we have gotten older, we fight less and less. Usually, my family gets along very well. We don’t fight often, and when we do, we get over it pretty easily. Growing up with three brothers has taught me many life lessons, as I have said. All in all, it has taught me to have a great sense of humor and to have tough skin. My brothers have set great examples for me, and I couldn’t ask for any better ones. Although having a sister would have been nice, I wouldn’t ask for anything else.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Sample Reading Struggles Essay - How to Write One Yourself
Sample Reading Struggles Essay - How to Write One YourselfAny student with a little spare time on their hands can start to write an essay after spending a little time setting a sample reading struggles essay. Students often find this type of writing to be very difficult, but there are certain things that you can do to make this process a lot less difficult.When you start writing your sample reading struggles essay, think about the different themes that will arise during the course of the essay. Since this is the first part of the essay, you want to include some key points and some really important information.Let's start with the most important point in any essay. The main idea of the essay should be about the person who you are writing about. So, when you are writing this part of the essay, consider the person's interests and hobbies so that you can provide a list of topics that he or she is interested in.After reading this important information, let's talk about some other popular topics of students' thoughts. These include grades, school, and other group activities.After writing a little bit about the topic of the reading struggles essay, you may want to look into something else. Maybe you have a good idea for an additional paragraph.Now that you have gone through the basics of writing a sample reading struggles essay, the next thing you should do is determine what you want the readers to get out of your writing. This could be helpful to know before you begin to write the rest of the essay.Begin your writing the next time as well. You may want to start with a little more detail, so that you can get more familiar with the structure of the essay.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
The Old West Has Been Portrayed Truly And Falsely Through Art, Music,
The old west has been portrayed truly and falsely through art, music, and literature from the late 1800's and early 1900's up till this day when illustrated through movies. Artistic expression and communication presented the realities and illusions of the old west, some of which attracted various people there, while keeping others at home. Beginning with art, one of the main painters of these years (1860-1900) was Frederick Remmington. He painted over 2,700 pictures of the frontier. One example is ?Stamped by lighting.? He also painted the Calvary charge on the southern planes. Remmington portrayed the west truthfully. For example, He didn't paint the Indians as savages, but as people. Another artist of this period was Charles Russell. He portrayed the ?bad guy? of the west as a tall, dark colored man with black hair and a black hat. Another artist of this period was Thomas Cole, who specialized in portraying the beauty and grandeur of America. Then there was the two Peale brothers, Raphaelle and Rembrandt, who also did many paintings of the west in their time. The beauty of the west was shown in artistic expression, which was a gravitation for people to go west. In the field of music, many of the musical compositions portrayed the west as a sad lonely place, which was true. ?The Streets of Lorado,? was about a man who died very lonely. ?Oh my Darling Clemintine,? was about how miners lived in the west. ?I' ve Been Working on the Railroad was what it was like to be a railroad worker, which was very hard, and long work. Similar to music, the literature of Mark Twain was about how miserable life in the west was. One piece written by Twain was called ?Roughing it.? Twain's writing is also his place where realism and place of language, memorable characters, and hatred of hypocrisy and oppression find an outlet. Brett Harte wrote ?The outcast of Poker Flat.? (1869) He was best known for his works of local color set in the west. A popular show back then, was Buffalo Bill Cody's Wild West show. All in all, the myths of the west are part of what makes the whole image more interesting. But knowing the difference between the truths and the myths is important. That's why art, music, and literature are so significant.
