Wednesday, November 27, 2019
How to Write a Literature Review
How to Write a Literature Review A literature review paper is not an original publication. On occasion, a literature review will contain new data (from the authors own laboratory) that have not yet appeared in a primary journal. However, the purpose of literature review paper is to review previously published literature and to put it into some kind of perspective. A literature review paper is usually long, typically ranging between 10 and 50 printed pages. (Some journals now print short minireviews.) The subject is fairly general, compared with that of research papers. And the literature review is, of course, the principal product. However, the really good literature review papers are much more than annotated bibliographies. They offer critical evaluation of the published literature and often provide important conclusions based on that literature. The organization of a literature review paper is usually different from that of a research paper. Obviously, the Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion arrangement cannot readily be used for the literature review paper. Actually, some literature review articles are prepared more or less in the IMRAD format; for example, they may contain a Methods section describing how the literature review was done. If you have previously written research papers and are now about to write your first literature review, it might help you conceptually if you visualize the review paper as a research paper, as follows. Greatly expand the Introduction; delete the Materials and Methods (unless original data are being presented); delete the Results; and expand the Discussion. Actually, you have already written many literature review papers. In format, a literature review paper is not very different from a well-organized term paper or thesis. As in a research paper, however, it is the organization of the review paper that is important. The writing will almost take care of itself if you can get the thing organized. PREPARING AN OUTLINE Unlike research papers, there is no prescribed organization for literature review papers. Therefore, you will have to develop your own. The cardinal rule for writing a literature review paper is prepare an outline. The outline must be prepared carefully. The outline will assist you in organizing your paper, which is all-important. If your literature review is organized properly, the overall scope of the review will be well defined and the integral parts will fit together in logical order. Obviously, you must prepare the outline before you start writing. Moreover, before you start writing, it is wise to determine whether a literature review journal (or primary journal that also publishes review articles) would be interested in such a manuscript. Possibly, the editor will want to limit or expand the scope of your proposed literature review or to add or delete certain of the subtopics. The Instructions to Authors in Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews says it this way: . . . an annotated topical outline . . . will be evaluated by the editors, and if the material is satisfactory, the authors will be invited to write the literature review. Not only is the outline essential for the preparer of the literature review, it is also very useful to potential readers of the review. For that reason, many review journals print the outline at the beginning of the article, where it serves as a convenient table of contents for prospective readers. TYPES OF REVIEWS Before actually writing a review, you also need to determine the critical requirements of the journal to which you plan to submit the manuscript. Some journals demand critical evaluation of the literature, whereas others are more concerned with bibliographic completeness. There are also matters of organization, style, and emphasis that you should have in mind before you proceed very far. By and large, the old-line literature review journals prefer, and some demand, authoritative and critical evaluations of the published literature on a subject. Many of the book series (Annual Review of, Recent Advances in, Yearbook of, etc.), however, publish literature reviews designed to compile and to annotate but not necessarily to evaluate the papers published on a particular subject during a defined time period. Some active areas of research are reviewed yearly. Both of these types of literature review papers serve a purpose, but the different purposes need to be recognized. At one time, literature review papers tended to present historical analyses. In fact, the reviews were often organized in chronological order. Although this type of review is now less common, one should not deduce that the history of science has become less important. There is still a place for history. Today, however, most review media prefer either state of the art reviews or reviews that provide a new understanding of a rapidly moving field. Only the recent literature on the subject is catalogued or evaluated. If you are reviewing a subject that has not previously been reviewed or one in which misunderstandings or polemics have developed, a bit more coverage of the historical foundations would be appropriate. If the subject has been effectively reviewed before, the starting point for your literature review might well be the date of the previous review (not publication date, but the actual date up to which the literature has been reviewed). And, of course, your literature review paper should start out by citing the previous review. WRITING FOR THE AUDIENCE Another basic difference between literature review papers and primary papers is the audience. The primary paper is highly specialized, and so is its audience (peers of the author). The literature review paper will probably cover a number of these highly specialized subjects, so that the review will be read by many peers. The literature review paper will also be read by many people in related fields, because the reading of good reviews is the best way to keep up in ones broad areas of interest. Finally, literature review papers are valuable in the teaching process, so that student use is likely to be high. (For these reasons, by the way, order plenty of reprints of any review paper you publish, because you are likely to be inundated with reprint requests.) Because the literature review paper is likely to have a wide and varied audience, your style of writing should be much more general than it need be for a research paper. Jargon and specialized abbreviations must be eliminated or carefully explained. Your writing style should