Saturday, August 31, 2019
Not for Profit
Erin Powell Dr. Donald Roy PS 101 September 29, 2012 Martha Nussbaum: â€Å"Not for Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities†Martha C. Nussbaum is the author of the book, â€Å"Not For Profit: Why Democracy Needs the Humanities. †The book begins by drawing the reader’s attention by explaining the â€Å"Silent Crisis. †She describes education in the eyes of the government, and in the eyes of the people. There is a connection made between education and the liberal arts. The title of the book, â€Å"Not For Profit,†are three simple words that when put together, have a deep meaning.In this case, Nussbaum is using the phrase to relate to education. The government sees education as a way to further our economic situation. Statistics say that a student that attends college will earn a great deal more than a student that has not attended college. When people earn more money, they usually spend more money. This stimulates our economy, and is the goal o f the government. Government aims to use education as a tool to better our economy, yet they continually decrease the amount of money they give to public schools each year.They take out the true classes that give a person their true identity. It seems as if people are slowly becoming uniform, in being that liberal arts are being taken away, and students are left to studying simply the core classes of what they call â€Å"education†. Martha is trying to explain that our education is not for profit! Education is supposed to let people explore different skills and talents. There is a difference between education for profit, and education for citizenship. Education is intended to enhance the lives of the students which receive it. Nussbaum 9). Martha quoted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948, which said: Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It sh all promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups. I couldn’t agree more with this quote. This should be the true meaning and importance of education, not for the greediness of the government to use it for profit. Democracy truly needs the humanities.Liberal arts supplement education in making it better-rounded. Without the arts and humanities, we become the government’s puppets, only being used to increase the economy. Liberal arts have been a part of education for quite some time. However, they have never truly been an important part of education according to government standards. What are important to them are the four core subjects: math, science, social studies, and language arts. Martha Nussbaum seems to disagree. To her, the liberal arts are the parts of education that make each student an individual.It gives them their creativity, and it teaches their brains to think critically and analytically, rather than being confined to a box dictated by the core subjects. These ways of thinking are very valuable. They set apart each person, giving them their true identity. Liberal arts teach people to think for themselves. Without them people will rely on the government to do the thinking, and the government will no longer truly represent its people. The Socratic Way defines the way in which students â€Å"think and argue for themselves, rather than defer to tradition and authority,â€Å" and is â€Å"valuable for democracy. (Nussbaum 48). In terms of education this is important because thinking for oneself leads to critical thinking. Critical thinking causes students to also think analytically; therefore they get a better understanding of their material. Democracy is rule of the people. If the people cannot â€Å"think and argue for themselves,†then how can they rule their country? It would be difficult to choose representatives if the people could not make their own decisions. Also in the business world as well, it would be difficult to get anything accomplished.Tradition and authority have been important in history. However, Nussbaum does not seem to agree with them. When everything just goes by tradition, nothing is being changed. Things just happen the way they have always happened. Authority tends to stay similar as well. This is because people just go with the flow. They tend to not think for themselves, but instead make decisions based on tradition. Martha Nussbaum is a liberal; when things need to be changed, they should be changed, and I completely agree.We cannot live according to tradition, because there might be a critical thinker or two in this world whom can discover a better or more efficient way to do things. If we are to improve at all in our lifetimes, living by tradition is not going to accomplish the goal. In this world there are Americans, Europeans, Australians, Mexicans, etc. However divided, we still affect each other. We borrow, buy, and sell from other countries, as well as become allies or enemies. Martha describes a â€Å"world citizen†in her book.This means that despite our geographical and cultural differences, we should put these aside to work together. â€Å"The world’s schools, colleges, and universities therefore have the important and urgent task: to cultivate in students the ability to see themselves as members of a heterogeneous nation, and a still more heterogeneous world, and to understand something of the history and character of the diverse groups that inhabit it. †(Nussbaum 80. ) The idea of becoming a â€Å"world citizen†is wildly idealistic. There are so many people in this world that just cannot accept others.Power is a huge part of it, being that people want to be in charge. Some don’t want to be considered equal; they believe that some people are superior to others. It would take a humungous amount of effort to convince everyone on the planet to become a â€Å" world citizen. †Play is important in the lives of all people, but especially children as they begin to develop. Nussbaum talks about play in Chapter 6. It is essential to play in order to understand the value and