Monday, March 9, 2020
The Golden Door To America Essays - Demography, Population
The Golden Door To America Essays - Demography, Population The Golden Door To America Writen by Randy j 11/24/00 I wrote this paper for Political Life 1110 Should America Close the Golden Door? America has, is, and will always be a nation of immigrants: the great melting pot. In the years that have passed since Emma Lazarus poem was inscribed on the Statue of Liberty the golden door has seen times when it was open wide and times when it was closed shut to almost all immigrants. Many people tend to look at the present immigration problems as a purely modern dilemma. The truth is America has always struggled with the issue of immigration, both legal and illegal. Changing times however make it imperative that our government re-examine and adjust todays immigration laws to todays standards. Those standards however are not easily defined. All too often the issue of immigration is used as a political tool or is lost in heated moral debates. In any discussion about immigration you will have those who claim it is good for our nation and those who claim it is ruining the nation. More often than not the bottom line in any debate of this sort is m oney; will more or less immigration mean more or less money for those already in America. The moral debates come down to a question of who we are as a nation and how we want the rest of the world to perceive Americans. If this great country was forged and built by immigrants passing through the golden door , then how can this same country turn away new immigrants. The inscription on the Statue of Liberty invites all to enter, yet not all are allowed to enter. Immigration has become a selective process with many gray areas. Now Americans are faced with a new dilemma; the nation must decide not whether it is willing to accept new immigrants, but whether it can afford new immigrants. All new immigrant, both legal and illegal must be considered in this equation. Congress can attempt to ease the burden of legal immigration by passing restrictive laws and only allowing in those who they believe will become self-sufficient. Congress must also find a way to slow the flow of illegal immigrat ion by enforcing the laws already in place. What this paper will attempt to do is bring the immigration issue into perspective. America most certainly has immigration problems but they will not be fixed by eliminating immigration all together. In fact, America will never totally eliminate immigration, because no matter how tightly the door is closed some illegal immigrants will get through. As long as America continues to be seen as a nation of prosperity, opportunity, and freedom there will be those who wish to come to America. Immigrants have always come to America looking for a better life and Americans are always forgetting that their forefathers were once looking for that same life. As a nation there must be a decision on whether immigration is an issue of conscience or economics. History of Immigration Laws Though most Americans see immigration as a modern problem it has been heavily debated since the 19th century. Throughout most of Americas history immigration was seen as a natural process that benefited the nation (Divine 2). Until the 1890s there were no clearly defined policies on immigration. During this time the country started questioning the economic benefits of more immigrants, so things have note changed in that respect. In May 1921, the first bill in American history restricted European immigration and created the quota system (Divine 5). This turn toward restriction could be justified by the downward turn in the economy. Who could argue for more immigrants when the nations own citizens couldnt find work. The slowing economy and the spirit of intense nationalism in the United States at this time made immigration a hot topic (Divine 23). After the depression hit everyone was in agreement that there was a need to limit immigration, of course the extent of those limits were not easily agreed upon (Divine 77). World War II brought with it a new set of immigrants, and eventually the passing of the Displaced Persons Act of 1947. This allowed immigr ants, displaced by the war to enter
Friday, February 21, 2020
Despite most currencies being convertible why does countertrade Essay
Despite most currencies being convertible why does countertrade persist, illustrate your answer with examples of different types of countertrade - Essay Example Since its manifestation in East-West trade in the midst of 1970, countertrade has increased and widened geographically to the entire world – the number of dealings actually increasing year-by-year. As well as the worldwide development, the formats of countertrade have also stepped forward to have room for the incompatible financial – despite considering this in mind that all currencies is now being convertible – needs and repayment capabilities of selling groups (Francis, Dick, 1987). Therefore, means of payment have incorporated relocations of varied assets with monetary worth for example the deliverances of substantial products (e.g., utensils, goods); services (transport, building); insolvency of lien equipment (debt paper); and equity contributions (Francis, Dick, 1987). The arrangements of countertrade may serve up periodically; readily available currencies, advertising, or public policy are the major objectives of trading parties and their governments. The custom is virtually always influenced by some form of government study or interference, and is ever more a reality of doing business with agencies that are buying when the noteworthy dollar value national procurements are involved (Francis, Dick, 1987). Countertrading is also eminent as a means of financing in global trade. For those underdeveloped or developing nations that have deficiencies of hard currencies or whose national currencies are not exchangeable to other sorts of foreign country exchange, countertrading offers a solid way of financing imports (Paun, Dorothy A, January 1997, 41 50). By selling their import goods to various corporations in developed nations, developing nations also profit by discovering new export marketplaces. Those dealers in developed nations who are ready to countertrade have established that it heighten their businesses. By being flexible in the sort of currency or payment they are going to be given, corporations that