be expansive rather than telegraphic. IMPORTANCE OF INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPHS Readers are much influenced by the Introduction of a literature review paper. They are likely to decide whether or not to read further on the basis of what they find in the first few paragraphs (if they havent already been repelled by the title). Readers are also influenced by the first paragraph of each major section of a literature review, deciding whether to read, skim, or skip the rest of the section depending on what they find in the first paragraph. If first paragraphs are well written, all readers, including the skimmers and skippers, will be able to achieve some degree of comprehension of the subject. IMPORTANCE OF CONCLUSIONS Because the literature review paper covers a wide subject for a wide audience, a form of conclusions is a good component to take the trouble to write. This is especially important for a highly technical, advanced, or obscure subject. Painful compromises must sometimes be made, if one really tries to summarize a difficult subject to the satisfaction of both expert and amateur. Yet, good summaries and simplifications will in time find their way into textbooks and mean a great deal to students yet to come.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Massacre at Mystic Essays
Massacre at Mystic Essays Massacre at Mystic Paper Massacre at Mystic Paper Day 1: Massacre at Mystic The first day took place on May 26th, 1637 in a Pequot village at Missituck (located near the Mystic River in Connecticut). What happened was the English and Indian allies had attacked the Pequot village. Within that group, there were 70 English, 70 Mohegans, and 500 Narragansetts. The Mohegans and the Narragan were the allies of the English. The English were Puritans from the Massachusetts Bay Colony, led by Major John Mason and Captain John Underhill. The massacre was the first time the English had been involved in the killings of Native Americans. The purpose of the Puritans migrating to America was to start a new life and for religious freedom from England. The Pequot village was the wealthiest, largest, and powerful tribe of Connecticut. The Pequots were also dominant in military and political force. Part of the Massacre at Mystic started when two â€Å"Block Islanders,†who were thought to be Pequot but were really a subtribe of the Narragansett, pretended to seek trade with John Oldham. Once they were aboard his ship, they killed him and stole all of his goods. Along with the murder of Oldham, the murder of John Underhill also led to John Endicott seeking revenge on the Pequots. The Puritans officially declared when the Pequot started killing colonists, capturing women, slaughtering livestock, and burning storehouses from the English Population. The battle lasted less than an hour. The English captured whoever they could find and beheaded them and tortured them, among with other things. One 160 men went looking for Sassacus, who was traveling with 400 followers. Once they finally found him, the English tried to negotiate the release of 200 women and children, but he slipped away. He later had his head cut off from trying to get help from the Mohawk, who were Sassacus’ old enemies, and they sent it to the English as a token of friendship. The war officially ended in September 1638 when tribal leaders that were left signed the Treaty of Hartford. This treaty revoked legal recognition of the Pequot nation.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Matisse's Serpentine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Matisse's Serpentine - Essay Example The essay "Matisse's Serpentine" discusses Henri Matisse and his art. Matisse explained in 1947 when referring to the effect his painting had on being a sculptor. The tension between a three-dimensional sculpture and a two-dimensional image freed him to interpret and invent bodily form. In the process, he limited the flesh and increased the space between arms and legs, magnetizing the viewer’s gaze to the negative space and the smooth counters from varied angles. These elongated limbs and â€Å"linear, sinuous contours†are depicted in his Dance paintings and helped define The Serpentine. The Serpentine is currently on display at the Museum of Modern Art. After seeing the sculpture on the Internet, the enormity of the sculpture is overwhelming. When approaching The Serpentine at the museum, it is at eye level. The black of the sculpture is contrasted by a white base. The sculpture is a nude woman with her right arm behind her back and crossed legs leaning against a balu strade with her finger on the lips. The image reminds one of a supermodel, with extremely thin elongated arms and legs, complimented by curvaceous hips and long hair. There is a slight bored smile on the nude woman’s face, but inviting as well. The Serpentine evokes emotions of envy, desire to be like her, and awe. Surprisingly, unlike other sculptures with smooth textures, The Serpentine has a rough texture. Lines and indents make up the whole sculpture. It appears like Matisse awoke one morning and made a large clay model in the span of a day.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Graduate Labour Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Graduate Labour Market - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that in its effort to improve and modernize public services, UK government has created more job opportunities for graduates. Some of the sectors that depict an increase in the rate of employment include public administration, health, and education, construction as well as business and finance. It is important to note that the UK economic and political developments have made the region to be one of the countries that have the lowest rates of unemployment in Europe. According to Association of Graduate Recruiters (AGR), approximately 30% of the UK graduates are highly demanded in foreign countries including European region based on the extensive training undertaken by universities. Despite the estimation that employment vacancies in the UK would fall by 7% in 2010 due to the economic recession, employers reported 8.9% increase in the level of employment opportunities. As stipulated by AGR, more job opportunities will come up while the average i nitial salary for graduate will approximately be  £29,000. According to Gillard, the AGR chief executive officer, the market for the graduate is picking up thus offsetting the negativities of the recent economic downturn that affected almost all sectors of the global economy. However, most of the organizations are not increasing graduate salaries despite the extensive training that they undergo in the universities. As stipulated by Aaker, Online Marketing Manager is responsible for guiding the online marketing team. In addition, the manager oversees the implementation of the effective use of the internet as a way of promoting and advertising of the products. Other vital duties of the manager include evaluation and tracking of online marketing strategies, identifying new online marketing tactics as well as collaborating with personnel who are responsible for developing websites.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Caring for Children and Young People Booklet Essay Example for Free
