Thursday, December 26, 2019
U.s. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Of 1977 - 764 Words
The FCPA (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 was passed to ensure that U.S. firms do not engage in illegal bribing of foreign government officials to assist in obtaining or retaining business. Specifically, this act prohibits any offer, promise to pay, payment or even authorization of payment to a foreign official to influence it, secure any advantage or to assist in obtaining or retaining business. The presenting team used the Walmart case as basis for the debate as it is relevant to the issue in question. In April 2012, the NYT reported that the Walmart management in Mexico paid bribes of $24 million and $16 million in â€Å"†donation†to Mexico local government to help expand the business there. In their debate that team chose to explore the possibility of expansion to China while debating the pros and cons of bribery/ â€Å"pay for play†in China in order to succeed there. The arguments that resonated with me the most were the ethical arguments as I found myself agreeing with both sides of the argument. On one hand, it is obviously unethical to break the law and bribe but more importantly from a utilitarian perspective, this action will hurt the greater good or â€Å"stakeholders†who are the whole society. Bribing corrupt authorities will only perpetuate the corruption in those countries and once a company or individual has gone down that road it is very difficult to return. Bribery also encourages unfair competition that hurts the economy which eventually affects the wholeShow MoreRelatedGifts Bribes1260 Words  | 6 Pagescultural practices pertaining to gifts, bribes, and any other kind of payments have become part of accepted business norms. In the United States, through the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) of 1977, â€Å"companies cannot make payments of this nature while knowing or having reason to know that any portion of the funds will be transferred to a forbidden recipient to be used for corrupt purposes†(Fadiman, 1986). This paper aims to discuss, briefly, why bribery might become a problem for U.S. managersRead MoreBusiness Law Reflection693 Words  | 3 Pageswith the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act of 1977 (FCPA). What is Foreign Corrupt Practice Act? For those who don’t know might ask, well, the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act of 1977 which was introduced in the U.S Senate as S.303 by Mr. William Proxmire (D.W) and signed into law by president Jimmy Carter on December 19, 1977 is a United States Federal Law known primarily for two of its main provisions. One that addresses accounting transparency requirements under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 andRead MoreForeign Corrupt Practices Act :1275 Words  | 6 PagesRunning Head: FOREIGN CORRUPT PRACTICES ACT 1 FOREIGN CORRUPT PRACTICES ACT BUSINESS LAW Katherine Hall-Blair Keiser University FOREIGN CORRUPT PRACTICES ACT 2 FOREIGN CORRUPT PRACTICES ACT In the face of improper payments to officials abroad, the United States introduced the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) of 1977. This act was a pioneer step for the government of the United States to combat illegal bribes by not only U.S. companies, but overseas companiesRead MoreStopping Fraud and Illegal Activities in Organizations that Conduct Their Business Internationally1415 Words  | 6 Pageshappening there are a few acts and documents that have been enabled. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) is a law that congress primarily passed in 1977. This act prohibits businesspersons from bribing foreign officials to secure advantageous contracts. The United States also regulates payments to foreign officials. Giving cash or kind benefits to foreign government officials to obtain business contracts and other favors, this is actually often considered a normal practice to do. To reduce suchRead MoreThe Foreign Corrupt Practices Act654 Words  | 3 PagesThe Forei gn Corrupt Practices Act The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) of 1977 and the corresponding amendments set forth by the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 and Amendments of 1998 have tremendous ramifications for U.S. multinational companies at large, their subsidiaries, and foreign partners.  While the main purpose of the original policy was to make it â€Å"unlawful to bribe foreign government officials to obtain or retain business†, the many statutes, their exceptionsRead MoreForeign Corrupt Practices Act1207 Words  | 5 PagesFCPA PAPER The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (FCPA) evolved from investigations by the Office of the Special Prosecutor that provided evidence of illegal acts perpetrated by U.S. firms in foreign lands. More than 400 U.S. companies admitted to making questionable payments to various foreign governments and political parties as part of an amnesty program (U.S. Department of Justice Given the environment of the 1970s and the proliferation of white-collar crimes (e.gRead MoreThe Consequences Of The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act?1518 Words  | 7 PagesIn 1977, Congress passed