Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Cryopreservation of Zebrafish Ovarian Follicles Essay
Cryopreservation of Zebrafish Ovarian Follicles - Essay Example The technologies in cryopreservation have undergone tremendous advances over the last decade. In addition, cryopreservation of oocytes and embryos is also being used as an effective means of treating infertility. In this technology, the clinical application seeks to ensure the optimal survival of embryos and oocytes that are subsequently thawed and stored for transfer . The aim of this practical experimentation is to compare the slow-cooling procedures with vitrification to analyze and evaluate the most effective and safest procedure as well as to endorse suitable recommendation for the adoption of best practices. To do this, it is necessary to test and calculate the viability for control, slow-cooling and vitrification samples. Determining the number of cells in the culture is also important for standardising culture conditions and performing accurate quantitation experiments . The use of viability test with hemacytometer and typan blue staining will enable us to determine the cell number, the correctness of which is inevitable for accurate test results. Live cells appear colourless and bright under phase contrast, while the dead cells sustain blue stains and are non-refractive. To facilitate accuracy and consistency of cell counts, we have used a viability counting system. This involves counting viable, live and dead cells in one or more large corner squares and recording the cell counts. In order to obtain an accurate cell count, 40 to 70 cells will be counted during the test phase. Therefore, it may be necessary to count more than one large corner square. The controlled technique, which is the conservative method used for the purpose of cryopreservation of cells and tissues, is based on the slow-cooling approach. It needs to be appreciated that a large number of non-sensitive cells can be preserved in liquid nitrogen with little damage through slow-cooling
Monday, October 28, 2019
The School for Scandal Essay Example for Free
The School for Scandal Essay The dialogue in this play is everything. I dont believe that if this play were written without the Shakespearean style it would hold its meaning or its comedic qualities together. The dialogue is very fast paced and sometimes hard to understand, but that is what makes it so entertaining. The plot really doesnt become clear until the 3rd act of this play. We are finally informed on pg. 477 of what the point of this play is. Sir Oliver says before I form my judgment of either of them, I intend to make a trial of their hearts-and my friend Rowley and I have planned something for the purpose. later on the same page they explain this plan for testing the two brothers. Through exposition we learn more of what is to happen to these brothers as Sir Peter comes up with another idea on how to test them on pg. 478 Now then, Sir Oliver, you may have a better opportunity of satisfying yourself than by an old romancing tale of a poor relation;- go with my friend Moses, and represent Mr. Premium, and then Ill answer for t, you will see your nephew in all his glory. Sir Peter thinks that this plan will surely show Sir Oliver how bad of a person his nephew Charles really is. The idea of this play obviously revolves around gossip. Every character in this play is attacked by this gossip at some point. No one is immune. Mrs. Candour says it several times in different ways that in fact everyone gossips and everyone is gossiped about and there is no way to stop it. She says on pg. 469 from several different places in the conversation.. but there is no stopping peoples tongues. Whats to be done? People will talk-theres no preventing it. But the world is so censorious, no character escapes. I think that she knows its wrong and says many times that tale-bearers are as bad as tale-makers but then she goes and starts telling another story about someone. Her constant contradiction of herself is absolutely hilarious. A surprising character in this play is Lady Teazle. Although it plainly says that she is from the country and from this we would assume that she is not well educated, she doesnt sound uneducated from the dialogue. I really liked her character, she is so strong willed and bullheaded. This forceful attitude is the only thing in the dialogue that suggests that she is from a lesser social circle. This is shown on pg. 472 when she says Sir Peter, Sir Peter, you may it or not, as you please; but I out to have my own way in everything, and whats more, I will too. What! though I was educated in the country, I know very well that women of fashion in London are accountable to nobody after they are married. Unfortunately for her, her husband, Sir Peter, does not agree with this philosophy. But he does love her and she knows it, that why she also knows that she can get away with anything she wants with him. I think she really did marry the old man just for his money, but in the end she realizes that she loves him too. I think Sir Peter on the other hand lets her get away with these things out of sheet boredom and the need to have something to talk, or gripe about. On pg 471 he says to Rowley But the fault is entirely hers, Master Rowley. I am, myself, the sweetest-tempered mad alive and hate a teasing temper- and so I tell her a hundred times a day This is funny because on the very next page he is the one who goads Lady Teazle into an argument. The dialogue in this play holds so much of the play together. There is almost no action, other than entrances and exits so the scenes have to pushed by the dialogue so that it doesnt drag. I think this is the main reason behind the fast paced conversations, that and humor.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Assisted Suicide :: essays papers
Assisted Suicide It is upsetting and depressing living life in the shadow of death. Many questions appear on this debatable topic, such as should we legalize euthanasia? What is euthanasia? What is assisted suicide? What is the difference between Passive and Active Euthanasia? What is Voluntary, Non-voluntary and Involuntary Euthanasia? What is Mercy Killing? What is "Death with dignity"? But if euthanasia was legalized, wouldn't patients then die peacefully rather than using plastic bags or other methods? And unfortunately the list continues. No one denies that there are many vulnerable persons who require the protection of the law. Take, for example, those in a temporary state of clinical depression, perhaps caused by a traumatic event in their lives. These persons will recover and go on to lead productive, happy lives, and it would be unconscionable to encourage or support them in a transitory wish to die. There are also many unemployed and unemployable, many disabled of all ages, and many senior citizens whose families might, for selfish or downright malicious reasons, encourage them to seek assisted suicide. All kinds of people in difficult situations could be at risk of being intimidated or forced into feeling their early death would be a convenience to society. Section 241 is doubly flawed. It is not an especially effective drawback against those who seek to prey on the vulnerable, but at the same time it forces persons enduring intolerable suffering to exist in that state against their own wishes, thus denying them their right of self-determination as citizens in a free democracy. Competent, rational human beings must have the right to determine their own health care according to their personal wishes, values and beliefs, as long as such a determination does not jeopardize the safety or well-being of any other person. We do not believe, for instance, that people have the right to kill themselves by driving recklessly and in so doing jeopardize the safety of others. To kill oneself by causing an explosion that will inevitably put others at risk is horror. It is also reproachable to end one's own life without regard to the trauma it might inflict on the vulnerable. People shall never forget the horror suffered by two young children who arrived home after school to find their mother hanging from the hall chandelier, or by a teen-age boy who found his father with his head blown apart from a self-inflicted shotgun wound in the kitchen of their home. We also need to consider the anguish of family members, friends and even health-care professionals who must continue to witness, day after day, Assisted Suicide :: essays papers Assisted Suicide It is upsetting and depressing living life in the shadow of death. Many questions appear on this debatable topic, such as should we legalize euthanasia? What is euthanasia? What is assisted suicide? What is the difference between Passive and Active Euthanasia? What is Voluntary, Non-voluntary and Involuntary Euthanasia? What is Mercy Killing? What is "Death with dignity"? But if euthanasia was legalized, wouldn't patients then die peacefully rather than using plastic bags or other methods? And unfortunately the list continues. No one denies that there are many vulnerable persons who require the protection of the law. Take, for example, those in a temporary state of clinical depression, perhaps caused by a traumatic event in their lives. These persons will recover and go on to lead productive, happy lives, and it would be unconscionable to encourage or support them in a transitory wish to die. There are also many unemployed and unemployable, many disabled of all ages, and many senior citizens whose families might, for selfish or downright malicious reasons, encourage them to seek assisted suicide. All kinds of people in difficult situations could be at risk of being intimidated or forced into feeling their early death would be a convenience to society. Section 241 is doubly flawed. It is not an especially effective drawback against those who seek to prey on the vulnerable, but at the same time it forces persons enduring intolerable suffering to exist in that state against their own wishes, thus denying them their right of self-determination as citizens in a free democracy. Competent, rational human beings must have the right to determine their own health care according to their personal wishes, values and beliefs, as long as such a determination does not jeopardize the safety or well-being of any other person. We do not believe, for instance, that people have the right to kill themselves by driving recklessly and in so doing jeopardize the safety of others. To kill oneself by causing an explosion that will inevitably put others at risk is horror. It is also reproachable to end one's own life without regard to the trauma it might inflict on the vulnerable. People shall never forget the horror suffered by two young children who arrived home after school to find their mother hanging from the hall chandelier, or by a teen-age boy who found his father with his head blown apart from a self-inflicted shotgun wound in the kitchen of their home. We also need to consider the anguish of family members, friends and even health-care professionals who must continue to witness, day after day,
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Jack nelsons problem Essay