Caring for Children and Young People Booklet Essay Unit 10 caring for children and young people assignment 2 of 2, report There are 3 types of maltreatment: abuse, neglect, bullying and harassment. Abuse can be physical, emotional (intellectual) and sexual. Signs of physical abuse are: * Unexplained injuries that sound untrue or doesn’t fit in with the injury * Injuries on a non-mobile baby or head injuries on a child who is less than one year old * Nervous behaviour, jumpy, watchful and cautious, scared of psychical contact – shrinking back when touched * Difficulty in making friends and trusting others * Refusing to undress for physical education or medical examination, wearing too many clothes in warm weather to cover up the injuries * Chronic running away and school absences * Repeated attendance at accidentemergency * Self-harm and self-destructive behaviour, being bullied * Aggression towards others, bullying others * Lying, stealing, getting into trouble with the police Signs of emotional abuse are: * Delayed development – emotionally immature for age, physically small and intellectually behind peers * Nervous behaviour such as rocking , hair twisting , self-harm * Speech disorders * Extremes of passive or aggressive behaviour * Fear of making a mistake and a overreacting to a mistake * Fear of new situations but can be over friendly with strangers * Continually putting themselves down * Inability to be spontaneous * Inability to concentrate Signs of sexual abuse are: * Medical problems in the genital area, sexually transmitted illnesses, bed wetting * Being overly affectionate and sexually knowing – demonstrating sexually inappropriate behaviour, flirting or graphic, sexualised play * Changes in behaviour – withdrawn, sad or even more extreme – depression, self-harm and attempts to suicide * Eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, loss of appetite or compulsive overeating * Behaving than much younger child for example thumb-sucking or having a cuddly toy * Thinking badly about them and at the same time trying to be ultra-good and overreacting to criticism * Being afraid of someone they know, not wanting to be alone with them, lack of trust * Being scared of physical contact and fear of undressing Signs of child being neglected are: * Poor personal hygiene * Underweight or constantly hungry, may be stealing food * Always tired and cannot concentrate to learn or play * Clothing inadequate for weather, too small, dirty * May have untreated medical conditions e. g. cough, cold * No friends, might be bullied, socially isolated * Destructive tendencies Risk of maltreatment can be within family, outside family for example in care setting or strangers. Children and young people are more at the risk to be maltreated by people known by them. When a child has specific learning difficulties, communication difficulties, specific development delay, genetic influence, difficult temperament, physical illness, academic failures and low self-esteem then the child is more at risk for maltreatment. Consequences of maltreatment vary depending on child’s age and the type of maltreatment. The long term consequences of maltreatment on children and young people who are not helped effectively have a personal cost and a cost to a society as a whole. Children with constant fear that is experienced when being abused can affect brain development with long life consequences. Brain scans show the difference between abused children and non-abused children. Child from 0 to 3 years needs to bond – make a secure and trusting relationship with the main caregiver in order to develop health. Ability to feel empathy, compassion, trust and love is based on these early experiences. If bonding is not there then the relationship between caregiver and child is not right. There are four theories of maltreatment: medical, sociological, psychological and feminist. The medical model of child abuse is where abuse is viewed as a disease which is called the battered-child syndrome which is a clinical condition is children who have received abuse and is a cause of permanent injury or even death. The sociological model of maltreatment defines child abuse in terms of social judgement of parental acts which are considered inappropriate by cultural standards and practices. Sociological models focus on contextual condition such as poverty that give rise to abuse. The psychological model of maltreatment is an attachment theory and says that a child needs to develop a relationship with at least one caregiver for development to occur normally. The feminist model say that feminist believe that men like to have all power and they can get it by abusing children or to regain power if they have lost it. If child abuse is suspected then it should be immediately reported. It depends on where the child abuse is suspected, people should always follow the policies of the setting and implementing safe working practices. For example if you work in school or nursery you would talk to the designated person for example manager or head teacher. People should write down causes for concern as and when they happen recording as much information down as possible and writing down only the facts. So if a child tells you something you should write it down exactly as they said it and not what you think they mean. Depending on what has been disclosed would depend on how you react. For example if child has a bump on their head and is very quiet about it and doesn’t tell you it doesn’t mean that they have been abused. You have to know their parents too. If a child discloses something which is of concern to you for example they reveal that they have been abused then action should be taken immediately to ensure child’s safety. A person has a responsibility to maintain confidentiality according to policies of the setting. Person who is suspecting the abuse should always listen and communicate at children