the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), which makes it unlawful for U.S. businesspersons or companies to pay, with money or anything else of value, to foreign officials to secure beneficial contracts. The anti-bribery requirements of the FCPA have applied to all U.S. persons since 1977. In 1998, certain amendments were revised and the anti-bribery requirements now apply to foreign firms and persons who cause an act in continuance of bribery within the United States. TheRead MoreThe Foreign Corrupt Practices Act1551 Words  | 7 PagesThe foreign Corrupt Practices Act prohibits paying or offering anything of value to foreign officials for the purpose of obtaining or keeping a business. The FCPA was enacted by congress in 1977 due to various reports that were made by the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC). The Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) reported different issues concerning bribery and illegal payments by United Sates companies. The FCPA states that it’s unlawful to make payments to foreign officials; having a corruptRead MoreWeek 5 Reflection Paper655 Words  | 3 Pages2013 Erikka Hise The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act This assignment instructed us to read four articles concerning Legal Issues in International and Domestic Business Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Within this assignment it discussed the crisis in corporation’s unethical practices. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 sparked the argument that United States companies are disadvantaged in international markets. The act has been controversial since its enactment, withRead MoreEthical Vs. Legal Business Issues949 Words  | 4 PagesIssues in the Workplace course. The topic for this assignment consists of the differences between ethical and legal business issues. This paper will provide answers to questions related to employee behavior away from the office, and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and bribes. Both topics have been presented in the form of video cases (video 93 and 98) found in the Cengage digital video library. My Time, Company Time? Jim’s Gym is growing, and as the Gym grows it is experiencing some growing pains
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Edgar Allan Poe’S, “The Tell Tale Heart†Was Written In
Edgar Allan Poe’s, â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart†was written in a time period where mental illnesses were principally misunderstood, if not completely non-acknowledged. Which mean’t that his short story drew quite a response from readers. Not only did the disturbing details throughout the story shock readers, but it also delivered new insight into the mind of an individual with a mental illness. Creating the larger sense of understanding today’s society now has on these mental illnesses. In â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart†, the narrator displays a combination of symptoms that allow us to diagnose them with a mental illness. This mental illness being schizophrenia and possibly OCD. We can assume that since there are apparent symptoms of these two illnesses†¦show more content†¦Instead he feels it is a very noteworthy trait. The narrators driving force for committing the crime was the old man’s vulture-like eye, â€Å"whenever if fell upon me, my blood ran cold.†(par 2) His obsession with the old man’s eye was interfering with his day to day life, â€Å"it haunted me day and night†(par 2) and he could no longer rid himself of his compulsive thoughts. The narrator’s obsession with the eye had removed all sense of reality and humanity. He could find no other reason for killing the old man besides his extreme dislike for his pale blue eye, â€Å"I loved the old man. He had never wronged me. He had never given me insult†(par 2).He failed to view the old man as a person, instead could only be reminded but his vexing eye. The narrator becomes extremely obsessed with the old man’s eye, so obsessed that he can no longer ignore it , so he makes his decision to kill the old man to rid himself of the eye. This strong obsession seems to be a symptom of OCD, â€Å"a person gets caught in a cycle of obsessions and compulsions so extreme that it gets in the way†(What Are Common Obsessions). It consumes him so entirely, he can no longer follow rules of the law. The narrator goes on to talk about how wisely he proceeded when stalking the old man, â€Å"it took me an hour to place my whole head within the opening so far that I could see him in his bed†(par 3).The amount of caution and patience he practiced during thisShow MoreRelatedInfluence That Endures Ever More: Edgar Allan Poe908 Words  | 4 PagesInfluence That Endures Ever More: Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe once said, â€Å"Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.