There are some problems in bank’s home office and branches. These problems have some cause. From what I noticed from the case above, there are mainly three problems that caused the problem in the bank’s home office and branches. Firstly, the home office does not provide any training for employees. That’s why when Jack Nelson was introduced to the entire employee in the home office; he was introduced to Ruth Johnson. Ruth Johnson working for two months but she does not know about the machine that she was using. But she operates the machine properly. Organization did not oriented and trained her properly. If organization trained her well Johnson will clear about her job and responsibility. Secondly, there are lack of communication among the branches between supervisor and employees. The main issue in this case is employee turnover was high during past eight years, as a result supervisor tried to find a suitable employee to replace the worker who had quit. We know that employee turnover is a costly expense especially in lower paying job roles, for which the employee turnover rate is highest. There was no standardization of recruitment process in organization. They had also lack of communication process. Because all branch office hired employee without communicate whit their home office. Lastly, the bank home office does not have Human Resources Department. Most of the problem that appeared in the case is related to employees’ issue. Therefore, having a HR department can reduce the issue regarding employees among the branches and home office. Question 2: Do you think setting up an HR unit in the main office would help? Answer: HR unit would help main office in many ways. Setting up an HR department could help a lot in the main office because the main purpose of why HR department is available in a company is because they are in charge of all the employees by recruiting, provide training, appraising, and compensating them. This bank’s major problem is employee turnover. If they set up a Human Resource unit in the main office, this unit will control the recruitment process; they will also build up good communication with their internal employee. At present bank have no specific policy for managing. HR unit give them a structural policy, which help them. HR unit will analysis the job and they will hired the right person for the right job. Additionally, HR department is important to all managers in the main office. There are many advantages of having a HR department in the main office. Firstly, it can help to prevent hiring wrong person for the job in main office. For example, people who have engineering background may not suitable for working in a company but more suitable in a factory. Secondly, whenever there is a high turnover of employees, HR department can help to reduce it because they can tend to recruit employees and train them to be more committed to the main office. Thirdly, when an employee’s performance is low then, HR department will take action of transferring the particular employee to training or counseling so that, can find out the problem within that employee. So setting up an HR unit would definitely help the main office. Question 3: What specific functions should an HR unit carry out? What HR functions would then be carried out by supervisors and other line managers? Answer: The functions an HR Unit should carry out are given below: Job analyses, Planning employee needs and recruiting, Providing advising and training in the selection process, Orientation of new employees, Managing wage and salary administration, Managing incentives and benefits, Providing and managing the performance appraisal process, Organization-wide communications, Providing training & developing services. Supervisors and Other Line Managers should carry out the functions given below: Interviewing and selection of job candidates, Training new employees, Appraising performance, Departmental & personal communications, Training & development.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Drug Testing Welfare Applicants
As of 2011 there are 4. 3 million Americans on welfare and using 131 billion dollars that come from the tax payers. Welfare has been a hot issue in the United States for a while and a common debate is whether citizens that qualify for welfare should be drug tested or not. Most Americans agree that some sort of support system for citizens that are struggling financially is a good idea and can help some get back on their feet. Others will argue that many people on welfare abuse their privileges to fund their substance abuse and misuse the taxpayer’s money.My own view is that people should have to pass a drug test in order to receive these government handouts and prevent habitual users from abusing these privileges. Welfare is a federally funded program that gives monetary assistance to citizens who have little to no income. The United States welfare system began back in the 1930’s, during the Great Depression, era due to an overwhelming amount of families that were strugg ling to get by. Still today there are millions of people barely making by during these tough economic times.Citizens can apply for different types of welfare including social welfare, corporate welfare, child welfare to name some of the most popular. On these types of welfare people can receive different types of aid such as health care, food stamps or child care. There are many factors go into a person’s eligibility for a welfare program. Eligibility is determined by using gross and net income, size of the family, and certain situations such as medical emergencies, pregnancy, homelessness or unemployment.After the initial application a case worker will gather all this information and determine if the person qualifies for any benefits and how much he or she can receive. A person can also apply for a state run welfare program called the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families or TANF. TANF, however, is different than most and requires that the applicant find work within two ye ars of receiving aid. Not finding work will result in a loss of these benefits. A drug test is a technical analysis of a biological specimen such as urine, hair, blood or saliva, to determine the presence or absence of specified drugs in a person’s system.A urine drug test, which is the most common in the United States, screens for ten types of drugs: Amphetamines, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cannabinoids (THC), cocaine, methadone, methaqualone, opiates, phencyclidine, and propoxyphene. All of these drugs have various detection periods in the human body but the average is two to ten days. Within this window of time. Studies have shown that the prevalence of substance abuse among welfare recipients has varied widely in their findings, with rates of between 10 and 37 percent.Much of the difference in rates found in these studies is due to different data sources, definitions, and measurement methods and the different thresholds used to define substance abuse. Another differen ce is whether alcohol abuse and/or the abuse of prescription drugs are included in the estimate. Also how can we get true evidence when we don’t have the means to drug test these welfare recipients yet. Employers require drug testing before employment so why should welfare recipients get the same treatment for the gift of receiving government funding.Its tax dollars of the working people funding someone else’s addictions. Drug use and use and its consequences affect all of society that is vital to a strong America. Drug use strains our healthcare, criminal justice systems and endangers the future of our young people with the overall strain on our economy. Florida recently became the first state to require adults applying for cash welfare assistance (i. e. , not food stamps and housing assistance) to undergo drug screenings. Florida Gov.Rick Scott defended the new rule by arguing that: â€Å"It’s not right for taxpayer money to be paying for somebody’s dr ug addiction. †¦ On top of that, this is going to increase personal responsibility and personal accountability. We shouldn’t be subsidizing people’s addiction. †In 2009, 20 states put in proposals to pass the drug test laws and at least 36 states put proposals in 2011 around drug testing of welfare (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families – TANF) and food stamp (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – SNAP) recipients.When Florida passed the law of requiring drug tests to receive welfare it set a precedent for other states to follow. Florida government believed that by passing this law itwould deter people from misusing welfare benefits to buy drugs. Florida expects the recipients to pay for the drug test and the government will reimburse the recipient the cost of the drug test. Arizona and Missouri require testing for anyone they â€Å"reasonably†suspect of illegal drug use. As of April17, 2010 Utah and Georgia also passed legislat ion for drug testing.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Christmas Essays - Course, Curricula, Christmas, Underwater Hockey
Christmas Essays - Course, Curricula, Christmas, Underwater Hockey [Instructor Name] [Course Number] ` Christmas Holiday was very big for me growing up but my favorite holiday was Christmas in the anticipation leading up to it was amazing I couldnt even sleep the night before on the other hand the preparation for Christmas morning was great and the day before Christmas spending the day at Grandmas house watching NBA games and playing in the backyard with my cousins before every family dinner, Chelsea give us a family prayer to bless the food. Christmas time is fun to enjoy the company of my family. It all starts on the day of Christmas Eve, I wake up in the morning and I prepare myself to clean up the house. This process takes a good two hours to clean the whole house. Then when the house is clean that's when my family starts to come over. The time I share with my family is the time we talk about old stories that has happen to our lives throughout the year. My family loves to cook a whole lot of fatting foods like tamales. Tamales is like a big tradition during Christmas, it's a long process to make tamales so it's the best time for my mother and aunts to catch up on gossip. While I am waiting for the tamales to be cooked I am usually on the phone with my friend's trying to find out where all the Christmas parties are at. Christmas was big for me growing up the anticipation for Christmas was out this world. Praying on Christmas eve night right before I go to sleep. Giving Sanata my Christmas list in November so I can be the first house he stop too. I just knew I was going to get everything because I was a good boy leading up to Christmas. I look Christmas and my anticipation as a kid, I was very exticed for Christmas I had. Around midnight is when we gather in the living room to open our gifts. Then after I clean up the mess from all the gifts. My friends start to come over to my house. Most of the time they usually come over because they just got to bored at home. I don't mind having my friend's over at my house when I am spending some time with my family. This is good because I don't have to leave my house to early to just be with my friends. After an hour or so that has pasted by at home, my phone is ringing off the hook. All my friends seem to call early on Christmas Day, they are only calling to see what I got from Christmas. Not only then the anticipation change for me so did the household preparation when I was kid growing up after thanksgiving we start to set up our fake Christmas tree that we had since I was a baby. The Christmas tree we had to put it together part by part at end you could have tell its wasnt real after we put the Christmas tree up we put the light around the tree that sing to us once we hit the button really get annoying after a while drive you so crazy make you want unplug the light so it would stop sing and then come to the outside preparation we had to put the Santa and The deer and light around bushes we did all that as family which mean its just me and my dad while my sister and my mom sit back watch us and boss us around while we doing it. Our outside preparation was the easy part but the part which just want to take break because you be working on the inside of the house and the Christmas tree. Im older now so when come to household preparation we dont do anything no more but the Christmas tree that we still have and try put light around it we stopped doing the Christmas preparation once I became a freshemen in high school and My sister was a junior in high school I miss the days when we the took the household preparation serious as a family. When come down to Christmas dinner after
Monday, October 21, 2019
Market report for Dubal