worth of other people. Children’s stories and nursery rhymes cause children to put themselves in the shoes of another person.Therefore they learn that other human beings have feelings also, which helps children with a healthy development. It’s this healthy development in which play causes that Nussbaum believes is so important. As children grow into adults, however, they don’t necessarily â€Å"play. †They have â€Å"left behind the world of children’s games. †(Nussbaum 101). Therefore the arts become important. Whether it’s music, singing, painting, photography, etc. , the arts put people, fictionally, into the shoes of others. In doing this, people continue to grow in their concern for other human beings.As Martha describes our current situation, democratic education is truly â€Å"on the ropes. †Chapter seven talks about why this is true. Our economy is not doing so well. Every day our country goes further and further in debt. Apparently to our government, education is not very important, so they continue to make cut after cut of school funding. When the schools receive less money they have to make cuts on their spending. The humanities are always first to be reduced or eliminated. But when humanities, an important factor of a democratic education, are taken away we are certainly â€Å"on the ropes†!Without the humanities, schools cannot fully give students a democratic education. So what can we do about it? Nussbaum mentioned the alumni of schools. She claimed that some of them will send money or grants to their previous schools to help fund the humanities and liberal arts which they enjoyed having while they were in school. However, this cannot fund all parts of every progra m. Even in the core-subject classroom, we can encourage critical thinking. However, class sizes would have to be downsized. Schools would have to hire more teachers. Finances would obviously have to come from somewhere.But in decreasing the amount of students in each classroom, it is easier for the teacher to focus on their students rather than primarily on the material. Smaller groups of students also make it easier to have classroom discussions where all students can participate and think outside the box. Humanities and liberal arts are clearly important to Martha Nussbaum. They should be important to everyone, and I wish they were. This world would be a better place if education was taught around the arts, rather than the arts simply being an elective, or being eliminated due to funding cuts.I enjoy being able to think for myself and I’m sure all people do. Our government is not perfect, and there never will be a perfect government. We can’t rely on tradition to con tinue governing this country; we have to make changes in order for the government to best represent the people and to make good decisions. Neither can we submit to the authority, just because it’s there. If we don’t agree with something we have to have the audacity to stand up for what we believe in and never give up. Profits shouldn’t be the main influence for education, nor should it control how we educate our future generations.Instead we should focus on developing people as individuals, rather than people as money-makers. We all have feelings, and everyone deep down wants to feel important and competent. Simply ignoring our feelings is not an option. Drew Faust says it best, â€Å"Human beings need meaning, understanding, and perspective as well as jobs. The question should not be whether we can afford to believe in such purposes in these times, but whether we can afford not to. †(Nussbaum 124). Mistakes are made when we question whether or not to ke ep humanities in education. It’s obvious that democratic education needs the humanities.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Change Management and HRM Essay
1. (TCO All) For the next set of questions, you will first select ONE of the TCOs of the course. Then, you will be asked to write an essay about the project you worked on this term over your two companies’ change program based on the TCO you selected above. Select the TCO your essay question will cover: TCO A – Given that progressive and successful companies require their employees to embrace change, examine how changing work conditions impact the employees. TCO B – Given the inherent reality that all organizations must experience change in order to improve, demonstrate how â€Å"models†are used in Change Management, for diagnosing an organization’s need for change. TCO C – Given external, internal and/or multi-levels of organization factors that drive change, assess and create a leadership model which supports and promotes each type of change within the organization. TCO D – Given that an organization’s mission and vision will determine its strategy towards change, ensure that an organization’s change initiative is aligned with and capitalizes on its culture and mission in preparation for change. TCO E – Given a selected Change Management implementation â€Å"model†, determine the causes of change and develop a plan of action to implement the change. TCO F – Given that both organizations and their employees commonly resist change, understand how to recognize and overcome barriers to change and develop a strategy to manage resistance to change that will ensure successful implementation of change. TCO G – Given that developing a â€Å"vision for change†and communicating that â€Å"vision†is a critical part of the change process, analyze the key elements of the â€Å"vision for change†and develop a strategy to communicate the change to the stakeholder. TCO H – Given the organization’s goal of creating and implementing a sustainable change while moving toward becoming a â€Å"learning†organization, develop a plan to implement change in a sustainable manner that can be applied to any change. Using the TCO you selected from the list above, which you felt was most relevant to your project this term, write an essay answer explaining how the change management you saw in one of your companies from your project this term followed or failed to follow the theory of success ingrained in the TCO you have selected. State the #1 thing you think that company’s change agent did which most contributed to the success or failure of the change and why that relates to the TCO you selected.  · Include in the answer the name of the company you are discussing.  · Explain/analyze why you think this way. (Points : 35) 2. (TCOs A, E) Your project this term asked you to compare and contrast two companies’ change projects or programs for change. This question will review what you learned about the change projects in a continuation of your project. It will ask you to apply course information to your project companies. For your answer, be sure to reference the names of the companies you studied in your project this term to help your instructor determine the score of your response. Recall that external and internal pressures often impact implementation of change in companies. For this question, please write an essay answering these questions: A. Define specific (at least 2 each) external and internal pressures that will (or did) affect the implementation of the changes in your two companies. (10 points) B. Name two strategies of handling these pressures that you would (have) suggested to the company leaders as being the most effective in managing those pressures during the implementation phase. (10 points) C. Defend your positions with details about why you feel your strategies would assist with handling these pressures. (15 points) (Points: 35) 3. (TCOs E,H) Your project this term asked you to compare and contrast two companies’ change projects or programs for change. This question will review what you learned about the change projects in a continuation of your project. It will ask you to apply course information to your project companies. For your answ er, be sure to reference the names of the companies you studied in your project this term to help your instructor determine the score of your response. You will assess the â€Å"sustainability†of the changes which occurred in the companies you studied. Select ONE of the company change programs for your answer to this question and state it here. Assess the change project. Was it successful or unsuccessful in your opinion? What will it take (what are some steps the company can, should, or DID take) to make it SUSTAINABLE? What theories did you consider in coming to this conclusion? Do you think this change will still be in place in one, five, or ten years? Why or why not?(Points : 35) As for the People, it should be determined whether the organization has the right skills and talents for the change to be supported and for the organization to achieve its strategic goal. For example, if the strategic goal is to increase revenue through increased sales then the company sales people should be given sufficient training about the company’s own and acquired products as this will enable the sales staff to more easily sell the company’s products. I feel that the changes made in SAP will stay in place for years to come. Now that steps have been gathered to analyze large amounts of employees, customers, and sales data being generated by companies it will enable SAP to create new processes and applications that will strength their success. 4. (TCO All) This question does not address your course project. This change scenario is envisioned instead, for this question. First, the scenario, and then the question. Scenario: You have been asked to handle a project where the company is going to close the plant in your company and offer all of the workers an option of taking a buy-out severance package which is quite generous OR relocate to another state, where the business climate is much better (but the cost of living is higher and the style of living is lower). The current location of the company is in an area where people live well, the culture is great, and because it is in a college town, there are many fun things to do on weekends, plays to attend, sporting events, etc. The atmosphere is quite upbeat. The city where the company is moving to has very little in the way of entertainment, the housing costs are higher although not as nice, and property taxes are higher as well. The company is offering moving costs for relocation costs, but not house sale assistance. It is likely most of your employees are going to take the buy-out, but most of them are in their late 30s or early 40s and are not going to be happy about it. The question: This term, we studied organizational development theory versus the more systematic nStep method of conducting a change process. What would be the pros/cons of using OD theory for this change project? What would be the pros/cons of using nStep? Which nStep would you recommend for this if you use one? Of the two methods (nStep or OD), which would you recommend we use for this particular change program? Why? (Points : 35) 5. (TCOs C,D) Your project this term asked you to compare and contrast two companies’ change projects or programs for change. This question will review what you learned about the change projects in a continuation of your project. It will ask you to apply course information to your project companies. For your answer, be sure to reference the names of the companies you studied in your project this term to help your instructor determine the score of your response. Consider ONE of your company’s change projects (not both companies – just one.) State the company and the change process/program/project. Name the leader of the change from that company. Answer the following questions about that change: A. Would you characterize your leader as the change â€Å"sponsor†or the change â€Å"implementer†of this change? Or was this leader in fact both? Describe the difference between a sponsor of change and an implementer of change, why they are both important, and why you feel your