†Edgar Allan Poe was one of the most influential people in literary history and his words had the great power to impress the mind. More than 150 years after the death of Edgar Allan Poe, his writings are still influencing and inspiring writers today. Edgar Allan Poe was one of the a greatest literary influences of the 19th century andRead MoreWhy Should We Care?1748 Words  | 7 PagesWhy Should We Care?: Edgar Allan Poe â€Å"Few creatures of the night have captured [reader’s] imagination[s] like [Edgar Allan Poe]†(â€Å"Vampires†). Poe has fascinated the literary world since he first became known for writing in 1829, when he was just twenty years old (Chronology†). While he is widely known for exploring the macabre, his work is controversial because of its psychologically disturbing nature. Edgar Allan Poe is worth examining as an author because his many contributions to the literaryRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe; Fame Inspired by a Tragic Life865 Words  | 4 Pagespoet, Edgar Allan Poe, had been plagued by grief from an early age. He was an amazing poet and author who just happened to have a darker story. Many who have studied this prestigious man feel that his works, though magnificent, were extremely dark. Some believe it was nothing more then a fancy for him to spin such gruesome tales. Others feel his work was manipulated by the misfortune of his past. These people ha ve actually found evidence that agrees with this statement. The works of Edgar Allan PoeRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe: Signature of a Genius Essay868 Words  | 4 Pagesare existence. This especially holds true to the mind of Edgar Allan Poe, who through writing time and time again about his love and loss through both poetry and general prose, generates the story of his life. In these pieces, not only does he create original plots, but deep within the fabric of these plots springs a background world of Poes own life, deeper than any allegory he produces or any poem he completes. The dark corners of Poes mind are distinctly represented in his entire work body.Read MoreHumorous Humor Of Edgar Allan Poe s The Dark Hearted 1675 Words  | 7 PagesPoe: Lighthearted Humor in a Darkened Heart Edgar Allan Poe, the dark hearted author! When speaking of Poe, readers would most likely associate him as a dark and dreary author. His uses of vivid, shadowy imagery and themes of death and despair lurk within the minds of his audiences. Poe, however, subtly injects his works with humor that may not easily be spotted by the human eye. Why exactly would Poe inject humor into his horror stories, since they aren’t comedies? To begin, the use of humor inRead MoreThe Final Days of Edgar Allan Poe by Roger Francis 1732 Words  | 7 PagesEdgar Allan Poe is regarded as one of the most influential American writers of the nineteenth-century. Poe’s short stories posses the recurring themes of death, murder and his narrators often show signs of mental instability, like the old man in â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†and Montressor in â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†. Since tragedy was prominent throughout Poe’s life, his work reflects the darkness ingrained by continuously being faced with adversity. Poe’s mental stability also comes into question whenRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe : The Tale Heart, The Fall Of The House Of Usher, And Annabel Lee Essay1372 Words  | 6 PagesEdgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe is well known for his poetry. Edgar Allan Poe was not only a world renowned poet, but he is also known as being a writer of short stories, as well as known for being a critic. Edgar Allan Poe has many literary works; quite possibly the most famous one being The Raven. Some of Edgar Allan Poe’s other famous works include The Tell-Tale Heart, The Fall of the House of Usher, and Annabel Lee. Edgar Allan Poe is also known as being a Romanticist, due to the factRead More Edgar Allan Poe and His Works Essay1013 Words  | 5 PagesThesis: Edgar Allan Poe was one of the most influential, yet misunderstood writers in American Literature. I. His Early Life A. His Adoption B. His Education II. His Later Life A. Books Published B. Military Life III. The Conclusion of His Life A. His Marriage B. His Death IV. His Works V. What Others Thought Of Him Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer, known as a poet and critic but most famous as the first master of the short story form, especially tales of the mysteriousRead MoreEdgar A. Poe s Writing956 Words  | 4 Pages Edgar A. Poe’s writing is very interesting as we go into the mind of a very creative man and maybe a little insane. Edgar A. Poe was an American Writer from Boston, Massachusetts. Born on January 19, 1809. Mr. Poe died on October 7, 1849. Edwin Markham informs us that, â€Å"Poe graduated at the University of Virginia at Charlotte†(viii). During the early life in Poe’s life he enrolled into the military. Financially unstable, he made that decision. Markham stated â€Å"On January 1 Poe was appointed SergeantRead MoreThe Pit And The Pendulum By Edgar Allan Poe852 Words  | 4 Pages Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe is a well known American author whose works continue to influence literature today. His difficult life was impactful on his writing. He is mostly known for his dark writings, but he was also a talented adventure author. Poe’s past and the influence it had on his writing makes him an interesting author to research. â€Å"The Tell Tale Heart†as well as â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum†are two of Poe’s well known short stories. â€Å"The Pit and the Pendulum†is written in a way that