or young person’s pace and without any pressure and always take the child seriously. Strategies and methods that can be used to support children, young people and their families where abuse is suspected or confirmed is that person should be respectful towards these children and have a child centred approach. Active support should be provided which empowers children and young people. Their self-confidence, self-esteem, resilience and assertiveness should be supported because it is really low when people were abused and it is needed to really support children and young people because it would have affected them. You should always share information and not to keep secrets from them but giving information according to their age because you wouldn’t want to give too much information or inappropriate information for example to a 3 year old and you would talk differently with children than with young people. For families it is important to develop supportive relationships with parent and families and involving parents in the assessment of children needs to help them not to make the same mistakes in the future and to make them know what the children needs to have. People should always help parents to recognise the value and significance of their contributions and encourage them to develop their parenting skills. To minimise the effects of abuse you should always encourage expression of feelings within acceptable boundaries to help them deal with their emotions and to help them improve their self image. Helping them to build self esteem and confidence is also really important, for example by play therapy or counselling. Rasheed, Elizabeth; Irvine, Jo; Hetherington, Alison. BTEC Level 3 National Health and Social Care. London, GBR: Hodder Education, 2010. p 224. Copyright  © 2010. Hodder Education. All rights reserved. The Battered-Child Syndrome, July 7, 1962. (brak daty). 03 19, 2012
Friday, November 15, 2019
National Energy Plan Essay -- essays research papers
National Energy Plan  ¡Ã‚ §The balance between energy consumption and the environment have always seemed at odds with one another. Is it possible that the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge could be opened to oil exploration without adverse effects to the environment? I believe it can. ¡Ã‚ ¨ Q.)     What type of National Energy Policy do we have here? A.)     Years of misguided federal and state environmental policies have raised the cost of production, failed to improve our nation's aging infrastructure, and dangerously increased America's dependence on unreliable foreign sources. The result: rising consumer utility bills, rapidly increasing gasoline prices, and rolling blackouts and brownouts. A fundamental imbalance between supply and demand defines our nation ¡Ã‚ ¦s energy crisis if energy production increases at the same rate as during the last decade our projected energy needs will far outstrip expected levels of production. Q.)     What is the current legislation? A.)     In early 2001, President Bush unveiled his National Energy Policy Report and I feel that was a step in the right direction. It recommends environmentally sound changes to increase domestic supply, improve delivery, reform counterproductive regulations, and encourage energy diversity. Although more should be done to ensure that any new policies adhere to free-market principles, the plan provides a blueprint for reform.      More recently, the Energy Conservation, Research, and Development Act of 2003 passed the House of Representatives 246-180. It goal is to conduct a balanced, long-term research effort in the areas of Buildings, Industry, FreedomCAR and Vehicle Technologies and Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and Infrastructure. Grants will be offered to develop and transfer various energy conservation technologies to the nonfederal sector.      Some examples of funded projects Grants have been awarded to perform: (1) Research on high performance heat pumps; (2) research on thermally efficient commercial buildings; (3) research in vehicle engines; (4) research on high temperature materials; and (5) research on industrial separation processes. Congressman Chris Cannon (R-UT) praised House passage of a comprehensive energy plan designed to... ...s, that would indicate they are actually more reliable than fossil plants. Wind and Solar power can't come close to the capacity factors of nuclear power, for obvious reasons. The population of the United States and the World is growing rapidly, and even with significant conservation measures, demand for electricity will increase. This is particularly true if we can move a significant number of people from gasoline powered cars to light rail and electric automobiles, both of which require large amounts of electricity. Nuclear power is a proven, safe, and effective technology for production of electricity, and the technical issues of radiation control and waste management have long since been resolved. Q.)     What is your projection for the future? A.)     A majority of people around these days grew up in a time where anything with the word  ¡Ã‚ §nuclear ¡Ã‚ ¨ in it causes them to flinch. Its just the way life was back the. I think America is going to have to adapt. Were stretched to the seams as it is right now so I cant see how we can go on much longer with out creating safe alternatives to out dependence on fossil fuels.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Exploring the Thematic Link Between the Epigraph and the Greasy Lake Essay
The †Greasy Lake†seems to be influence by Bruce Springsteen †Spirit in the Night†. It is like used an epigraph from his song even though its not about the characters of the story. The characters and actions are completely made up. The †Greasy Lake†seemed to just imitate the song and take on its a free spirit. The â€Å"Bad boy†image in the â€Å"Greasy Lake†was admired and planned as the boys days continued, it was not original. We can just think about when the â€Å"Greasy Lake†was set not only the epigraph but also the title of the story was inspired by Bruce Springsteen †Spirit in the Night†. Think about it, are these boys really â€Å"bad†? No, they are just acting out the kind of behavior they think is â€Å"bad†,†cool†or expected of them. They read books to learn the â€Å"Bad boy†ways, drink cheap non- bad boy drinks and came from high class families. The nature of life was shown through the bad things that took place such as beating the guy and disrespecting the girl and being bad in order to be looked at as bad or cool. This is the narrator learned his lesson all from his actiions. The