Market report for Dubal Introduction The US is renowned for its rich democratic space, strong consumer power, and business astuteness. However, its economic downturn and high cost of business may impede success there.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Market report for Dubal specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A company needs to look into the external and internal factors that will affect it when it enters the international market. The purpose of the report is to determine whether Dubal, a UAE aluminium manufacturer, should enter the US market. Macro business environment political The Unites States of America is a federal state, in which the head of state is the president and the constitution is the supreme protector of citizens’ rights. It has a strong judiciary headed by the Supreme Court and is backed by an equally influential parliamentary system. Therefore, the three centres of power are the executive, the Judiciary and Con gress. Two parties dominate the country’s politics; that is, The Democratic Party and the Republican Party. The latter part depends on business donations for campaign funding while Democrats get it from organised labour. Consequently, parties in office may make policies that protect the interests of their funders. Dubal’s ability to safeguard its needs will depend on the ruling party and their affiliations. Nonetheless, the country is a strong democracy and has a stable political environment. It is unlikely that Dubal will experience cases of war or civil conflict in this nation. Trade restrictions and protectionism exist, albeit at low levels. Constraints exist regarding the legality of a business; Dubal will have to go through a long process before being recognised as a legal entity. Additionally, zoning restrictions exist on firms that can bring goods into the country. Copyright and patent laws are quite severe in this country. Dubal may find difficulties in competi ng with older aluminium companies as they may possess patents over certain business processes.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Additionally, the country has several requirements on training workers, and licensing is a lengthy process for foreign businesses. Employers are obligated to pay for medical insurance as well other policies, so this may increase Dubal’s labour costs. The UAE and US do not have special trade agreements; however, substantial business still occurs between these two countries. As of 2011, the US had exported $15.8 billion worth of merchandise while the UAE imports about 2.4 billion worth of goods. Since the UAE is not in NAFTA or other trading groups with the US, then trade restrictions on products need to be expected. Minerals are not protected goods, so Dubal will need to pay a huge amount for its raw material-bauxite- if it c hooses to produce in the US (US Department of Energy 13). Macro business environment-economic The US has the second largest economy in the world. As of 2011, its GDP stands at $ 14.82 trillion. This implies that Dubal will have a large consumer market to sell its products to. Additionally, the country recorded a 1.5% increase in the economy. Statistics also indicate that the US is the biggest importer of goods in the world. It allows approximately $2.314 trillion worth of merchandise into its borders. If Dubal opts to enter the market as an importer, then it will have a conducive environment for doing so. The most significant contributor to the economy is the managerial sector while manufacturing accounts for only 0.7%. Dubal will not be entering into a manufacturing zone, and this could prove to be quite useful to the organisation. The US economy is still underperforming thus implying that key product markets, such as the automobile industry, have diminished demand for aluminium pr oducts. The US has several resources such as oil deposits. However, it does not have bauxite, which is the primary raw material for production of Aluminium. Dubal may, however, save on costs by sourcing its supplies from the South American market. Some bauxite-rich nations in this region include Venezuela and Brazil (CRU International 54).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Market report for Dubal specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Unemployment rates are at an alarmingly high rate for a country of such a level. It now stands at 9.1%, and is ranked 105th. This is still an all-time low for the nation. Consumers may be hesitant to buy new commodities like cars and houses, yet these items are made from aluminium. The US’ budget deficit is also at an all-time high; it now stands at $599.9 billion while its external debt to the world is $14.71 trillion. This makes it the second most indebted nation in the world . If Dubal plans on entering such a nation, it needs to prepare for constrained buying habits and rigid monetary restrictions as the government is trying to do as much as possible to cut down on expenditure. Even loan negotiations from banks might be challenging as financial institutions are dealing with the backlash for encouraging this over expenditure. Financial institutions have created high financial obligations and losses that must be paid by consumers. Failure to honour these responsibilities could cause the entire financial sector to go bankrupt. Transport, communication and other infrastructural facilities are already set up in the country. The level of development in the US implies that most of these needs will be easily catered for. Dubal, which depends on a steady supply of electricity, will not suffer from intermittent supplies. It will also not be necessary to invest in back-up generators as the nation’s electricity suppliers are dependable. Additionally, it is relatively easy to get credit in the nation as the country is ranked 4th in the world. Enforcement of contracts is taken seriously in the US, so Dubal will be protected from contract defaults by its business partners. Furthermore, the country does not have complex business networks such as the Chinese system of family ties. Therefore, Dubal can do business with organisations from the business directory. Minimal restrictions exist among the population concerning trade. Macro business environment-social The US is a culturally diverse country, and since the UAE also possesses this trait, then it will be easy to do business there. English is the US official language, and most residents of the UAE are now familiar with it. While individuals are religious, they tend to separate religion from business life. Additionally, most individuals do not pay attention to family ties when doing business, so this will favour Dubal.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Micro environment-competition Several aluminium producers already exist in the US, such as Alcoa, Century Aluminium, RUSAL, Alcan, and Chalco. Alcoa accounts for 54% of market share in the target market, and has a presence in other parts of the world. In fact, these dominant players will minimise Dubal’s capability to operate successfully in the market. RUSAL is one of the most formidable aluminium producers in the international aluminium industry, it controls 16% of the world market and has integrated various aluminium-based firms. Some of them are producers of bauxite while others manufacture aluminium (Aluminium Industry Association 15). Furthermore, some of them even produce packaging material and electricity products. Alcan is a Canadian firm, and has an advantage over other players owing to its high product volumes. Chalco on the other hand is a Chinese-owned firm that dominates is domestic market as well as a substantial portion of the US market. Foreign competitors fr om China are a force to reckon with. The entrance of Chinese players in the US market leads to market surplus hence price declines. The market for aluminium products is highly accessible. Companies need to choose the best strategies for entry, and they have a chance at succeeding. Most equipment and resources needed to manufacture the product are found in the country, but Dubal would be better of it imported these products from its cheapest markets. Nonetheless, it is likely that, in the long run, the growth potential for this company will be quite low since the US is saturated with aluminium smelters. Approximately 12 companies are responsible for performance in this industry. However, in the next five years, it is likely that domestic demand will grow if the economy improves. Projections indicate that the US aluminium industry will increase by 12% in 2013. Such changes will stem from better energy supply, government support, and cost efficient technologies. Furthermore, consumersà ¢â‚¬â„¢ need for sustainable construction practices is likely to increase the demand for Dubal’s product (Green 46). Profitability in the aluminium industry has not been very promising. In 2009, some 6 aluminium smelters closed their businesses. The biggest problem for most organisations is high production expenditure. These organisations need to pay a lot of money to use electricity. Additionally, the US lacks bauxite resources, so many firms need to import their own resources and this costs them considerably. If Dubal opts to take production into the US, then its profitability could be substantially diminished. However, if it only treats the US as a market, then chances are that it will have a greater competitive edge. Consolidation is now a reality in the industry and could be used as a source of competitive advantage for Dubal. The most powerful player in the world-RUSAL is using this strategy to remain a market leader (Bloomberg 40). Likewise, Dubal ought to borrow and customise that approach. The firm can merge with large aluminium purchases in order to foster cost management. Vertically integrated firms in the global aluminium industry are generating their own electricity. Access and prices of power can substantially reduce if Dubal has control over them. In fact, this explains why many aluminium firms are choosing developing nations as new target locations. They can produce electricity cheaply and efficiently in those areas. If Dubal chooses to generate its own electricity, then it ought to do this in the UAE rather than in an expensive country like the US. The organisation can also instate strong governance structures that emphasise strong environmental performance, human rights, and community relations. Additionally, the firm may focus on low cost energy sources since these would cut costs and secure better prices for the product. It should also have a green innovation strategy. Dubal should consider importation as a strategy for entrance int o the US market. This will protect the organisation from the high production costs that stem from operating in the US. All processing should occur in the UAE, so that it can have a ready-product to bring into the US. The US has fewer import restrictions on aluminium than it does on bauxite. Microenvironment-customers The principal type of consumer in the US aluminium market is the manufacturer. Therefore, Dubal Aluminium should consider using B2B partnership models to do business. Some of the frequent buyers of aluminium include automobile manufactures, bicycle, motorcycle, railways and aircraft firms. Beverage manufacturers such as Pepsi and Coca Cola need to the product to make cans and foils. US consumers are generally known for their impulsiveness. However, because Dubal sells intermediary products, then the same psychology cannot be applied to their products. Many B2B approaches work by initiating a strong relationship with the targeted enterprise. Dubal needs to demonstrate th at its products are superior or that they come at a lower price with no compromise on quality. These factors will set them apart from other retailers. American firms focus on product quality more than affordability so Dubal would be better of if it focused on the first approach. In addition to these differences, it may be imperative for the company to sharpen its negotiation skills as American buyers are astute bargainers. Culture has a positive impact on business in this nation because most people are individualistic. They are highly competitive and always do due diligence before getting into a business arrangement. Furthermore, it is the most qualified person that wins a contract rather than the most affable one. As such, Dubal needs to focus on its tangible advantages and business numbers if it wants to get a market there. Conclusion The purpose of the report was to establish whether the US is a feasible target market for Dubal. It was found that the cost of production is too hig h, owing to absence of the main mineral ore and high electricity costs. Additionally, there is stiff competition from local players. However, the US ranks well in terms of ease of doing business. Dubal should produce in the UAE and consider exporting its finished products to the USA. Aluminium Industry Association. The versatile metal. London: McMillan, 2005. Print. Bloomberg, Jerry. â€Å"Short run demand and supply elasticities in the West European market for secondary aluminium.†Resources Policy 26(2005): 39-50. Print. CRU International. Report in the aluminium and alumina industry. London: CRU International, 2008. Print. Green, Samuel. Aluminium recycling and processing for energy conservation and sustainability. NY: ASM International, 2007. Print. US Department of Energy. US energy requirements for aluminium production. Washington DC: DOE Press. Print
Sunday, October 20, 2019
45 Topics for Term Paper Writing