leader was one or the other. B. Evaluate the leader’s implementation of the change as it compared to the company’s vision and mission statement. Were they aligned? Did this alignment (or misalignment) contribute to the success or failure of the change? Why or why not? (Points : 35) 1. (TCO A) When JetBlue left their customers sitting on the tarmac for hours on Valentine’s Day, and their CEO was ultimately terminated as a result, the company was responding to (pick the best group) (Points : 7) A). external, reputation, and credibility pressures. B). hypercompetition, market decline, and internal pressures. C). mandated, fashion, and force field pressures. D). growth, identity, and new broom pressures. E). All of the above 2. (TCO A) Which of the following best shows forces for change vs. forces for stability? (Points : 7) A). Change forces are: adapting, sustaining, and predicting; whereas stability forces are: bureaucracy, trust, and control. B). Change forces include: lay-offs, IPOs, and inventing new products; whereas stability forces are: hiring, stock buy-backs, and regular yearly dividends. C). Change forces include: lay-offs, stock buy-backs, and bi-annual new models of iPhones; whereas stability forces are hiring freezes, bureaucracy, and regular yearly dividends. D). Change forces include: Harry Potter Park at Universal Studios, Walt Disney Cruise Lines, and McDonald’s lattes; and stability forces are Cruise ship sinking at Giglio Island, bridging and buffering strategies, and JetBlue’s public apology after the Valentine’s Day fiasco. E).Both A and C 3. (TCO B) Which of the following best defines the â€Å"congruence†model of diagnosing change? (Points : 7) A). Includes purpose, structure, rewards, and helpful mechanisms B). Is based on the conceptualization of the organization as a transformation process C). Can be a starting point for an organization that has not given attention to the trends that may impact its future operations D). Includes strategy, structure, process, and lateral capability E). Includes structure, style, skills, super-ordinate goals, etc. 4. (TCO B) During the diagnosis for change period, it is important to analyze the stakeholders for their readiness to change. Using the power-interest matrix, you review the level of interest and amount of power of stakeholders and determine the following: (Points : 7) A). Your key players are those with the highest level of interest, but a lower level of power. B). Your key players are those with the lowest level of interest, but the highest level of power. C). Your most unimportant players are those with low levels of power but high interest. D). Your stakeholders who need to be â€Å"kept informed only†are those with high levels of interest but lower levels of power. E). Your stakeholders who need to be â€Å"kept informed only†are those with low levels of interest but higher levels of power. 5. (TCO C) The Burke-Litwin model states that there are four transformational factors of change. Identify the answer below which contains at least three of those factors. (Points : 7) A).Frames, lenses, angles, and hyperbole B). Mission and strategy, leadership, and organizational culture C). Hypotheses, problems, symptoms and inputs D). Vision, identification strategies, litigation, and execution E). None of the above 6. (TCO C) â€Å"This organization is running like clockwork!†This statement by a company leader is likely to result in â€Å"no change†because(Points : 7) A). the leader is blinded by the light. B). the leader believes his vision and mission of the company will align when the change is over. C). the leader has diagnosed by image that the company needs no change. D). the PESTEL framework has been unchallenged for too long. E). brainstorming for change was uneventful. 7. (TCO D) The art of a leader managing the meaning of a vision for followers and aligning it with his or her values is called (Points : 7) A).scripting. B). performing. C). staging. D). norming. E). framing. 8. (TCO F) The Emotional Intelligence domains and associated competencies are used to help us determine when a potential change agent, or person, is ready for leadership. When a person exhibits the competencies of integrity, initiative, and optimism, we know he or she has reached the stage of (Points : 7) A). Self-Awareness. B). Social Awareness. C). Relationship Management. D). Self-Management. E). Personal and Social. 9. (TCO G) One day, while on the company elevator, the head of HR is talking to the CEO and doesn’t realize his speaker phone is on when the CEO asks, â€Å"Do you think that we can afford to keep the downtown branch of the company open? Or is it time to think about across-the-board layoffs?†The HR head frowns, turns off the speaker and replies, â€Å"I’ll call you later†and hangs up. Four employees from the downtown branch are on the elevator and hear this comment. The HR head tells the four employees (whose names he does not know), â€Å"Say nothing about this. You heard nothing.†They immediately rush to their cubicles and begin spreading the word. The gossip has hit the entire department and local news agencies by the 6:00 news that night. The CEO is featured saying, â€Å"This is nothing but a rumor at this point. We have no current plan to lay off anyone.†This is an example of what type of communication plan on the part of the CEO? (Points : 7) A).Spray and pray B). Tell and sell C). Underscore and explore D). Identify and reply E).Withhold and uphold 10. (TCO G) Toxic handlers, as related to change management communication, do the following: (Points : 7) A).handle all calls with the Environmental Protection Agency. B). talk in stages using assertions, requests, and declarations. C). listen empathetically, and help cool angry people down, act like sponges, and often burn out quickly. D).All of the above E). None of the above 11. (TCO H) A sign that a change is â€Å"sustained†could be seen as (Points : 7) A). a significant and abrupt drop in the stock price of the company. B). receiving an offer from a competitor to buy the company. C). sending out WARN act notices. D). finding that the change has become baked into the culture. E). a reward system which is outdated. 