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Social and Economic Concerns in Australia-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Social and Economic Concerns in Australia. Answer: Introduction Since the global recession in 2008 -09 countries across the world were shaken and economically distressed. Several challenges cropped up. Reports identified that some challenges were borne from domestic issues while other developed from increasing awareness towards interdependency of the world. Challenges and issues like terrorism, human rights, climate change, community breakdown, criminal activities and crime are some of the key social issues that impact on the social life of the people. The thesis here will hence study and discuss several issues faced by the Australia in recent years (the Guardian, 2017). A report published in 2015, still highlights the issues like Economic and Financial subjects are the key areas of concerns and in these areas Australia is facing problem. Research Aim and Objectives The primary aim of the study is to conduct an empirical study on social and economic concerns of Australia since 2015 till present. The secondary aim however emphasises on discussing various facets of concern that is plaguing the present situation. After identifying the aim of the study the following objectives are underpinned to give a direction to the entire investigation; To study and analyse the key issues in the present economic situation in Australia To conduct an empirical study to understand how far the global issues have impacted on the socio economic aspects of Australia To understand ways in which the Government is developing policies to handle situation To discuss about the issues and its implication in future Research Question Research question is of key concern in a thesis as it acts like a guideline and help in project management. The questions are thus underpinned below; What are the key issues in the socio-economic domain in Australian scenario? How far economic issues in the post-recession affected environment impact on the social life of people? What are key challenges faced by Australian in the past few years? Literature Review Economic issues: Australian economic issues were dominated by three main areas, such as unemployment, housing concerns and economy. Lack of jobs and employment opportunities are impacting on the lives of Australians. Low employment opportunities available to the younger generation is affecting severely on the economic condition of the country. Problems associated with immigration and so on are also common in manufacturing domain. Besides this several complain about Australian economy and high debts as well as deficit. General economic problems are unique and lack of industries in Australia also impacted on overall economic environment. Poor global economic conditions have further affected on the overall environment. Housing affordability is also highlighted by several analysts as a unique area for concern (, 2017). In 2007 changes in the political environment encouraged modification in social life of Australians Change in the federal election further led to a transition environment. Kevin Rudd brought the federal labour back after 11 years. Rudds victory in November election encouraged change and also gave more responsibilities towards the environment. Thus, in the 21st century several challenges were faced by the Australian society. It could be mentioned that for instance, the global financial instability, such as soon after the end of the recession several underlying problems continued within the society. The particular size, complexity as well as link between the private financial market also sometimes challenges the system and impact on overall performance. The government is expected to intervene and supervise the situation as well as regulate. Besides this, other problems like nuclear proliferation led to tension. Current focus on development of nuclear weapons as continued by US and Russia further tensed the situation and Australia remained active in the arms controlling activity (ABC News, 2017). The cyber-revolution is another area which led to enhancement in productivity and prosperity. Development of new technologies has improved efficiency in work. The growth of advanced system has also encouraged new criminal activities like cyber- attacks and data theft. Thus several types of issues are impacting on the overall economic environment of Australia (Swiericzuk, 2012). Social issues Some of the key social issues that evolved at an alarming rate included, family violence, domestic unrest, national sexual assault, drinking and bullying, safety for women etc. Some of the key activities like reduce violence against women and children, online gambling, attempts to reduce violence against women and domestic level (Denniss et al., 2010). Structure of the Research: The structure of the research here includes five chapter or five specific areas including an introduction to the research area, a critical study and literature review after conducting an empirical system, research methodology and identification of key tools, findings and analysis and conclusion as well as recommendation. The topic is introduced here