45 Topics for Term Paper Writing The list of the most trending term paper topics of 2017 covers three difficulty levels: hard, medium easy on the following subjects: Politics, Health, Medicine, Science, and General topics. In case you are working on a term paper or are simply looking for a topic to start your research, we have written down a short list of sample topics for you. The list includes such topics as Politics, Health, Medicine, Science, and General. All topics are grouped by levels of difficulty, so you will be able to pick the topic that is the exact match to your requirements. Please note that this list is just sample topics. TERM PAPER FORMAT While choosing a topic its important that you select a topic that is neither too narrow nor too broad. Here is a list of the most trending term paper topics of 2017. Feel free to use any of them for your term paper. Politics Hard: US Troops Aiding Syria: Is this the right move? Obamacare: Constitutionally unjust or a way to force regulation on citizens? What happens behind the scenes that the Government keeps from the citizens of the US? Why the US feels the need to get involved in other countries affairs Medium: Electing Obama to a second term: Was it really the right choice for this country? Turmoil in the US Government: Why republicans and democrats disagree Is there controversy between the US and China or is it all made up for media purposes? Easy: The reason for multiple political parties and what each really represents Are electoral votes the right way to call an election? The people speak but the states ultimately decide The right way to approach local and state government entities with your political concerns to ensure they are handled Health Hard: The controversy surrounding aspartame Why whole grains help digestion and the reason to back away from starches not made from whole grains Is a liver cleanse really beneficial for those suffering from chronic illnesses Reducing processed food intake and why it is beneficial to your health Medium: How to make dietary changes to improve your health without shocking your body Foods that Diabetics should avoid maintaining body systems and eyesight The latest diet crazes and how they are potentially dangerous Easy: When too much exercise leads to obsession: Knowing when enough is enough How exactly does stress play a role in your total bodys  health? Stress reduction techniques to improve your mental stability and overall mental health Medical Hard: Scares from vaginal mesh surgeries and how to get help for your complications Understanding drug interactions and what side effects are more prominent dependent upon your ailment Spinal surgeries: Is the risk really worth it and why you should consider alternative treatment options Medium: How to know when it’s time to turn off the life support and let go of a family member When do you believe what you read about supplements and what doctors really know about them Is your doctor pushing specific medications to his/her patients to help pharmaceutical companies or is it really going to help you? Easy: Filing malpractice charges against your doctor: Understanding what malpractice really is Is your doctor telling you the truth? Understanding why second opinions are valuable for your treatment plan Recognizing mental illness in a loved one: The right steps to take so that they get the help they need Science Hard: Should NASA gain new funding for continued space travel explorations or do we know all we need to know? Cancer Research: What is really being done scientifically to find a cure for each specific type? Is there a scientific method to prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, renal failure and joint deterioration? Mixing technology with scientific method to create convenience items for the disabled Medium: Studying the scientific formulations of water, ice and snow to compile meteorological differences What exactly about science is taught in the classroom? Is it really relevant? Is there true scientific validity to Women being from Venus and Men being from Mars? Easy: Getting your kids more involved with science and experiments are safe to complete at home What is the scientific explanation for how the Chinese zodiac and astrological signs are assigned? What is the scientific method of curing meats for preservation? General How much damage does stereotyping really do to a persons mental health? Why grief plagues some more than others Does getting a degree really make you more money and give you a more stable career? What is the real reason that higher Education costs keep rising? Why are fast food hamburgers so much higher in calories than homemade options? Auto branding: What is the reasoning behind the loyalty and which manufacturers are really better than others? APA TERM PAPER Email us your requirements and our writers will start coming up with all kinds of term paper topics. Once you have selected the topic you like, the writer who came up with that topic of your choice will be assigned to work on your paper. Together with you, the writer will draft the paper and then work on its text. We will only assign those writers who are professionals at what they do and have experience in the subject. This will ensure that your paper is well-written and properly formatted, contains no plagiarism and is a full match to your original requirements. Ultimately, this will result in your customer satisfaction, which is our utmost goal. Just place an order and get your professionally written term paper on time.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Possible Solution to Descartes' Mind-Body Problem Essay
Possible Solution to Descartes' Mind-Body Problem - Essay Example The question that remains to be asked is – if ever the mind and the body can have an interaction, then how is it possible? Descartes answer to this question is – â€Å"I was unable to give any explanation†(Descartes 1969:162). Furthermore, he contended that that this rather hypothetical interaction between the mind and the body is merely an â€Å"arbitrary†one and something that cannot be proven by science. Nevertheless, contrary to what Descartes had thought, modern science proves that the interaction between the mind and the body is not arbitrary and is supported by evidence on the effects of medications on the mind and the body as well as the James-Lange theory of emotion. The interaction between the mind and the body is not arbitrary, as Descartes has claimed. defines the word â€Å"arbitrary†as something â€Å"determined by chance, whim or impulse†or â€Å"subject to individual judgment or preference.†Th e interaction between the mind and the body, however, is not defined by chance or individual judgment but by definite cause and effect. ... In fact, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, an overdose of painkillers known as opioids would normally cause drowsiness {â€Å"Prescription Medications†2011). An overdose of amphetamines such as Adderall may also have emotional and mental effects as well as paranoia and anxiety (â€Å"Prescription Medications†2011). These effects prove that the physical and physiological effects of drugs have corresponding effects on the mind. The same thing is true with non-prescription drugs. Cocaine, for one, causes severe anxiety, panic, paranoid delusions, delirium, sleeplessness, hallucinations and even acute psychosis if taken in large doses (â€Å"Overdose†2011). In a similar way, heroin can cause delirium, while metamphetamine can cause both delirium and psychosis, and marijuana can cause psychosis, hallucinations, delusions and an inability to recognize one’s identity (â€Å"Overdose†2011). These simply prove that the mind is subject to certain changes in the physical and physiological make-up of the body – just alter the body’s physiology and you alter the mind as well. Furthermore, since scientific experiments have established this information about these effects of drugs on the health, then one is apt to conclude that the interaction between the mind and the body is causal and not merely arbitrary. Another proof of the causal interaction between the mind and the body is the James-Lange theory of emotion. If we reduced the James-Lange theory to simple layman’s terms it would sound like, â€Å"We do not run because we feel afraid, we feel afraid because we run†(Gray 1987:53). This means that whatever is experienced by the body is eventually reacted to by the mind. According to the James-Lange theory of emotion, fear or any
Managing Multinational Operations DB4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Managing Multinational Operations DB4 - Essay Example This paper seeks to evaluate some of these services that make Citibank one of the best bankers in the United States and why Acme should regard it as the first option in its search for a financial service provider. Citibank avails a variety of financial services meant to suite offshore investors. The Citi’s ‘Openinvestor’ is a range of integrated services which are much updated to provide solutions to the modern investor. It must be remembered that one of the strengths of Citi basically lies on its global network that makes its impact felt across the globe. With over $13 trillion in assets scattered in over 100 countries, these resources are normally leveraged to avail fund administration, secure global custody and financial solutions customized to meet peculiar demands. Citi allows investors to focus on fund accumulation in order to build more capital for future investments. This is made possible through the top notch administrative services found in all Citi branches across the globe. In all respect, compared to other American bankers, Citi will certainly take the lead in promoting investment across the different cultures and situations found in different countries in the world. Acme is seeking a financial partner that will provide it with a centralized cash management system- an attribute for which Citibank proud itself to be a leader in the market. In the same vein, the fund accounting services will enable Acme to offload the trouble of Portfolio Accounting thereby minimize risks while also improving the performance of its funds. In an increasingly competitive financial environment, a firm requires a bank that offers very stable foreign exchange management services that will enable it sail through the fluctuating economic situations. Citibank has designed a comprehensive portfolio of foreign exchange services that specifically relate to the local environments in
Friday, October 18, 2019
Textual Evidence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Textual Evidence - Essay Example Ethnocentrism, also popularly referred to as the anthropological concept of cultural relativism does not imply that everything is equal, but is means that we must try to understand the behaviors of other people in the context of their culture before they are judged. Ethnocentrism is basically the belief that one thing which may be a nation, an ethnic group or culture as being superior compared to others. It is evident from the article that the mindset of Benjamin Franklin mirrors the ethnocentric attitude. The statement of Native Americans is purely ethnocentric on its own since Benjamin finds the Native Americans to be savages due to the fact that their manners differ significantly from those of the European race which Benjamin in his own words terms as â€Å"the perfection of civility†(1). The fact that it is general knowledge that manners are a cultural custom which has been found to differ from one group to another makes terming one’s way of doing things as the â⠂¬Å"perfection of civility†when compared to the custom of other cultures as being
Big data Thesis Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Big data - Thesis Proposal Example The appropriate selection of research approach forms the basis for reliable study. In this proposed research study, a systematic approach will be followed for accomplishing the desired aims as well as objectives successfully. In this regard, a qualitative research approach will be used, as it is a procedure of ascertaining values, perceptions as well as attitudes of individuals in an enhanced manner. A qualitative approach will assist in having an immense understanding about the trends that exists in the electronic markets. The collected data will be analysed through qualitative approach, for ascertaining findings reflecting the important information about competitions and prices and other market trends in the electronic markets. Additionally, in this proposed research study an inductive approach will be used with the intention of obtaining about electronic markets on a broader perspective. Subsequently, inductive approach will also assist in understanding different factors responsib le for market trends and current market conditions of electronic markets. Moreover, the analysis of data will also aid in measuring the extent as well as trends of customer satisfaction and sentiments of customers in relation to products and/or services (University of Bradford, 2012, Hancock, 2002). In this proposed research study, a specific research design or process will be followed in order to control its effective completion within a desired timeframe. The proposed study comprises a series of activities, which will be necessary for conducting the entire study in an effective and appropriate manner (Kumar, 2010). The research design consisted of seven phases which have been described below: Data collection is an essential part of a particular research procedure or study. Accurate data should be collected with the intention of obtaining reliable findings. There are two types of data collection technique which include primary and secondary data. In this proposed research