12. (TCOs G,H) Review this story and pick the best answer based on your understanding of change management practices: Company X,Y,Z establishes a vision for change where â€Å"cutting costs is critical to our survival†and establishes a reward system to the department which cuts costs the most in one quarter, and states it will be a â€Å"department-based reward†system for the next four quarters. By the â€Å"most†the management establishes, the cuts will be valued by a somewhat complicated algorithm % and $$ of cut in the total expense budget. The sales team goes for the gold and cuts their travel budget by 50%, which is by far the biggest department cut in both $ and %. They win the 1st quarter reward. In quarter 2, the IT team cuts expenses the most by ending the purchase of all new software or PCs. In quarter 3, the production line cuts their expenses the most by laying off 60% of the workers (sales have dropped significantly and technology problems have slowed production, so this was needed anyway.) (Points : 8) A). The company did a good job establishing urgency and aligning metrics with the vision for change, and this change appears to be successful. B). The company aligned metrics with the vision for change, and created its own nStep method of change. C). The company culture is dysfunctional and could have learned from CEO Bethune and the Continental Airline’s own culture of â€Å"cost is everything.†D). The company will probably win the J.D. Power and Associates award for customer satisfaction this year. E). The reward system is a â€Å"spray and pray†system.
Understand Your Role
It makes nonsense to admit errors as it prevents harm to others by 3/5 early and immediate actions errors as it prevents harm to others by nearly immediate actions Question 9 Understand working relationships in health and social care Describe your responsibilities to the individuals you support [ ] Assist people with self-medication and implement care plans as prescribed, and to ensure those with a requirement are washed, dressed, fed and ready for daily activities. [ ] Provide in-home support with health issues and daily living tasks such as washing dressing, eating, transport and budgeting. Assist with the delivery of activities to enhance the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of those in your care. ] Provide companionship and support during daily activities for those who are sick or aged. Work with a team of health professionals, family, friends and careers to implement a programmer of support.Assist those needing support with domestic activities such as eat ing meals and showering Question 10 Explain how a working relationship is different from a personal relationship [ ] A working relationship depends on many factors, including unprofessional- ism, skills and knowledge and a hierarchy of individuals, some with specialist skills needed for specific functions. A personal relationship may find a skilled arson, such as a consultant, being captained by a bricklayer in cricket, where a different set of loyalties exist [ ] A working relationship depends on many factors, including professionalism, lack of skills and knowledge and a hierarchy of individuals, some with specialist skills needed for specific functions.A personal relationship may find a skilled person, such as a consultant, being captained by a bricklayer in cricket, where a different set of loyalties exist [ ] A working relationship depends on many factors, including professionalism, skills and knowledge and a hierarchy of individuals, some tit specialist skills needed for specif ic functions. A personal relationship may find a skilled person, such as a consultant, being captained by a bricklayer in cricket, where a different set of loyalties exist [ ] A working relationship does not depend on many factors, including professionalism, skills and knowledge and a hierarchy of individuals, some with specialist skills needed for specific functions.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
The story of DDT and Malaria (History Essay) Essay - 1
The story of DDT and Malaria (History ) - Essay Example At the end of World War II the technological advancements that were a product of the war began to filter into the commercial economy. The growing demand for food brought about the need for chemicals to grow, preserve, and package food products as agriculture moved from the family farm and into large-scale operations. This era witnessed the introduction of DDT at a time when its long-term effects were unknown, and in 1950 the US House of Representatives opened hearings to investigate the use of chemicals and additives to food products.3 In 1962 Rachel Carson wrote her landmark book Silent Spring, which brought about public scrutiny in regards to the safety of the fertilizer, insecticide, and pesticide programs that were being used in domestic agriculture. Since that time the US has escalated their drive to monitor the use of chemicals in the food chain and have maintained a policy of the evaluation and licensing the use of hazardous chemicals with the goal of creating safer consumer p roducts. While this policy has brought thousands of products under the scrutiny of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), DDT was one of the first and most visible victims of this program. During the 1950s the World Health Organization (WHO) pursued a policy of widespread use of DDT in Asia, Latin America, and Africa in an effort to eliminate the mosquitoes that transmitted the deadly disease of malaria. By 1971 the WHO estimated that as many as 1 billion people had been freed from the risk on contracting malaria.4 However, there were dangers lurking in the shadows of this success. Because there was a chance of the insects building up a resistance to DDT over time, it was necessary to spray the infected areas on a regular and diligent schedule. In addition, the WHO failed to account for several variables that worked against the program. Local bureaucratic governments failed to spray regularly, infected individuals imported the disease,