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Operations Decision Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Operations Decision - Assignment Example le is very common with those people with high incomes; that is, those who can afford to use microwaves as a substitute to the traditional cooking methods. Since the use of microwaves has become so popular, microwavable food products have become popular too. Some of the leading brands in microwavable low calorie foods, which will be analyzed in this paper, include Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice. Lean Cuisine, which belongs to Nestle, was formed in 1998, and it is currently being sold in Canada, US, and Australia. On the other hand, Healthy Choice is a leading low calorie food brand, which gives Lean Cuisine a run for its money. The brand is owned by ConAgra Foods, and its idea was generated in order to offer a line of healthier frozen foods in 1985 (Gregson 25).     There are several factors that determine the effectiveness of low-calorie microwavable food industry’s market structure. The first one is the number of buyers and sellers. If there are few sellers of the commodities in the market, then the firms will have an ability to influence price of the commodities, but if the sellers are many, then they will lose the ability to have a great control over the prices. The second determinant is the nature of the commodity. In this case, if the microwavable food products produced by different suppliers are homogenous, then all the suppliers will be forced to sell it at the same price. However, if the food products are differentiated, then different producers may have different prices. Unfortunately, food products do not lack close substitutes, and hence the producers may not be able to charge higher prices on such a basis. Third, if there would be no restriction of entry and exit of firms, then it would be most suitable if prices are stabilized. On the other hand, if there is no freedom of entry and exit of firms, then the threat of competition will be minimal, hence the existing firms can practice a control over their prices. Fourth, knowledge of the
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Role of the Midwife in Care Interventions
Role of the Midwife in Care Interventions Title: Discuss the following statement in relation to birth. Midwifery expertise is as much about knowing when not to interfere in the physiological process of pregnancy and birth as it is about recognising when and how to intervene in a way that will facilitate and enhance the womans ability to give birth. Essay Women have been giving birth throughout the ages. On the one hand this can be regarded as a normal physiological process which has evolved over the millennia to be a successful method of perpetuating the species and like most evolutionary honed processes, is likely to work well most of the time. On the other hand, as any experienced clinician knows well, any physiological process has the ability to malfunction. A large proportion of professional medical care in any field of medicine is to be able to recognise the normal variations and differentiate them from the abnormal. As a general rule it is only the abnormal that requires treatment or intervention. (Hunt T 1994) Hippocrates is reputed to have said that it is the first rule for a physician that â€Å"one should do no harm†. (Carrick P 2000). In a modern context, this often means â€Å"leave the normal alone†as the ability to produce iatrogenic complications is well known. (Halpern S D 2005) If we restrict ourselves to the consideration of the field of midwifery, the preceding statement can be well illustrated in the writings of Dr Ignaz Semmelweis who was horrified by the levels of puerperal fever that was killing nearly 40% of the pregnant women on his wards. (Semmelweis I P. 1861). Although he discovered the concept of asepsis from his observations, we note that on a simple level, the vast majority of the morbidity and mortality in this case was caused directly by the intervention of the healthcare professionals in what were otherwise normal pregnancies. On a matter of more immediate concern we can consider the issues relating to stress incontinence as being an excellent illustrative example of how midwives can elect to intervene during pregnancy and the birth process in order to facilitate not only the birth process but the whole area of potential morbidity surrounding maternity in general. Pregnancy itself is an independent variable risk factor for stress incontinence (Rortveit et al 2003). Although the midwife is not generally involved in the very early stages of pregnancy, there is good evidence that prenatal involvement in terms of preparation of the woman for the process of childbirth will reduce the incidence of stress incontinence post partum. (Reilly E T C et al. 2002). Instruction in the practice of antenatal pelvic floor exercises has been shown to reduce both the incidence and severity of pelvic floor damage during parturition (Salvesen et al. 2004) At the time of the delivery the midwife can make a number of interventions which will help to reduce the eventual morbidity including having the knowledge that a large birth weight baby is more likely to produce pelvic floor damage and will therefore be more likely to consider doing a prophylactic episiotomy to minimise the potential for pelvic floor damage. Equally, in the time prior to the actual delivery, her intervention to establish the lie and orientation of the baby will help to prevent malpresentations and the associated possibility of instrumentally assisted deliveries with the attendant possibility of resulting morbidity.