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Tuesdays with Morrie III Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Tuesdays with Morrie III - Essay Example The book forces us to take a good, hard look at ourselves and the world we belong to and see what changes our culture could make. This is, indeed, a difficult question – used as we are to ask no questions, go with the flow, â€Å"fit in†, so to speak. And perhaps, that exactly is the problem, and that exactly is the change that must be sought. Ours is a culture that propagates the idea of â€Å"fitting in†, of homogeneity, of belonging. It sets very specific rules to follow and yardsticks by which an individual is to be judged. At the most benign, it makes life a popularity contest and causes frustration to those who cannot quite meet the standard. On a deeper level, it legitimizes racial profiling and gender stereotyping. Mitch is a young journalist, and perhaps knows all too well the huge role that media plays in shaping popular culture and molding social values. Indeed, factual and fictional media portrayals have a propensity to activate culturally shared racial and gender stereotypes and affect judgment involving those who belong to stereotyped groups. The website Media Awareness Network states that â€Å"stereotypes act like codes that give audiences a quick, common understanding of a person or group of peopleâ€â€usually relating to their class, ethnicity or race, gender, sexual orientation, social role or occupation.†1 However, stereotyping is dangerous in that it transforms assumptions into realities and it places individuals in simplistic categories without recognition of each person’s uniqueness and gifts. The stereotypes of women in media are easily evident. In television shows for instance, who has not seen the dumb blonde, the soccer mom, the girl next door, or the corporate go getter? I watch television often and I see these images all the time. Though the stereotypes have undergone revamping since the 1950’s, with less of the Brady Bunch images and more
The Clash of Science, Politics,and Medical Marijuana Essay
The Clash of Science, Politics,and Medical Marijuana - Essay Example Apart from that there is additional proof to support the utilization of marijuana for pain and nausea resulting from chemotherapy, as well as muscle spasticity linked with multiple sclerosis. Therefore, nurses play a crucial role being activists in encouraging elimination of obstacles to the use of medicinal marijuana. With the legalization of medicinal marijuana, nurses will be permitted to advocate for patient use of marijuana when it comes to medicinal purposes. This is possible through the coming together of a growing number of state nursing associations through the backing of therapeutic use of marijuana (Diana, 2011). What problems were encountered? Although medicinal marijuana has a number of benefits associated with it, marijuana has in most cases been flaunted as one of the harmless recreational substances available. Perhaps this is true considering that a number of reputable scientific studies concur that alcohol, cocaine, heroin, and even cigarettes tend to be more dangero us to the health of the user compared to marijuana. Apart from that, the celebrated pharmacological elements of cannabis have resulted in thirty-six states permitting its application as a curative drug for, amongst others, those agonizing from AIDS; a variety of painful, incurable, as well as debilitating illnesses; the dangerous consequences of cancer chemotherapy, along with glaucoma. On top of that, marijuana became used in the treatment of anxiety, as well as mental disorders (Diana, 2011). The most powerful argument against the marijuana use in the treatment of a medical condition is that marijuana might lead to the hastening or provocation of the same disorders it became applied to treat. Regular smoking of marijuana damages the cells within the bronchial passages that guard the body against breathed in microorganisms, while at the same time, decreasing the capability of the immune cells within the lungs in fighting off fungi, bacteria, as well as tumor cells. For those patien ts whose immune system became already weakened, this is an indication of increased possibility of risky pulmonary infections, consisting of pneumonia, which in most cases proves fatal in patients suffering from AIDS. The principal respiratory outcomes of regular smoking of marijuana tend to be pulmonary infections, along with respiratory cancer, whose association to marijuana application became resiliently suggested, yet not conclusively proven. These effects comprise of chronic bronchitis, lung inflation, impairment in the role of the minor air passages, the development of probably pre-cancerous abnormalities within the bronchial lining, as well as lungs, in addition to a reduction in, the abilities of a number of defensive mechanisms in the lungs (Diana, 2011). There is a perception that marijuana is at the source of a number of mental disorders, comprising of acute toxic psychosis, delusions, panic attacks, flashbacks, depersonalization, uncontrollable aggressiveness, hallucinati ons, depression and paranoia. Marijuana has for a long time now been known for prompting mental illness’ attack like bipolar (manic-depressive) psychosis, together with schizophrenia. This association with mental illness must assemble health
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Tuesdays with Morrie III Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Tuesdays with Morrie III - Essay Example The book forces us to take a good, hard look at ourselves and the world we belong to and see what changes our culture could make. This is, indeed, a difficult question – used as we are to ask no questions, go with the flow, â€Å"fit in†, so to speak. And perhaps, that exactly is the problem, and that exactly is the change that must be sought. Ours is a culture that propagates the idea of â€Å"fitting in†, of homogeneity, of belonging. It sets very specific rules to follow and yardsticks by which an individual is to be judged. At the most benign, it makes life a popularity contest and causes frustration to those who cannot quite meet the standard. On a deeper level, it legitimizes racial profiling and gender stereotyping. Mitch is a young journalist, and perhaps knows all too well the huge role that media plays in shaping popular culture and molding social values. Indeed, factual and fictional media portrayals have a propensity to activate culturally shared racial and gender stereotypes and affect judgment involving those who belong to stereotyped groups. The website Media Awareness Network states that â€Å"stereotypes act like codes that give audiences a quick, common understanding of a person or group of peopleâ€â€usually relating to their class, ethnicity or race, gender, sexual orientation, social role or occupation.†1 However, stereotyping is dangerous in that it transforms assumptions into realities and it places individuals in simplistic categories without recognition of each person’s uniqueness and gifts. The stereotypes of women in media are easily evident. In television shows for instance, who has not seen the dumb blonde, the soccer mom, the girl next door, or the corporate go getter? I watch television often and I see these images all the time. Though the stereotypes have undergone revamping since the 1950’s, with less of the Brady Bunch images and more
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Will Afghanistan achieve peace and prosperity Research Paper
Will Afghanistan achieve peace and prosperity - Research Paper Example It is a landlocked nation occupying part of South, Central and Western Asia. Afghanistan’s population is approximated to be thirty million head counts which almost the same as that of that of Uganda in Africa. Afghans population growth rate is approximately similar to the population growth rates of most third world country like Brazil. Afghanistan is approximately 647,500 square km making it one of the top fifty most populous countries in the world as a result of the large population occupying a small area1. Location of Afghanistan on the globe as produced by the UN, retrieved on December 1, 2013 Afghans urban civilization is believed to have begun in early 3000 to 2000 BC. Afghanistan is home to people from various parts of the world given its strategic location as a connection point between the Middle East, Central Asia and India. This is clearly seen the wake of military campaigns in this nation dating the era of Alexander the great of Britain, Russia, Arab Muslims, and Gen ghis khan. Afghanistan is a nation which was formed after an agreement between British and Russia. The fight for Afghanistan is experienced in the modern era of religious groups likes Taliban and the Western nation each having the desire to control the mineral deposits in Afghanistan2. The history of Afghanistan is begun in 1709 after the establishment of Hostaki dynasty, which led to the rise of Pashtuns. The Hostaki dynasty was preceded by the Duran Empire in 1747. After the great Anglo-Afghan war, the king began to modernize Afghanistan using the British system. This method of modernization was met by opposition from the conservative Muslims. When the British withdrew the neighboring India during the cold war, Russia and the United States started influencing Afghanistan. These influences from United States led to war between Russian backed Afghanistan government, and US backed Mujahedeen militia in 1779. This was the beginning of a series of wars in Afghanistan including the 1990 s civil war, the Taliban wars and the present war led by the United Nations security forces (Riphenburg 2006). A photo of American forces in Afghanistan: produced by CIA, retrieved on December 1, 2013 Resources Afghans natural resources include coal, copper, iron ore, lithium, uranium, rare earth elements, chromite, gold, zinc, talc, barites, sulfur, lead, marble, precious and semi precious stones, natural gas and petroleum. Afghanistan government estimates quite a large number of untapped mineral resources. Afghanistan is endowed with five major rivers which include: Helmand River, the Kunar River, the Oxus River, the Hari rod river and the Panjisher River. The five rivers in Afghanistan are fed by the snows and glaciers on the mountains of Afghanistan, and they flow to the neighboring Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Tajikistan and Pakistan. This implies that Afghanistan supplies its neighbors with freshwater which is very crucial for the survival of any nation. Poor management of water resources is a contentious issue in Afghanistan3. Afghans landscape; produced by Aljazeera, retrieved in December 1, 2013 This is because most residents of Afghanistan do not get the chance to enjoy this crucial resource regardless of its abundance the country. Everyone wants to control the parts endowed with water resource since most leaders believe that once they take control of water resource, they can control a vast population of any nation. A country like Afghanistan which has this great resource in abundance should not be complaining of scarcity of water. This though does not surprise many due to poor management of water resources in Afghanistan. Afghanistan also lack proper infrastructure, which can aid in water storage since water is available
Monday, October 14, 2019
Self Introduction Essay Example for Free
Self Introduction Essay My name is Zhao Yan. I am studying at Nanjing Foreign Language School and now busy preparing for college study. Many years of hard working and strict training have made me a qualified middle school student with high qualities. I have a good relationship with my classmates and teachers as I am generally sociable in personality. I am thoughtful and helpful in school. As for my study, I pay special attention to the development of my thinking manners so that I become quick in thinking and broad in knowledge. Seeking reality and progress, I have achieved excellence in my study. I particularly love such subjects as math, physics, biology and English. I am strong in logical thinking and oral expressing. I am creative and unique in views on certain matters. I have won many awards in the above subjects (see the copies of these certificates). Morally I may say I am also excellent, because I am strict with myself, following the school’s rules and regulations, taking active part in various activities, displaying great interest in our country’s important events and world affairs. I love our motherland and our people and I am trying to get the party membership. All this has led me to win the â€Å"XiangYu Scholarship†. In addition, I have developed many hobbies in my life. For example, I love reading, computer and Internet, music and sports. I have been a champion several times in our school’s sports meet. In short, as a student studying at Nanjing Foreign Language School, I am determined to make my own contribution to our country’s diplomatic affaires.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