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Budgeting Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Budgeting Assignment - Essay Example ndividual budget estimates, Suggesting revisions in individual budget estimates ,Approval of budget and later revisions., Receiving and analyzing budget reports, recommendations of actions needed and designed to improve efficiency where necessary. Cumulative efforts are made at all levels , at the decision making process for establishing targets and making estimates and at the implementation phase also when the budgeted target has to be achieved. Otley (1999) suggests that the budgetary control process provides an encompassing framework through which all aspects of an organization’s activity are summed up into a single set of financial statements but at the same time It acts as a valuable source of monitoring the actual outcomes with the budgeted and also helps to identify and eliminate the inefficiencies in an organization performance, for example. In some type of businesses where there is rapid change in current environment conditions because of any economic or social factors, frequent budget changes are avoided because budget revision are considered as time consuming and loss in budgetary control. It’s difficult to avoid the inevitable distorting effects arisen when managers are rewarded for achieving the budget targets. This can be reduced by giving some proper and justified incentive schemes like bonuses or overtime premium or any other reward system to the subordinates. It should be kept in mind that it is the overall collective team effort and the usually the pressure is usually taken by the middle and lower level management to meet the targeted goals. For example preparation of purchase budget can never be made without the production budget in any manufacturing concern. The purchase department must know the targeted production in order to estimate the amount and qty of raw material required for the finished goods. Similarly, the sales budget is a prerequisite of making a production budget because the production department must be aware
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4
Ethics - Essay Example In my view, the 1st Commandment which says that â€Å"Thou shalt not use a computer to harm people†is a reasonable one. Harming someone is generally disallowed either morally or legally, whether one uses a computer to do it or not. Harming someone is wrong under almost all ethical frameworks in almost all situations. Possible exceptions would be in the case of self defense. However, unlike in the real world, the gravity of the consequences in the context of the use of computers is unlikely to be as dire. As such, the exceptions provided in, say, the Penal laws of the various States which specify the criminal liability of a person would not apply in the same way in the context of the computer. Given the above, I agree with this 1st Commandment. I equally agree with the 4th Commandment which says that â€Å"Thou shalt not use the computer to steal†. The rationale behind my support of this Commandment is largely the same as that set out above in relation to the 1st Comman dment. Stealing, like harming, is already something prohibited both legally and morally. This Commandment as such merely reinforces the code of general ethics and the law already prevailing in relation to this same area. Stealing, just like harming, is wrong no matter how one does it or what one uses to do it. Stealing cannot and should not be less wrong just because it is done through a computer. Just as the various record companies in their advertisements against privacy emphasize, we would not steal a video from the video store†¦we shouldn’t steal that contents of that same video by illegally downloading it. The difference is that it feels less wrong because of the way it is done – usually at your own private place, using your own computer and no one seeming to get hurt. But the result is the same†¦it is stealing. I am in agreement with this 4th Commandment as it goes to emphasize this point†¦stealing through the use of computers is equally wrong as s tealing using your hands. The 9th Commandment is another one that I agree with. Thinking about the consequences of your actions is something that one must always do. The problem in the context of writing computer programs is that one gets absorbed into the codes and numbers and specifics without thinking about the real life impact of those codes and numbers. The fact that this Commandment serves to remind programmers that what they are doing has a real impact to real people, although it seems far removed at the time the programmer is writing the code, is important. I have agreed with the aforesaid Commandments because they merely reflect ethical principles already prevailing. However some of the other Commandments, while doing the same, fail to recognize that in the context of computers and the internet, they cannot hold absolute. For example, the 2nd and 3rd Commandments provide that one should not interfere with other peoples’ work or snoop in their files. In the context of computers and especially the internet, sometimes the whole purpose is to snoop and interfere. The various social networks, blogs, forums et.c are all based on people getting into each other’s business. The whole concept is based on snooping so to speak. In addition, in the context of the enforcement of the rest of the Commandments, just like the use of police powers in the real world to uphold the laws of a State, authorities must snoop and interfe
Monday, August 26, 2019