narrator, in the beginning of the story, believed himself and his friends were these tough guys but the events trhoughout the night reveals to the narrator that there is a price to be paid when trying to be bad. It was the third night of summer vacation and the narrator and his two friends, Digby and Jeff, wanted to prove they were misfits. That they were ready to be reckless and became reck. On that night they wanted to be semi- rebels, their rebellion explodes in their faces. Their actions brings them into a tougher world than they had arranged for. They beat the goy up and was about to rape his girl friend. The guy friends pulled up and the tables had turned. They ran through the woods, dived and poluted waters and floated with the real tough guy who was dead in the waters. They hid from the real tough guys because they were scared and weren’t bad at all. The layed low till the early morning and then the three boys started to feel a bunch of hatred or repugnance for the â€Å"Bad boy†life. As the end it is clear that they have had enough of being â€Å"bad. †The narrator of â€Å"Greasy Lake†matures during his risky adventure because he has different views of nature. Earlier in the story they wanted to destroy the smell of possibility and interact in all these crazy moments such as watch the girl take their clothes off, drink, smoke and listen to Rock & Roll. At the end of the story these cruel likings loses their request or want for these â€Å"Bad†guy qualities and aspects of life. When morning arrived the narrator experienced the beauty of the natural world like it was his first time. He has a epiphany or proclamation that this was nature and in the beginning it was just a dirty, rundown lake.? This was not just for him but for his friends also. When the girls approached them at the end his friend stepped up and trned down the girls offer. The three friends had the experience of a life time that changed thm for the better.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The War Of Northern Aggression
Since the end of the American Civil War it has long been thought of as a war of freedom. The victorious Union declared that they were fighting to free the slaves in the South. However, in fact, the Civil War was actually a major breaking point in American History because it was really a power struggle between the old and the new. The new, just as it had done in the previous generations, was replacing the old and was using so called â€Å"justice†as its spearhead.This division, based upon several distinct factors, led to conflict and sectionalism within the country and ultimately started a war. The Southern states eventually seceded from the Union because of differences in cultural expansion, political beliefs, and authority. Culturally, the South and the North were almost always at odds. However, it didn’t escalate into a serious matter until the admission of California and a growing interest in the West.This expansion created the question of whether or not slavery was allowed in the West, and although many people thought that the conflict was solved with the Missouri Compromise, they were sadly mistaken (just ask the Native Americans and how compromises worked out with them). The truth of the matter was that the majority of Northerners didn’t really care if the South had slaves or not in the beginning. Odds are that the institution of slavery would had died out anyhow with no need for a war.However, if the nation was expanding and growing into a respectable country around the world, slavery was what many people believed was holding America back. This created tensions between the North and the South which often led to violent encounters such as the raid on Harpers Ferry led by John Brown, as well as violent disputes in the West, particularly in Kansas, over popular sovereignty which eventually led to the nickname â€Å"Bleeding Kansas. †With industrialism circulating in the North and new ties being made between the North and the We st due to advancements in railroads and transportation, along came with it a sense of superiority.The North was advancing along with the West, and the wicked South with all its impurities and old-fashioned traditions was holding the nation back. Although, what many Northerners couldn’t comprehend is that slavery was a necessary evil in the South. Slavery, along with technological advancements such as the cotton gin and short-staple cotton, were the main reasons for an influx of wealth in the region. In short, the livelihood of many Southerners was based on slavery and with the expansion in the West, and the question of slavery in the West, there was definite reason for Southerners to feel threatened.If people would fight to keep it contained then they would eventually fight to abolish it. In fact, in an excerpt from a speech given by Albert Brown he states that, â€Å"The Northerners hate us now, and they teach their children in their schools and churches to hate our childre n†¦. The John Brown raid, the burning of Texas, the stealthy tread of abolitionists among us, will tell the tale†¦. The North is accumulating power, and it means to use that power to emancipate your slaves (Doc 2).†This not only gives an example of how many Southerners felt threatened and infuriated but also shows the division of the country due to a prodding Northern agenda. Actually, in an excerpt from Jefferson Davis he said just that. He stated that, â€Å"Sectional hostility manifested in hostile legislation by states and raids of organized bodies sustained by Contributions†¦ of Northern Society furnish to us sufficient cause†, which basically means that Northern Society was backing Southern Society into a corner (Doc 7).Politically, the division between the two sections of the country was much greater than their already distant cultures. In fact, in the 1860 presidential election the popular vote was almost split right down the middle between the No rthern Republican, Lincoln, and the Southern Democrat, Douglas. Not only was it divided in numbers but as well as the different sections of the country almost exactly (Doc 4).In fact, during the presidential campaign in 1860 the Republican party stated that, â€Å"we deny the authority of Congress, of a territorial legislature, or of any individuals, to give legal existence to slavery in any territory of the United States†whereas the Democratic party stated that, â€Å"all citizens of the United States have an equal right to settle with their property in the Territory, without their rights, either of person or property being impaired (Doc 1)†, ultimately showing the reader the different