designer toys :: essays research papers
There's a movement under foot. It's a blend of art and toys and it's struck a chord with toy collectors and art lovers alike. It's Urban Vinyl and this is a brief history for those who'd like to learn a little more about this art movement in the making. First, to understand Urban Vinyl, one must throw aside their conventional ideas of what makes a great toy. Sure, design of the piece plays a big part in the making of both. But the big difference is that Urban Vinyl is original from the start. This is true art, not a replication of another form. For example, more than likely, you base how much you like your Gonzo action figure on how much it looks like the actual Gonzo. In order to appreciate Urban Vinyl you enjoy it for what it is. There are no preconceived notions because what the piece is; is all it is, man. Also, things like articulation aren't as important because the Vinyl isn't always made to be played with. Yes, I know you play with your Skeletor. We all do. [Ed note: Shake it more than twice and you're playing with it.] But Urban Vinyl is created with art sensibilities in mind, so sculpt and design are the most important ingredients. Now I'm not saying that people like the Four Horsemen aren't amazing craftsmen. They are. Bu t what they are doing is giving us their take on an already designed character. This is original to a point, but Urban Vinyl is original all the way to its core. So how did the plastic move from the pegs to the pedestals? It all starts in Hong Kong with a man named Michael Lau. It was the late nineties and Lau was showing paintings in galleries and working in advertising. He was employed by a music group named Anidoze to create the cover art for an upcoming album. Instead of a 2-D design he created an original action figure and photographed it. He had been making original figures for a while for friends and family, and decided to create one for the cover, showing a broader audience his style. It received a very warm response and led to the first official Urban Vinyl line, The Gardeners. These were 12 inch vinyl figures that represented a modern positive lifestyle. No violence or drugs, but tattooed, pierced, and wearing clothes that the urbanites were wearing at the time.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Compare at least four poems from the ones you have studied where a Essa
Compare at least four poems from the ones you have studied where a strong dislike for another person is shown. Write about My Last Duches a poem from Duffy, one form Armitage and another from the pre 1914 poetry bank. My Last Duchess was written by Robert Browning and published in 1842. It is based on a real person. Alfonso, Duke of Ferrara (1537-1597), married fourteen year-old Lucrezia de Medici in 1158 when he was twenty one. Three years later she was killed, possibly poisoned. The Duke then arranged to marry the daughter of the count of Tyrol. As was customary at the time, the marriage arrangements were arranged between the Duke and a go between. ‘My Last Duchess’ is a poem in which the appearance of the poem is different from the reality. When read ‘My Last Duchess’ appears to be a civilised conversation between the Duke and a Nobleman in which the topic of conversation is brought about by the Dukes decision to show the his very privileged guest a great masterpiece and to recount something of his previous wife. Beneath the surface, however, is a ruthless story of ruthless power and the Dukes disapproval of the natural and innocent behaviour of his naà ¯ve wife, who apparently does not know the value of his great name. The poem has a very abrupt beginning and appears to be one half of a conversation. Browning opens with the Duke explaining why he has named the painter, and that the painting is kept behind a curtain which he alone is permitted to draw back. And when he does this it seems as though the viewer is keen to ask why only the Duke is allowed to draw the curtain, but is too frightened to ask. We also note he is not been the first to question this action. We learn that the Duke is very par... ...from Book of Matches. Like The laboratory & my last Duchess, Hitcher is a dramatic monologue in which a man confesses to murder. We notice that he is like, yet unlike, his victim. Briefly the man in the poem has been taking time off work – feigning illness and not answering the phone. As this man drives out of Leeds he picks up a hitchhiker who is travelling light and has no set destination. Some little way later he attacks he attacks his passenger, and throws him out of the still-moving car. The last he sees of the hiker, he is â€Å"bouncing off the kerb, and then disappearing down the verge†– we do not if he is dead or just badly injured. The driver does not care. Unlike My last Duchess & the Laboratory the man in Hitcher does not know the man that he has killed. He does not even have a real motive for killing like the Characters in the other poems do.
Friday, October 11, 2019
What is reality?
There is a number of views on reality, which can be generally divided into two categories: idealism and realism; the former the co-presence of consciousness and object a source of interdependence between existence and consciousness, whereas the latter questions the very interdependence. In fact both the findings of psychological research and the very existence of existence (the justified tautology) demonstrate that reality is basically independent upon human consciousness unless the unity of apperception in phenomenological meaning is developed. The basic ontological premise of idealism is the following: human-being thinks, therefore they exist, as a result, they construct reality within their consciousness. Therefore, logos is the foundation of reality and thus fabricates the internal human existence on the basis of specific information, received by consciousness-driven senses; in this sense, consciousness and the presence of the object are simultaneous, therefore, if the person is not aware of the fact that there is a stone behind their back, the stone actually does not exist. Realists, in turn, ground their argument on the premise that individuals are not merely conscious (as a fact0, but also conscious of something ( as a process), so the reality definitely existed before the interaction between human cognitive apparatus and the concrete object takes places. Hence the realist account of the above mentioned relationship can be formulated as â€Å"Human-being exists and therefore has objective physical substrates for thinking, so consciousness is shaped by reality†. As one knows the 20th century neuropsychological research suggests that intelligence is a faculty that relates to certain brain structures, so the process of thinking refers to the construction of new links between neurons on the basis of the information deriving from sensory input. The fallacy of idealism with inherent subjectivism can be illustrated using the situation of John Kennedy’s murder. A crowd of people observing the ceremonial arrival of the Kennedies suddenly see the President falling and dying of the wounds, definitely caused by firearm. Given that people actually do not see the murderer, they should believe firearm injuries appear by themselves, as they are not able to notice either the bullet or the assassin. Nevertheless, nobody of them ever faced such cases, so there are certain common traits in each person’s experiences, which are subsequently objectified. In addition, individuals have similar structure of senses and algorithm of sense perception, as they see the same picture and basically interpret it in the same way as the public assassination. If the consciousness was the foundation of existence, there should be striking differences between the internal realities, crafted by each individual observer. In this sense, it would be also useful to remember Kant’s transcendental idealism whose intrinsic goal is the explanation of the transition from consciousness to the highest form of thinking about one’s existence. In fact, the scholar positions transcendence as Quaestio Juris (Heidegger, 1997), or the basic human entitlement that results from the inherent responsiveness to the perception of objects. In this sense, the author actually objectifies the subjective, positions human characteristic into the objective context of social norms and rights. Therefore, the pure subjectivism, suggested by idealism, can not exist without the so-called â€Å"common ground†, or acceptance of objective rules, when speaking in phenomenological terms. In this sense, Heidegger wisely notes that unity of apperception, or existence of superstructural and universal patterns of perception and its further processing in each individual. In fact, the unity of apperception is directed towards meeting human needs for influencing the objective reality and making it dependent upon their consciousness. For this purpose, individuals refer to the pre-existing models and frameworks in order to establish a logical connection between the past and the present and planning their intervention into the reality in the future. Unless these patterns are created and adopted by common consent, there is a single-sided influence of reality upon human consciousness rather than mutual dependence.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Primary research on motivation
Motivation Course: ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR Faculty: Batch: 2013-2016 Class: Table OF Content: Table OF CONTENT:S.NoSubjectPg. No.1.Student Declaration32.Introduction43.Questionnaire5-74.Analysis7-145.Decision15. Student DECLARATION We hereby declare that all the members in our group were present during the interview with Mr. Deepak Gupta, Director of Thoro Packaging Industries Pvt. Ltd.. All the members have every bit worked together on this undertaking titled ‘Motivation’ . Each of us had been assigned a portion of the entire undertaking and have contributed moderately to the completion of this undertaking. The questionnaire prepared by us consists of inquiries that have jointly been contributed by the members of our group. On the completion of this undertaking, we had acquired valuable cognition and information pertaining to the motivational facet in the working of a private endeavor and the psychological orientation of its employees. Introduction Motivationis amental characteristic that inspires an being to work on the desiredgoaland controls his behavior harmonizing to the demands. For illustration, Grades is a factor motive that allows us to analyze and work harder. It is an external or internal force which compels us to execute an action to accomplish a coveted end. Motivation helps the human to minimise physical hurting and maximise pleasance and helps us derive assurance so that we can accomplish our end. QUESTIONNARIE:I believe that the work that I do contributes to the ends of the organisation and makes a difference.AlwaysSometimesRarelyNeverI readily take part voluntarily in meetings, treatments, arguments and supply suggestions that help better our work.AlwaysSometimesRarelyNeverMy leader understands my strengths, endowments and abilities, and ensures that I get to use them on a regular footing.AlwaysSometimesRarelyNeverMy work is positively disputing. It stretches my abilities and possible, without coercing me into emphasis.AlwaysSometimesRarelyNeverI believe that there is good cultural coherence between me and the organisation.AlwaysSometimesRarelyNeverThere are equal chances for betterment and overall development in the organisation.AlwaysSometimesRarelyNeverI do non experience hesitating about showing my sentiments, ideas and positions, irrespective of whether they are for or against an idea/proposition.AlwaysSometimesRarelyNeverI consider myself appreciated and valued by the organisation.AlwaysSometimesRarelyNeverMy sentiments are encouraged, sought out, listened to and enacted upon.AlwaysSometimesRarelyNeverUnder-performance is analyzed, identified and rectified rapidly and efficaciously by the organisation.AlwaysSometimesRarelyNeverConflicts within the organisation are dealt with rapidly, efficaciously and in an just and indifferent mode.AlwaysSometimesRarelyNeverMy leader and I reciprocally decide upon marks on a regular footing, and I am clear about my personal ends that will assist me and the organisation become successful.AlwaysSometimesRarelyNeverI believe that mypersonalends are just and ambitious every bit good as accomplishable and that I have a good opportunity of accomplishing them.AlwaysSometimesRarelyNeverI am good informed, clear and convinced about our squad ends in the organisation.AlwaysSometimesRarelyNeverI am an of import and portion of my squad contributing towards the accomplishment of the ends of the squad and organisation at big. AlwaysSometimesRarelyNeverI believe that oursquadends are just and ambitious every bit good as accomplishable and that I have a good opportunity of accomplishing them.AlwaysSometimesRarelyNeverMy squad places more importance on happening solutions and bettering public presentation, instead than interpersonal struggles, political relations, and unhealthy competition.AlwaysSometimesRarelyNeverThere is a sensible grade of trust between the direction and work force, and the higher-ups and subsidiaries of the organisation.AlwaysSometimesRarelyNeverI personally like working in the organisation and bask my work and the work environment.AlwaysSometimesRarelyNeverMy wage, fringe benefits and fringe benefits are sensible, just and equal.AlwaysSometimesRarelyNeverAnalysis 1.I believe that the work that I do contributes to the ends of the organisation and makes a difference 2.I readily take part voluntarily in meetings, treatments, arguments and supply suggestions that help better our work. 3.My leader understands my strengths, endowments and abilities, and ensures that I get to use them on a regular footing. 