(Norton C. 1996) Part of the acquisition of professional skill during training is to gain the knowledge which allows the ability not to intervene if the pregnancy and delivery are proceeding smoothly. Unnecessary intervention also has a more subtle downside in that it encourages dependence by the mother on the midwife. On an ethical dimension one can argue that this unnecessary dependence erodes the patient’s autonomy. (Coulter A. 2002). During pregnancy and birth, many women will find it all to easy to be subsumed by the medicalisation of the birth process. The professional midwife should be aware of this phenomenon and try to reduce its effect as far as possible. For many women, the midwife becomes the foremost trusted healthcare professional for the majority of her pregnancy and is the first point of contact with the medical establishment. The woman implicitly comes to trust the midwife’s professional status and believes that the midwife will do what is necessary but not what is unnecessary. The midwife’s professional status is therefore based ultimately on this premise, and a sound professional judgement based on a firm evidence base, is central to her abi lity to produce benefit when she decides that intervention is necessary. (Paine L L et al. 1999). An area where non-intervention is actively practiced is during the third stage of labour where the experienced midwife will observe and allow the fundus to contract rather than immediately intervene to deliver the placenta. There is a delicate line to be drawn between actively delivering the placenta too soon and thereby increasing the risk of uterine haemorrhage or uterine inversion, and not intervening at all and allowing the placenta to become entrapped in the contracting uterus with the implications of having to do a manual removal of the placenta possibly under a general anaesthetic. (Romero R et al. 1999). In conclusion we can consider that the role of the midwife is primarily to assist the pregnant woman through her pregnancy, her delivery and in the immediate post partum period. As we observed at the beginning of this essay, it is quite possible to intervene at virtually every stage of this process, but we would suggest that it is inherent within the role of the professional midwife that she should be able to draw a distinction between those occasions where intervention is mandatory, those when intervention is prudent and those occasions where it is perfectly appropriate to do nothing. References Carrick P (2000) Medical Ethics in the Ancient World. Georgetown University press 2000 ISBN: 0878408495 Coulter A. (2002) The autonomous patient. London : The Nuffield Trust, 2002. Halpern S D (2005) Towards evidence based bioethics. BMJ, Oct 2005 ; 331 : 901 903 Hunt T (1994) Ethical issues in Nursing. London : Routledge 1994 Norton C. (1996) Commissioning comprehensive continence services, Guidance for purchasers. London : Continence Foundation, 1996. Paine L L, J M Lang, D M Strobino, T R Johnson, J F DeJoseph, E R Declercq, D R Gagnon, A Scupholme and A Ross (1999) Characteristics of nurse-midwife patients and visits, American Journal of Public Health, Vol. 89, Issue 6 906 909, Reilly E T C, Freeman R M, Waterfield M R, Waterfield A E, Steggles P, Pedlar F. (2002) Prevention of postpartum stress incontinence in primigravidae with increased bladder neck mobility: a randomised controlled trial of antenatal pelvic floor exercises. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 2002 ;109 : 68 76. Romero R, Y C Hsu, A P Athanassiadis, Z Hagay, et al. (1999) Preterm delivery : a risk factor for retained placenta. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 1999 Rortveit G, Daltveit A K, Hannestad Y S, Hunskaar S. (2003) Urinary incontinence after vaginal delivery or cesarean section. N Engl J Med 2003 ; 348 : 900 – 907. Ryan G L , Quinn T J ,. Syrop C H , Hansen W F, (2002) Placenta Accreta Postpartum Obstetrics Gynecology 2002 ; 100 : 1069 1072 Salvesen, Kjell, Mà ¸rkved, Siv (2004) Randomised controlled trial of pelvic floor muscle training during pregnancy. BMJ Volume 329 (7462)14 August 2004pp 378 380 Semmelweis IP. (1861) Die aetiologie, der begriff und die prophylaxis des kindbettfiebers. Pest, Wien und Leipzig : CA Hartlebens Verlags-Expedition 1861.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Ancient Civilizations Essay example -- essays research papers
#1 Â Â Â Â Â A pattern that was common among the ancient civilizations of China, Rome, Greece, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and India was that most of them started as a dictatorship, a monarchy, or a dynasty. Eventually, most of them changed to a democracy, republic, or to class systems. Almost all of the civilizations had one or two great leaders. For example, Egypt had King Tut, Greece had Alexander the Great and Rome had Julius Caesar. Â Â Â Â Â China has had many different leaders through the years. Dynasties, or a series of rulers from the same decent, ruled this government. Some of the most powerful dynasties were the Shang, Zhou, and Qin. These dynasties and many others ruled from the times of 1500 BC to 1900 AD. The dynasty that lasted the longest was the Zhou Dynasty. It lasted from 1122 BC through 256 BC. The Qin Dynasty had one of the strongest central governments, but only lasted fourteen years. The most peaceful time was when the Han Dynasty ruled. Â Â Â Â Â Another ancient civilization was the Romans. They started out as a monarchy government by having one ruler. Eventually an idea of republicanism overthrew the monarchy. The Romans thought that this would keep any one person from gaining too much power. The most powerful governing body was the senate. The senators elected two consuls each year. The consul’s jobs were to supervise the business of government and command the armies. They could only se...