in the first chapter. After introducing the topic the aim and objectives are mentioned. Research questions are also underpinned. The exposition here includes evaluation of the topic and how socio economic issues are impacting on Australian environment. The literature review section evaluates from various journals and PDF. The researcher conducts an empirical study on several journals, books, pdf and other articles and research publications. The critical review of the literature is presented here. Methodology section however introduces specific tools and techniques that are used in the research work. After identifying key tools of research analysis findings and evaluation section is presented critically. In the end the conclusion is mentioned and recommendations put forward after identifying gaps in the existing research studies. Methodology In order to complete the research study in a systematic way the researcher here, has concentrate on selecting specific tools as well as researching techniques and completed the research work in a systematic manner to reach a logical conclusion. Since this is the important segment in research work that helps the researcher in completing the investigation in a defined manner. Some of the key approaches those were implemented here includes the research methods, design, data collection method and sampling technique. Secondary data will be studied for the purpose of evaluation and analysis. The researcher will primarily study from a vast array of available resources on Australian economic and social conditions. Information may be collected from a variety of sources from different sources (Chandra and Sharma, 2013). Secondary data analysis is strictly accumulated from previously published information on the same topic. This secondary data is generated by several expert researchers on conduction of study on the same topic and these are released later on. The secondary data is collected to ensure proper understanding of the topic. The information on the topic is hence collected by studying extensively from available sources, specially journals, books and other research works published on the topic. The researcher here has referred to journals, PDFs, articles and structured reports on the topic. Systematic searching as well as data skimming procedure has been implemented for collection of information from Google, JSTOR, Ref Repository, Google Scholar, Mintel etc. the research procedure is secondary qualitative analysis. After identifying some prominent key words the following research work has been completed in a defined way (Ketchen and Bergh, 2004). Inclusion and exclusion criteria: Inclusion and Exclusion criterion has been followed while conducting the research works. In this a secondary data analysis based qualitative research inclusion and exclusion has been followed. Inclusion and Exclusion criteria particularly help in recognizing specific information on the topic by following criterion. In this research study on Australian economic and social issues the researcher could successfully collect a large amount of information from the available resources, it is essential to eliminate all unnecessary data from available resources on economic condition around the world and this could be only done by implementing this inclusion and exclusion parameters. In this particular research the analyst underpins key selected articles published in English language only. Once the data has been collected all the non English as well as irrelevant content were eliminated from the study (Kothari and Garg, 2016). Inclusion Exclusion Study and select only relevant data that are based on in-depth primary analysis and thorough studies on the socio-economic challenges and issues in Australia. Exclude all information and research studies that lacks in proper primary research work In the research evaluation select and include those respective data that are specifically on Australia and about socio-economic challenges. There are various challenges suffered during the post-recession environment. These social and economic issues are specifically chosen for discussion Studies that include exploring issues beyond Australian context and other problems of Australia. Such as political, legal and technological research works are not included here. Only social and economic research findings are included. Studies published in English language were includes here Research works published in other language were eliminated as translation will take additional time Studies published after 2014 are included here Research works published before 2007 are excluded from the study Journal selection: Journal/ Article Title Author Year of Publication IZA Journal of Development and Migration: Migration, entrepreneurship and development: critical questions Wim Naud, Melissa Siegel and Katrin Marchand 2016 Migration a Challenge to the 21st Century Maciej St. Zi?ba 2008 Social capital and economic development in regional Australia: A case study AndrewWoodhouse 2009 Contrasts and similarities in economic performance of migrant entrepreneurs Mediha Sahin, Peter Nijkamp, and Soushi Suzuki 2014 Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth Pontus Braunerhjelm 2010 The Place of Social Capital in Understanding