4.My work is positively disputing. It stretches my abilities and possible, without coercing me into emphasis. 5.I believe that there is good cultural coherence between me and the organisation. 6.There are equal chances for betterment and overall development in the organisation. 7.I do non experience hesitating about showing my sentiments, ideas and positions, irrespective of whether they are for or against an idea/proposition. 8.I consider myself appreciated and valued by the organisation 9.My sentiments are encouraged, sought out, listened to and enacted upon. 10.Under-performance is analyzed, identified and rectified rapidly and efficaciously by the organisation. 11. Conflicts within the organisation are dealt with rapidly, efficaciously and in an just and indifferent mode. 12.My leader and I reciprocally decide upon marks on a regular footing, and I am clear about my personal ends that will assist me and the organisation become successful. 13.I believe that mypersonalends are just and ambitious every bit good as accomplishable and that I have a good opportunity of accomplishing them 14.I am good informed, clear and convinced about our squad ends in the organisation 15.I am an of import and portion of my squad contributing towards the accomplishment of the ends of the squad and organisation at big. 16.I believe that oursquadends are just and ambitious every bit good as accomplishable and that I have a good opportunity of accomplishing them 17.My squad places more importance on happening solutions and bettering public presentation, instead than interpersonal struggles, political relations, and unhealthy competition. 18.There is a sensible grade of trust between the direction and work force, and the higher-ups and subsidiaries of the organisation. 19.I personally like working in the organisation and bask my work and the work environment. 20.My wage, fringe benefits and fringe benefits are sensible, just and equal. Decision This undertaking was really exciting for all in our group as we got to larn a batch about motive through a field trip to a private endeavor. We were able to derive a valuable penetration into the heads of the employees and their psychological feelings with regard to how motivated they felt within the administration. We ascertained the important function that motive dramas in any organisation, be it a private or a public endeavor. This is because motive is permeant in nature. We would wish to thank our Organisational Behaviour professor, Dr. Olive Nerulkar, for supplying us with an chance to larn about motive on the field through a questionnaire study of an organisation’s employees. pg. 1
Literature Review on Customer Relationship Essay
The hospitality industry is a broad category of fields within the service industry that includes lodging, restaurants, event planning, theme parks, transportation, cruise line, and additional fields within the tourism industry. The hospitality industry is a several billion dollar industry that mostly depends on the availability of leisure time and disposable income. â€Å"CRM†, or Customer Relationship Management, is one of the most important topics in the business world. Its attributes and consequences cannot be disaffirmed. Without proper customer relationship management, there is no way you can build interest and acquire and retain customers to the business, in order to be profitable. CRM features an embryonic reputation and it is getting among the most popular educational as well as useful subjects in the industrial area. Due to the competing atmosphere, it has turn into a niche with regard to a company’s overall performance. Still there is certainly restricted investigation which shows the relationship between CRM and hotels’ overall performance. Consequently this particular research is a try to give a worth conceptual model which describes the actual speculative linkages between CRM and hotel’s performance. This particular research just not explains the connection among CRM and hotel performance, but in addition describes the actual mediation part of promoting/marketing abilities in the relationship. â€Å"CRM is never done, it is an ongoing effort.†The essence of a customer-focused environment is a preliminary indication of how the hotel industry can truly benefit from a strategic and focused approach to CRM. Hotel companies have in evidence had recourse to elements of CRM for a variety of strategic and tactical reasons. It is argued that the success of a strategy depends not only on the ability of a company to identify and understand what its target customers genuinely need and want, but also on the company’s ability to deliver enhanced value in terms of these specific needs and wants (Diana Luck and Geoff Lancaster ,2013). In order to remain competitive, hospitality and tourism companies must adopt the knowledge management approach (Ruhanen & Cooper, 2004). As customers become more experienced at finding the best deals for hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, and tourist destinations, the hospitality and tourism organizations face increasingly intense worldwide competition. Considering the severe competition and the nature of the industry, employees and managers have to acquire more knowledge, in order to consistently provide the best deals and service to customers. What is more, customers’ preferences can be various and changeable, requiring employees and managers to understand the changes and continue to provide the best experience (Hallin & Marnburg, 2008). However, the question often posed is: What kind of knowledge should be obtained in order to gain competitive advantage (Ruhanen & Cooper, 2004). One of the basic and most common sources of failure for CRM implementations is a missing customer strategy â€Å"as the creation of a unique and valuable position involving a different set of activities†. A robust customer strategy is based on customer segmentation is one of the first steps necessary when implementing a sound CRM solution (Gillies et al.2002). Human beings have had the urge to select and choose what to them can satisfy their desires since creation and will continue to have this desire because of their changing nature. This tendency makes them explore what to them is the best in terms of quality when purchasing, especially in the area of service consumption. This is supported by Palmer’s assertion that: â€Å"customers have always been concerned about quality and that the proliferation of competitive market for a lot of services has also made customers become more selective in the services they choose†. This attitude means that service providers must be innovative in their service provision and delivery. The Hotel Industry is also experiencing increased globalization, competition, higher customer turnover, growing customer acquisition costs and rising customer expectations, meaning that hotels’ performance and competitiveness is significantly dependent on their ability to satisfy customers efficiently and effectively. To enhance profitability and guest loyalty, hotels must nowadays focus on implementing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategies/techniques that aim to seek, gather and store the right information, validate and share it throughout the entire organization and then use it throughout all organizational levels for creating personalized and unique guests’ experiences (Nana Yaw Asabere and Vida Doku, IJAIEM, Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2013). To retain customers, the relationship with customers has to be managed in a long-term and trusting manner for mutual benefits. Thus, the adoption of CRM should enhance the hotels’ performance through increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty, declining customer acquisition costs and increasing profitability by customers who are willing to pay a premium for better services (Piccoli et al., 2003). Although CRM is imperative for organizational survival, its implementation has resulted in mixed outcomes (King and Burgess, 2008), which is customer oriented believing that customer loyalty increases organization’s profitability. Therefore, Performance is improved since CRM involves the ongoing process development of market intelligence for building and maintaining a profit-maximizing portfolio of customer relationship (see Zablah et al., 2004). Thus, the hotels are expected to use strategy that focused on customers in order to sustain their competitive advantage. For these hotels, the use of the financial measures is not only short-term oriented but also inadequate to capture the customer perspective of performance (Kaplan and Norton, 1996). Customer-related performance measures are therefore needed to quantify customer relationships (Shoemaker and Lewis, 1999) and to differentiate customers who are worthy of the CRM efforts (Noone et al., 2003). All participating hotels have practices in place to manage customer relationships. The most commonly cited goal for CRM is guest retention. Evaluation and control are perceived as very important activities not only to create value for the customers, but also to track the performance of the guest contact departments and the customers’ evaluations of the hotel/restaurant experiences (Ada S. Lo, Hong Kong, 2010). Freeland (2002) suggests that organization must address four critical strategies and understand the key interplay with them: * Identifying the customer * Selecting the most appropriate channel to reach the customer * Receiving the effects on the brands value * Determining the most appropriate CRM capabilities (Wolfgang Emperger, 2004) The use of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application to create a business strategy is an excellent way to increase customer loyalty and customer retention. By personalizing a customer’s stay, a hotel can ensure that customers will come back again and again simply by remembering their favorite beverage, pillow or other preferred amenity (Nick Nikolis, Article Source:
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
International Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 7
International Marketing - Essay Example This marketing plan identifies a new marketing strategy for the organisation in order to improve its contemporary image. The plan recommends an integrated marketing communications strategy involving many elements of public relations theory and practice. Currently, the mission of the London’s Ships of Historic Interest Partnership is to â€Å"provide a valuable source of information and inspiration, as well as facilities to inform and educate the public on our need of the sea†( 2010, p.1). In most respects, the current communications strategy is that of information exchange as a primary goal. This is not working effectively to build consumer interest and raise revenues needed to offset the costs of renovation in order to make these old vessels gleam with modern appeal to diverse consumer audiences. They key is to change the marketing message being delivered. The objectives of the new and enhanced marketing strategy are to remove the emphasis on education and information, making the venue appear more exciting and relevant to the needs of a new style of consumer target group. The goal is to increase revenues by 30-40 percent within one year, using a blend of public relations strategies and modernised communication practices. The plan anticipates turning the attraction around from being a niche activity to a broad-based tourist hotspot that appeals to mass markets with varying demographics and lifestyle values. Reassessment of current marketing strategy led to a variety of marketing literature that was mainly focused on the use of Internet tools, from website development to use of social networking tools as the main focus for promotion. However, this strategy had no direct linkage to relevant tourism sites and therefore was an inferior promotional strategy. This could be due to the fact that the current target market is misaligned with revenue goals,