Sunday, January 12, 2020
In class essay about play Antigone Essay
Creon, the king of Thebes, is one of the major characters. The author utilized several characters/ foils in order to build up the king’s image, the pride, cruel, stubborn and superior ruler. Through those conflicts, arguments and persuations, the king’s figure was gradually set up and was foreshadowing the tragic ending of his own life. The conflict between Antigone and Creon in the play is very outstanding and intense. Creon commanded that Eteocles would be buried in formal way, meanwhile, Creon also made laws to prevent people from burying Polynices. Let his corpse rot and be eaten by animals. Antigone buried the body without any hesitation that she was violating the laws. Because Antigone believed there is nothing can be superior to the gods, the gods would agree with her action. She argued that Creon, a mere mortal, did not have the power to override the gods, which enraged Creon. The things Antigone believed utterly subverted Creon’s value. In contrast, Creon thought the king’s power overtopped any other thing, all the laws he made should be obeyed no matter they were right or wrong. He also believed once the king made the decision, there is no way that the king was about to make mistake. Nobody should doubt the power of the king. Compare to Antigone, Creon was too pride of being a king, he wallowed in dominant power, forgot and betrayed the traditions of gods. The closed bonding between Antigone and Polynices also urged Antigone to decide to bury his body. Antigone said, once father, mother and brothers passed away, there would never be another one. Antigone treated the dead fairly because she knew let the body of her family rot in the desolate place was cruel, just like killing the person twice. Creon never regard Polynices was his family but a bastard traitor. He did not want to forgive his sin even though he had already received deserved punishment. Creon ignored Antigone’s argument and sentenced her to death. Once again he thought he was doing the right thing, he did not consider about the impact that would fall on Antigone’s fiancà ©, his son Haemon. Creon was cold inside his stone-like heart, which is a great contrast to Antigone’s selfless and devoted characteristic. Heamon was judicious and sensibl, not like his father Creon. Knowing Antigone sentenced to death, Haemon tried to persuade his father in a rational and peaceful way. He brought up the general opinion from the citizens that Antigone did not deserve death. He pointed out Creon’s mistake and he would admire his father more if he could fix the situation. But Creon did not take in Haemon’s advise. Creon analysed things with a fixed perpective that he was always right. He was pride and irrational. There is no need to consider advises from lower class people, in this case, his son and his citizens. It was conventional that father gave lessons to son. Though Haemon came to argue with a positive and irenic attitude, not to pick up a fight, Cremon distorted his meaning with the assumption he was on Antigone’s side and called his son the woman’s slave. Readers would conclude Cremon was bad at controling his sentiment and was very easy to get maddened. Tiresias, the prophet also came to persuaded Creon. Tiresias encountered strange phenomenon that indicated the gods was angry about the decision Creon had made. He told Creon to change his mind. Creon found his speech so harsh and dreadful. Once again he felt his power was being challenged by other ordinary people, he doubt Tiresias’s purpose and wondered if he came for his own profit. Creon showed no repects for the messenger of gods, Tiresias, same as the gods themselves. This instance lead to the climax of the play, the gods were enraged and Creon was punished for his mistakes. The above three charaters, as the major foils for Creon, their contrasting traits exposed Creon’s peremptory ruling and cruel father image. The intense conflicts also add more tension and help with the development of the plot.
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