opinions held by each half of the country.This gradual disunion of the country and its politics eventually led to a series of events, including the repeal of the Missouri Compromise and such abolitionist literature as Uncle Tom’s Cabin, that started a war. In a passage written b y George Templeton he reassured this when he said that, â€Å"we might have forgotten it had not Douglas undertaken to get Southern votes by repealing the Missouri Compromise. That was the final blow (Doc 5). †Despite the cultural and political differences of the war, to many people, it was about honor and integrity. The South felt as though the North had no right to tell it what it can and cannot do, and rightly so. Who were they to tell Southerners that after ages of building up their own Southern society and culture, they had to tear it down and conform to the rest of the country and its own beliefs and practices? In theory, the real reason behind the war was authority, and who exactly had it.Whether or not it was the pressure from the Federal Government to take control, or it was the states themselves who craved freedom from the government, or a combination of both didn’t matter because it was too far-gone at that point. However, the truth of the matter was summed up by a quotation from the Pittsburgh Press when it stated that, â€Å"The Republicans claim the right to make a code of laws for the South, not only in the States, but in the Territories (Doc 3).†This gives us the basis for what the war was truly about, which was the right to protect oneself and their way of life. So in conclusion, the Southern states seceded due to large differences in culture, politics, and faulty authority. This gave way to one of the bloodiest wars this country has ever seen with over half a million deaths on its own soil between its own countrymen. This tragedy led to resentment between both sections of the country, but allowed for the reestablishment of the Union to commence, giving way to the foundation of our present, somewhat unified country.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Profile of Jodi Arias and the Murder of Travis Alexander
Profile of Jodi Arias and the Murder of Travis Alexander Jodi Arias was arrested on July 15, 2008, and charged with shooting and stabbing to death her 30-year-old ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander, in his home in Meza, Arizona. Arias pleaded not guilty, claiming that she killed Alexander in self-defense. Background Jodi Ann Arias was born in Salinas, California, on July 9, 1980, to William Angelo and Sandy D. Arias. She has four siblings: an older half-sister, two younger brothers and a sister. Beginning at the age of 10, Arias showed an interest in photography which continued throughout her adult life. Her childhood years are unremarkable, however, she has said that she was an abused child, claiming her parents hit her with wooden spoons and a belt. The abuse allegedly began when she was 7-years-old. Arias dropped out of Yreka Union High School in the 11th grade. She continued to pursue her interest in professional photography while working at various part-time jobs. Darryl Brewer During the fall of 2001, Arias began working as a server at a restaurant located at the Ventana Inn and Spa in Carmel, California. Darryl Brewer, who was the food and beverage manager for the restaurant, was in charge of hiring and training the restaurants employees. Both Arias and Brewer lived in staff housing and in January 2003, they began dating. At the time Arias was 21 and Brewer was 40. They had already engaged in sex together before they began to officially date. Brewer said that that time, Arias was a responsible, caring and loving person. In May 2005, Arias and Brewer purchased a home together in Palm Desert, California. The agreement was that they would each be responsible for paying half of the mortgage payments of $2008 a month. In February 2006, Jodi began working for Prepaid Legal, while keeping her servers job at Ventana. She also began getting involved with the Mormon Church. She started having visitors to the home who were of the Mormon faith for Bible studies and group prayer sessions. In May 2006, Jodi told Brewer that she no longer wanted to have a physical relationship with him because she wanted to practice what she was being taught at church and save herself for her future husband. It is also around the same time that she decided to have breast implants. According to Brewer, during the summer of 2006, Jodi had begun to change as her involvement with Prepaid Legal increased. She became financially irresponsible and began defaulting on her financial responsibilities, including what she owed in living expenses. As the relationship began to deteriorate, Brewer made arrangements to move to Monterrey to be closer to his son. Jodi was not planning to move with him and it was agreed that she would remain in the house until it could be sold. Their relationship ended in December 2006, however, they did remain friends and would occasionally call each other. The following year the house went into foreclosure. Travis Alexander Arias and Travis Alexander met in September 2006, in Las Vegas, Nevada, while attending a Prepaid Legal Services conference. Alexander was 30 and worked as a motivational speaker and a sales representative for Prepaid Legal. Arias was 28 and was living in Yreka, California, working in sales for Prepaid Legal and trying to develop her photography business. There was an immediate attraction between the two and according to Arias, the relationship became sexual a week after they met. At the time, Arias was living in California and Alexander was in Arizona. They began traveling together to several states and when apart the relationship grew through emails (over 82,000 were eventually exchanged) and talking together on the phone daily. On November 26, 2006, Arias was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in order, in her words, to get closer to Alexander who was a devout Mormon. Three months later Alexander and Arias began dating each other exclusively and she moved from California to Mesa, Arizona, to be closer to Alexander. The relationship lasted around four months, ending in the latter part of June 2007, although they continued to have sex together periodically. According to Arias, the relationship ended because she did not trust Alexander. She later alleged that Alexander was a sexual deviant who was physically and sexually abusive to her and that he wanted her to be his personal slave. Stalking After the relationship ended, Alexander began dating other women and