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
America as a Christian Nation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
America as a Christian Nation - Essay Example And that they do it only by necessity. According to him "injustice is more profitable to an individual than justice." (360 B.C.) However, it has been a popular teaching in Christianity that God gave men free will. And according to C.S Lewis, it is that same free will that made evil possible. (1943) Men are then free to do good as well as evil. Therefore, because of this free will, in my opinion, it doesn't matter whether or not men are born just or not. Nor is the reason why men are unjust, whether by whim or necessity. All that matters is that men have the capacity to be unjust. And it is that capability for injustice that should be constrained, but how It has been argued that the best of all things is "to do injustice and not be punished," the worst is "to suffer injustice without power of retaliation," (Devine 2004) hence the middle ground is what we call justice as imposed by government. And I agree. I believe that it is the existence of the government that constrains this capability of evil. It provides for laws, renders judgment and imposes punishment. I agree with Rousseau when he stated that even if God did not have a hand on the legitimacy of the government, it is God that gave the individuals inalienable rights. (Devine, 2004) And this includes the right to form a unified body to govern them. You need not be Christian. You can be Muslim or Jewish. You may even call your God different names. But I think, if one believes that all men has inalienable rights, he or she must believe that there is a higher power bestowing that right. Because if the contrary was true, that there is no higher power, then men would be the highest power. We are all gods. I don't think that's right. If we are all gods, that would lead to chaos. As such, since the power of the American government emanates from the people, America as a nation must believe in a higher power, a religion. Why Christianity One main reason why America leans towards Christianity more than the other religions is because of history. We have learned in the readings that through conquests, Christianity was spread from Europe, to the American continent. However, there are also other religions brought by immigrants inside America. There is also the fact that there are many who prefers not to believe in any religion at all. But despite that, I still believe that America is still a Christian nation. Why Because of its teachings. No matter if you call yourself an atheist or declare that you believe in some other god, if you practice what Christianity preach, I call you a Christian. So what are these teachings Firstly, Christianity teaches us to be just, to respect and to do no harm to another. These are the basic virtues that lead to the very goal of our Constitution: the protection of life, liberty and property. Secondly, Christianity t
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Addressing Child Poverty in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Addressing Child Poverty in the UK - Essay Example This limiting of considerations and change in social policies is not simply a development in UK’s guiding principles toward families and children within its frontier, but is applied to promote a specific political objective across the globe. The child poverty program of Labour is driven by the broadening of inequality and increase in social exclusion in the UK throughout the past two decades and specifically the worsening in the conditions of UK children in comparison to other vulnerable groups. This has shown that the main social objective of the government of the UK has increasingly turned into addressing child poverty. The UK government is viewing and treating poverty not only as a symptom of socioeconomic disparity, but as a force producing resource deficit and hampering the educational achievement and growth of children. Social policy refers to the study of the structure and provision of public services, security, and welfare within countries. Its emphasis is on the means in which various countries interpret and address the demands and needs of their citizens (Micklewright & Stewart 2000, 89). Basically, social policy is an applied discourse which tackles the provision and organisation of resources for the fulfilment of social needs. This paper will analyse and discuss the development of UK government’s social policy since 1997, particularly in relation to child poverty, along with two other related policy areas, namely, child abuse and low educational attainment. There have been substantial disparities in child poverty between countries over the past two decades. In some societies, particularly the UK, the extent of child poverty broadened significantly, whereas in other European countries it did not (Hills 1998, 8). Rather, different types of welfare state safeguarded revenue and expenses flowing to children. This refers to the mutual connection between children’s citizenship or political representation and their cultural and social representation. This demands both reassessing the segregation and exclusion of children from the society and re-evaluating the commonplace but negative stereotypes of children that govern political discourse (Dobrowolsky 2002, 45). Nevertheless, there is a vital link between children’s influence in policymaking and political discussion and the culturally and socially constructed paradigms in which children are viewed. Moreover, several studies have emphasised the connection between child poverty and a number of forms of child abuse, particularly physical and emotional maltreatment, and neglect (Devaney & Spratt 2009, 2). There is no major research that explicitly studied the nature of the connection between child poverty and child abuse in the UK, yet the widespread assumption focuses on the stress variables related with social exclusion and poverty, which are aggravated if mental health problems and substance abuse come about (Devaney & Spratt 2009, 2). Hence, in order to su ccessfully support and protect vulnerable families and children, there should be more understanding and knowledge of the effects of material and social deprivation, and the various kinds of difficulties that families and children are confronting have to be acknowledged if their demands and needs are to be successfully addressed. Furthermore, aside from child abuse, child poverty in the UK is now being felt in the education sector. For instance, there are empirical reports of behavioural and psychological disparities by socioeconomic standing, in at least 2-year-old children (MacBeath, Gray, Cullen, et al. 2006, 82). Alongside supporting the growth and development of
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Strategic perpectives - THIS HAS TO BE IN REPORT FORM AND NOT FORM - Essay Example The capabilities of individuals are enhanced through learning which requires assessment of the information gathered (Bolton, 2010). Confucius one of the most renowned Chinese thinker quoted that wisdom can be acquired through three methods. One is by assessment and reflection which is noble, second through imitation which is easy and convenient and lastly by experience which is the most toughest and bitter of them all. I consider that self-assessment and reflection are the most effective ways using which the barriers can be reduced. There are different road blocks which come in light through assessment. Through this, the things are tackled, and appropriate solutions are structured. The seminar in particular and the entire teachings of the Strategic Perspectives have helped me assess the things which are holding me back. The seminar on Mega Learning from October- December 2013 has not only enhanced the learning, but it has also enhanced the experience. Some experiences have been positive, and some have also been negative. However, to conclude both the experiences had some sort of value associated with them. The learning acquired through the seminar will surely benefit me with my career in the future. This will make accomplishing the common goals and encountering the challenges easier. In this assessment, the learning acquired as an individual along with the challenges faced as a group will also be discussed. This will be done by providing three critical incidents which arose during the training and the experience acquired as an individual and by the whole group. The assessment and review will assist in analyzing each of the situations independently. Through this, the actions taken, and their suitability in the particular situation can also be discussed. Discovering the realities and finding the core potential and standings of the individuals in the markets are the true forms through which the assessment can be done. In the self-reflection
Friday, October 4, 2019
Aviation Safety Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Aviation Safety - Essay Example Success in this endeavor is defined by the extent to which aviation security personnel remain one step ahead of terrorists. When the "Shoe Bomber," Richard Reed, was able to board a transatlantic commercial airliner following 9/11, it marked a monumental failure of aviation security. Since then the sight of airline passengers in security checkpoints removing their footwear has become commonplace. Obviously, adjusting security to account for methods of terror that have already been attempted is essential. However, the real success of security happens when those threats are predicted and guarded against before anyone actually carries them out. Among all such threats that have been contemplated, there is one that stands out as a glaring risk about which shockingly little has been done. That is the potential for checked luggage and cargo loaded into the hold of an airplane to be rigged with explosives. To date, no airline or airport routinely screens checked bags and cargo for explosives. Some small scale pilot projects are in the works to test methods of doing this. Nevertheless, it is quite surprising that five years after 9/11, a terrorist could go to an airport and check through a bomb-laden suitcase that very likely would make it aboard a commercial airliner. ... ee's antitrust subcommittee, faulted airlines for not ensuring that a person who checks luggage actually gets on the flight, already the practice in Europe. At the same time, he noted, checked bags are not routinely screened for explosives." The AP went on to quote Senator Kohl stating, "On a given day, a group of saboteurs could load up 12 different airplanes across the country with explosives, go home, and we would have a disaster." The airline industry responded that it would be impossible to match luggage to passengers given the structure of the U.S. air travel system; and even if it were possible, such an undertaking would not thwart a terrorist who was willing to die by boarding the flight on which his/her checked bags contained a bomb (Associated Press, 2001). Donald Carty, President and CEO of American Airlines, asserted that a bag to passenger matching system would ultimately lead to reduced flights and layoffs. Senator Kohl described a two-pronged problem with aviation security. The first, and arguably the key, issue is that checked luggage makes its way on board commercial airliners without being screened for explosives or other potential threats. Secondarily, the failure to ensure that those who check luggage actually board their flight makes it possible for someone to place a bomb aboard a flight with no risk to him/herself. Arguably, if the former problem were adequately addressed, then the latter one would not be nearly as great a concern. Many would consider it shocking that even before 9/11 checked luggage was not screened. The procedure of going through airport security checkpoints, scanning carry-on items and going through metal detectors fostered a false sense of security in many people. Surely, many would think, if such precautions were taken with
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