Social and Economic Outcomes Michael Woolcock 2011 Social dimensions of mining: Research, policy and practice challenges for the minerals industry in Australia Fiona Solomon, Evie Katz and RoyLovel 2008 Global Migration and Social Protection Rights The Social and Economic Security of Cross-Border Students in Australia Ana Deumert, Simon Marginson, Chris Nyland, Gaby Ramia, Erlenawati Sawir 2008 Research Approach: Research approaches help in guiding the analysis process. Namely two types of research approaches inductive and deductive are implemented for evaluation and analysis. Inductive approach is also known as the bottoms-up approach as it allows the researcher to move from specific to general. This approach gives scope for new experimentation and also experimentation of new theories and its impact. Since this approach offers ample scope for evaluation and analysis the researcher has followed the approach here in conduction of research on socio and economic issues in Australia (Kothari and Garg, 2016). Deductive approach is considered where the analyst considers working from general to specific and this is also known as top-down approach. The inference is drawn logically and follows the facts available. On the other hand the Inductive approach is also known as the bottom-up approach and here the evaluation moves from specific to general and offers scope of evaluation, imagination and even development of new theories and models through experimentation (Ketchen and Bergh, 2004). Findings and analysis It is hence evident from the empirical study that present issues like unemployment, low job opportunities; poor industrial growth has impacted on the economic and social conditions. Since people do not have proper jobs, the overall social condition has been under threat in a defined way. Life of people is unique in Australia. Till 2017 various reports highlight how Australia suffered over the years. Growth is projected to increase gradually from 2018 by 3%. There is a steep decline in the investment in the resource sector and this impacted negatively on the support wages. Fiscal policy should be properly developed to ensure generation of high return on investment (Robinson, Tsiaplias and Nguyen, 2015). Key findings from the recent studies as found about Australia are; Shutdown of the car industry: with the shutdown of the manufacturing unit of Ford several people lost jobs. About 600 lost jobs and several staffs in the support industries lost jobs as well. Need for components also reduced and this impacted on the overall business sector. The unemployment rate of Australia is 5.7 per cent high and several auto related workers lost jobs which further triggered the job rate and is now more the 6 per cent. Unemployment rate in Australia is very high. Ethics are an integral aspect of human life and irrespective of the nature of job or background ethics are addressed in a defined way (Swiericzuk, 2012). Ethics are handled properly to manage dilemma in a defined way. After developing a communication strategy it is essential to identify if the respective message has been communicated in a proper way or not. On the online platform, digital device helps in conducting a two-way communication.. Since employee productivity is an integral aspect of business the HRM focuses on adopting several approaches and strategies to increase productivity of the staff. Employee training and performance management are some of key techniques to improve productivity. Motivation approaches are also implemented to enhance overall productivity and employee engagement. Psychological boost, continuous encouragement and training and motivation are most common techniques of motivating employees in a defined way (Kothari and Garg, 2016). According to Torrington et al. (1998), human resource management is a defined process that comprise of key activities such as staffing or acquisition, development, motivation and employee engagement. In the recent studies they further mentioned that it is distinct branch of management that is ideally responsible for maintaining and managing the relationship between the management and employees and also between the employees with other employees. According to scholar s such as Mondy, and Gowan, (2005), the aim of HRM is to maintain harmonious relationship within the organisation. Many researchers have highlighted that HRM is a special technique to ensure that the organisational goals are achieved by meeting individual expectation or in other words, keeping happy employees and employee engaging strategies ensures organisational growth and prosperity. Researchers have studied the concept of human resource management from different angles and evaluated ways in which it assists in the companys growth and profitability (Eldridge and Nisar, 2006). Thinkers have mentioned that HRM has identified employees as an asset to the organisation, such as Google, and hence they develop effective strategies to ensure productivity, business enhancement through employee engagement and retention strategies (Kothari and Garg, 2016). French Wendell, (2005) the Human resource management is concerned with personnel administration. In the contemporary research on human resource management a study on the strategic approach of the