allegedly complained to friends that Arias was jealous. He suspected that she had slashed his tires twice and sent threatening anonymous emails to him and to the woman he was dating. He also told friends that Arias had snuck into his home through a dog door while he was sleeping. Secret Relationship Despite the claims of being stalked, Alexander and Arias continued to travel together during March 2008 and maintained their sexual relationship. According to Arias, she grew tired of being Alexanders secret girlfriend and when it came time for her to find another place to live after her roommate married, she decided to return to California. Evidence shows that after Arias left Arizona, that the two continued to exchange sexually explicit internet messages and pictures. According to Alexanders friends, in June 2008 he had enough of Arias after suspecting her of hacking into his Facebook account and bank accounts. He allegedly told her he wanted her to stay out of his life forever. Alexander is Murdered According to police records, on June 2, 2008, Arias rented a car from Budget Rent-a-Car in Redding, California, and drove to Alexanders home in Mesa, where they took pictures of them having sex together and in various nude poses. On June 4, Arias drove back to California and returned the rental car to Budget-Rental. Alexanders friends became concerned about him when he missed an important meeting and failed to show up for a planned trip to Cancun, Mexico. On June 9, two of his friends went to his home and woke up one of his roommates, who insisted Alexander was out of town. He then checked Alexanders room which had been locked and discovered him dead on the floor of his shower stall. Through an autopsy it was determined that Alexander had been shot in the brow, stabbed 27 times and his neck had been severed. Evidence The detectives handling Alexanders murder were able to collect a lot of forensic evidence at the murder scene. This included a camera which was found in the washing machine, which appeared to have been washed. It was general knowledge that Alexander had grown annoyed with Arias stalking. It was first suggested that Arias could be involved in Alexanders death during the 9-1-1 call that was made after Alexanders body was discovered. Other friends and family members who were interviewed by the detectives also suggested that the police should interview Arias. Recovered Photos and DNA Results Arias began calling Esteban Flores who was the detective that was in charge of the case. She asked about details of the murder and offered to help in the investigation. She claimed that she had no knowledge of the crime and that she had last seen Alexander in April 2008. On June 17, Arias allowed herself to be fingerprinted and swabbed for DNA, as did many of Alexanders friends. Two days after being fingerprinted, investigators questioned her about a series of photos which had been recovered from the memory card of the camera that was found in the washing machine. The photos, which were time-stamped on June 4, 2008, showed images of Alexander in the shower, likely minutes before he was killed. There were also images of him lying on the floor bleeding. Other pictures, which had been deleted but recovered, were of Jodi, nude and posed in provocative positions, also time-stamped on the same day. Arias continued to insist that she had not seen Alexander since April. A week later lab tests showed that a bloody print found at the murder scene contained DNA that matched Arias and Alexander. There was also a DNA match to Arias on hair found at the scene. Happy Birthday Over the following weeks, Arias attended a memorial service for Alexander, wrote a lengthy sympathy letter to his grandmother, arranged for flowers to be sent to his family and posted loving messages about Travis on her MySpace page. On July 9, 2008, which was Arias birthday, a California grand jury indicted her on first-degree murder. Six days later she was arrested and charged with first-degree murder and in September she was extradited to Arizona to face trial. Lies and More Lies Just days after being incarcerated in Arizona, Jodi Arias granted an interview with the Arizona Republic. During the interview, she insisted that she was innocent and had nothing to do with the murder of Alexander. She gave no explanation for why her DNA was found at the murder scene. A few weeks later, on September 24, 2008, the television show, Inside Edition also interviewed Arias, but this time she admitted that she was with Alexander when he was murdered and that it was two intruders who did it. She explained more about the murder in another interview for 48 Hours on June 23, 2009. She said that she had been miraculously spared during what she called a home invasion. According to her story, Alexander had been playing around with his new camera and suddenly she found herself lying on the bathroom floor after hearing a loud pop. When she looked up she saw a man and a woman, both dressed in black, approaching. They were carrying a knife and a gun. She said that the man pointed the gun at her and pulled the trigger, but that nothing happened. She then ran out of the house, leaving Alexander, and did not look back. She explained her reason for not calling the police was because she was afraid for her life and she was pretending that none of it happened. In fear, she drove back to California. The Death Penalty The Maricopa County Attorneys Office described the crimes of Jodi Arias especially cruel, heinous and carried out in a depraved manner and sought the death penalty. Representing Herself Months before the trial was to begin, Arias told the judge that she wanted to represent herself. The judge allowed it, as long as there was a public defender present during the trial. A few weeks later, Arias attempted to get letters into evidence that she alleged were written by Alexander. In the letters, Alexander admitted to being a pedophile. The letters were tested and found to be forged. Within days of the forgery discovery, Arias told the judge that she was over legally her head and her legal counsel was reinstated. The Trial and Sentencing The trial against Jodi Arias began on January 2, 2013, in Maricopa County Superior Court with the Hon. Sherry K. Stephens presiding. Arias court-appointed lawyers, L. Kirk Nurmi and Jennifer Willmott, argued that Arias killed Alexander in self-defense. The trial was live-streamed and quickly gained worldwide attention. Arias spent 18 full days on the stand and talked about being abused by her parents, shared intimate details about her sex life with Travis Alexander and described how the relationship had become verbally and physically abusive. After deliberating for 15 hours, the jury found Arias guilty of first-degree murder. On May 23, 2013, during the sentencing phase, the jury was unable to reach a unanimous decision. A second jury convened on October 20, 2014, but they too were deadlocked 11-1 in favor of the death penalty. That left the sentencing decision up to Stephens, although the death penalty was now off the table. On April 13, 2013, Arias was sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. She is currently residing at the Arizona State Prison Complex - Perryville and is classified as a high-risk level 5 prisoner and remains in maximum security.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Custom Coursework