management has been time and again studied. Researchers have identified that HRM is an offshoot of personnel management that was strictly about management of staff in an organisation setup. Conclusions It could be hence conclude here that in the post-recession affected scenario several issues impacted on Australian social and economic situation. Several lost jobs as key industries were affected. Firms and manufacturing units of auto companies closed down and this impacted negatively on the economic situation. The codes should be evaluated in relation with the values such as ways in which these impact on an individuals work or area of interest and affect performance in a positive or negative way. Stakeholders should be informed to eliminate issues like any type of conflicts or professional hazards in a defined way. The development of the codes has a significant impact on the society and also on life of people. Considering an ethical approach in the work will help in recognising as well as minimising various negative impacts. Thus promotion of equal opportunity in the work environment will help in creating a positive and healthy environment. Recommendations and / or future research Following recommendations may be put forward after completing the study and identification of gaps in the existing study. Firstly, the government should introduce new policies for making investment and growth in the specific sector. Secondly, since Australia is a colourful land with several beautiful destinations, they could easily focus on growing the tourism industry. Development and focus should be given on travel and tourism event management and then on the business enhancement. Thirdly, special focus should be given on lowering employment level. Employment should be specially focussed to enhance job opportunities. Fourthly, improvement on economic condition will help in improving living condition and social improvement could be achieved. Research limitations Some of the practical problems that would be experienced during the conduction of the investigation on the topic are, one of the first issues would be the budget and secondly the student would face trouble with time constraint. Here in this student research work the budget and time are the main issues that restrict an individual from collection of essential information. Since there is a limited budget the students has limited scope of studying from academic journals or invest in books. The researcher however, have visited the university library, online libraries and also explored materials from seniors. He could invest very little and collect new materials for the study. Secondly, while circulating the questionnaire among the respondents in companies to find out about the human resource development and its connection with employee productivity, he might feel restriction or lack of cooperation in the survey. The data collection process is hence difficult and might not help in collecti ng data in the expected way. Thirdly, the time is the main limitation as it is difficult for a researcher to complete a professional standard project within a short time period. References Journals: Australian Journal of Social Issues: Special Issue Devoted to Selected Papers from the 2007 Australian Social Policy Conference. 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Monday, December 2, 2019
The nightingale and the rose poem analysis
Introduction The ‘NIGHTINGALE AND THE ROSE’ refers to a short story to which love features as the overall theme. In the story, we are introduced to a young student who has been promised a dance by the young beautiful lady that is the professor’s daughter. From the story, it is quite clear that the young boy expects much to come out of this and maybe he gets a foundation on his love life from the ball.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The nightingale and the rose: poem analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As such, the young student reflects â€Å"that the prince gives a ball tomorrow night, murmured the young student, and my love will be of the company. If I bring her a red rose she will dance with me till dawn,†(Del 6). The young student presage what he expects of her reaction when she sites him with a red rose. He reckons that he would embrace her between his arms; consequently th e lady would â€Å"lean her head upon my shoulder, and her hand will be clasped in mine†(Del 7). However, the predicament faced by the young student is that his garden lacks red roses. In effect, he feels that the encounter with the lady will be a sorry state of affair. He reckons that he will be a lonely soul seated as the lady passes by for he has nothing good to offer her. Of this, he says she will have â€Å"no heed of me and my heart will break†(Wilde 5). The devastation and desperation in the boy’s heart as witnessed by the Nightingale melts his heart as he pities the boy. The girl’s request to be sent a red rose is unrealistic then given the fact that it is not flowering season for the red roses. However, the Nightingale is stunned by the boy’s reaction and equates the passion in the boy to a character he normally sings about when he says, â€Å"here at last is a true lover,†(Del 5). He proceeds to say â€Å"that night after night I have sung of him, though I knew him not: night after night have I told his story to the stars, and now I see him†(Del 8). The above sets the pace in the story, therefore, with Nightingale sacrificing his life, his music and everything for the sake of this young man. This, however, does augur well given the fact that the girl refuses the rose citing another bowling invitation where she has been presented with jewels as gifts.Advertising Looking for essay on british literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More She values them more than the rose, and, therefore, turns down the boys offer, this discourages the boy as his perception toward love totally changes, and he vows to embark on philosophy. Meanwhile, the rose is trumped on by a cart as the boy had dropped it out of rage on the road. The following is, therefore, an analysis of the difference in characters between the Nightingale and the lady in the story (Firsova 2). Character analysis The beautiful girl in the story is materialistic. She cannot offer herself for dance just for fun and company that it may provide; rather she has to be given something in return. She does not care how much one has to go through to get the flowers given it is not a season for roses; rather she stays firm on her condition before she accepts to dance. As a result of this, she could not look beyond the mere dancing the boy had requested t decipher that there is more than meets the eye especially after the boy had brought the roses and by then they were out of the season, she just brushed them aside and without promise or anything she dismissed the boy. Her smirk of disapproval in the end when the boy presents the rose is testimony to her lack of interest in dancing with the boy (Del). The nightingale, on the other hand, shows a tendency to embrace virtues such as love and beauty with high regard. She sings of love, a lover she has never met, and when she finally meet s the person she thinks to be the lover she always sings about to the moon and stars at night she stops at nothing to ensure the young man gets his love. The Nightingale gives up her life for the sake of the boys happiness, all this in the hope that the young man will finally woo the lady he so desires. The beautiful girl falls for the jewels presented to her by the Chamberlain’s nephew, and as a reaction to the young man’s expression of disappointment she calls him ‘Ungrateful.’ She continues insulting the young man thus â€Å"I tell you what, you are very rude; and, after all, who are you? Just a student? Why? I don’t believe you have even got silver buckles to your shoes as the Chamberlain’s nephew has†(Del 34). After this, she walked out on the student leaving him with the flower at hand. The beautiful girl in the novel is extremely witty, but sly. She probably did not want to go out with the student given the fact that she tells the student off citing he has nothing to his name (Del). Therefore, as a rejection to the offer she gave him a task she was sure he could not fulfill at such a season and time of the year.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The nightingale and the rose: poem analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In mind she would be yearning for the ball with the chamberlain’s nephew, this would explain the reaction after she was presented with the gift. On the other hand, the Nightingale is straightforward. She promised to sing to the rose tree that produced red roses. She sang her heart out while forcing the thorn into it. She died at it; she adhered to what they had agreed to the latter. The lady is selfish; she doesn’t care much about the boy’s welfare. She doesn’t want to associate with the boy even after he has presented the gift and doesn’t care what happens to the boy afterwards (Del). This is despite the fact that she knows the boy to a certain extent. On the other hand, the Nightingale is selfless (Del 35). She has sacrificed her own life for the sake of the boy’s happiness; she is touched by the fact that the same reason that gives her joy is in the same reason the boy is disappointed. Conclusion There are many contrasts to these two characters, the above highlight the stark differences between the two. However, the two characters if on a grander scale have significant effects to given subjects. For instance, in a given society if people of influence exercise the same traits as the beautiful girl, her subjects are likely to follow such traits resulting to vices such as corruption. On the other hand, Nightingale’s character imbues peace and love, therefore, a harmonious prosperous environment to both master and servant. Works Cited Del ,Cathryne. The nightingale and the Rose: book review. Sydney: McGraw publishers, 2012. Print. Firsova, Olegovna, ‘The New Grove Dictionary of Opera,’ New York: John Wiley Sons Inc, 1970. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on british literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Wilde, Oscar. The Nightingale and the Rose. New York: Kessinger publishers, 1990. Print. This essay on The nightingale and the rose: poem analysis was written and submitted by user Eli W. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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