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Sunday, November 3, 2019
Critical media theory remains relevant to the analysis of the culture Essay
Critical media theory remains relevant to the analysis of the culture industry - Essay Example ture industry refers to the pseudo-singularity and standardization of cultural items and the format by which they (cultural items) are promoted and dispersed to the general public. When the media industry is consolidated, centralized power is placed under the control of the few media corporations that remain behind. This power enables these corporations to influence the media content in terms of production and distribution. According to Herman and Chomsky (2002), the media today, especially within the US, is filled with a lot of propaganda. This, they attribute to the media having developed the fundamental need of supporting the special interests of those dominating the industry, including the state’s interests. The media system does not always completely agree on all issues and this aspect preserves the media’s legitimacy and credibility. Herman and Chomsky summarize their theory in what they call the â€Å"media model†. The political economy theory is one of the very important ways of analyzing how the culture industry operates and is arguably the most appropriate technique of doing so. The several products of the culture industry come out through several mediums like radio, television, internet and the printed press, mentioning a few. The cultural industry today operates under and is heavily influenced by government regulations and corporate structures (Andrejevic, 2007). This influence is what makes the political economy approach the important analyzing tool that it is. The reciprocity of interest combined with economic necessities tends to draw the mass media into some sort of symbiotic relationship with influential sources. The media has found itself in a position where it heavily relies on the information provided by governmental and corporate sources, which in turn have come up with huge bureaucracies that provide the media with the material to be dispersed. Thise symbiotic relationship has further been boosted by the over time development of the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Human Resource Staffing Principal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Human Resource Staffing Principal - Essay Example Staffing, in fact efficient and dedicated staffing has been always a focal point of HR experts around the globe in the quest of sorting out the best and the perfect method to staff men for the job. Staffing is the process of finding the best of the human resources available to satiate the needs of growing or even sustain modern organizations. Small or large, every organization undergoes a process of staffing, and this is what makes staffing and important aspect of every organization (Morgen Witzel, 2004). The first step towards staffing is having a strategy that will be the basic guidelines in the entire staffing process. Developing a staffing strategy means analyzing the short and long term goals of the organization and then developing the positions that are required to achieve those goals. This way the organization managers know what exactly is required and what will be the suitable candidate. This also makes realize the remuneration and the additional facilities that are provided to the employee. The most fundamental issue that is haunting the top managers is finding the right work force that will not only fulfill the requirements of the job but also compete with other brands in the market. For this, the HR staffers develop a strategy of what type of staff they need and what are the sources that will satiate those demands. Developing a staffing tactic also requires identifying the key human resource areas and also realizing the sources of substitutes if a position goes vacant unexpectedly. After the development of a definite strategy comes the stage where the position is defined and the resources for that position is delineated. For example, an organization dealing in motorcycle sales is expanding and opening a new office in another state. The strategy requires making two fundamental decisions, would the organization’s own staff will be managing the sales in all the cities in that state or will he organization be letting our dealerships to local inves tors. How will those sales managers/dealers be managed and where to get the people interested in doing those jobs. Who will be performing what job and what salary and other benefits will he get in return all are delineated and this is what constitutes developing a HR staffing strategy. There are multiple types of organizations according to working styles and this is what determines they models of HR they have. Most of the organizations like the sales department of Apple or DHL couriers simply can not do without people to people interaction and thus require people to manage the reins of the organizations despite the fact that most of the 9-5 jobs are being automated. However, services like the airports and hospitals cannot be just closed down at 5pm because the shift is over, these require to be working in shifts and therefore have three shifts of eight hours each. Regular staff allows for the regular work to be done on regular basis and thus brings consistency in the work done. With growing interdependence on technology and unavailability of efficient work force everywhere, many organizations even rely on telecommuting or freelancing to get results. Companies like Cisco, Intel and Deloitte have a reliable number of telecommuters. Most of the internet and computer based jobs are filled by telecommuters, this way the employers have to pay only for the work done, reduce costs and achieve
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