Telecommunications Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Telecommunications Paper - Essay Example In certain CS and BS digital broadcasts, one popular movie title is repeatedly put on air almost daily so that the users may watch the image seamlessly from the start till end whenever they want. This has contributed to the popularization of near-on-demand system. Meanwhile, it has become more important for the clients given the continuous media data can be run seamlessly from start till end, and therefore various methods to broadcast continuous media data under the division based broadcasting scheme have been studied widely. In the division based broadcasting scheme, data is divided into several segments and broadcast via multiple channels. Broadcasting the forepart of data repeatedly in a channel increases the clients’ likelihood of watching the data, and the waiting time is reduced accordingly. These methods calculate the appropriate channel bandwidths and allocate them to each channel. However, in many broadcasting systems, each channel bandwidth is fixed for the reason of transmission scheme. In case bandwidth of each channel of a broadcasting system and the bandwidth calculated in conventional techniques differ from each other, the waiting time is not reduced effectively. For instance, there are thirteen 1.79 Mbps channels called segments for terrestrial digital TV broadcasting, each four of which together broadcast a high-bit rate image while the other segment alone broadcasts a low-bit rate image (one-segment broadcasting). For digital radio broadcasting, there are eight 300 kbps segments, three of which form a channel (three-segment broadcasting), while the others are used for audio broadcast. As described above, the scheme commonly employed is the one that uses multiple channels with fixed bandwidths to broadcast one image. In this paper, a method under the division based broadcasting scheme considering the channel bandwidths has been proposed, that divides the data into several segments, so that the clients can
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Principels of organizational mangement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Principels of organizational mangement - Essay Example Hence, for instance, a UK manager who initiates business activities in the US business environment has to verify if his strategies conform to the business culture and institutional settings of the region. Researchers are of the opinion that the concept of HRM was the US contribution to the business world. American HRM started since 1890s with the emergence of NCR Corporation specifically when it initiated a separate personnel office (Ed. Pieper. 1990, p.41). In addition to this, several aspects including enterprise capitalism, free individualism, diverse workforce which comprised of immigrants also contributed to the growth of HRM in America (Ibid). Consequently, traditional business concept of ‘personal management’ gave way to collaborative business operation which gave much emphasis on creating large and diverse pool of human capital which would be cost effective and potential enough. Thus employee participation and managerial functions became the most inevitable part of American business organizations. As the new method was highly effective, it helped American organizations to be more competitive in the global market. Consequently, American organizations became highly competitive; and caught the attention of the entire business world. Organizations across the globe tried their own experiments on the strategic implementation of HRM. Despite the common features of all HRM models, as Bratton and Gold (2001) state, ‘there is a qualitative difference between HRM and traditional personal management’. According to the writers’ view, it includes strategic character of transformational leadership, and involvement of line managers as the notable features of modern HRM. The features of American approaches to HRM, according Schuler and Johnson include mainly five characteristics that make US model of business management distinctive from other European models (Cited in Fenton, Gooderham & Nordhang 2005). Given below are the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Smoking or secondhand smoking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Smoking or secondhand smoking - Research Paper Example This article briefly discusses the merits and demerits of this hypothesis and in the end suggests a method of controlling the rising level of smoking in the United States of America. It shall also briefly touch the history of smoking, the reason why it escalated and why it fell. These previous trends are kept as a focal point in the end when a recommendation for action is presented in the conclusion. Smoking and Its Increasing Prevalence Introduction All over the globe including the U.S.A, there is a rising concern by the medical agencies and public health insitutions in regards to the vice of Smoking. They are calling for Hollywood movies that contain scenes where people are smoking; to be rated as adult or explicit. The concept and reasoning behind this outcry is that enforcing such a rating might end up reducing the number of youth who are exposed to such scenes, within the course of watching a movie, that according to them, is one of the most direct causes for young teens to take up smoking and even that, at an early stage of their lives (Cnossen, 2008). With the help of a scientific consensus conducted by a huge spectrum of professional health organizations that includes the World Health Organization, National Cancer Institute and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention displayed that the films and movies which contain scenes in which the actors are smoking acts as a catalyst in inciting the young people to smoke and is the consistent finding of a dose response relationship, and like in any concern in regards to the public health which is related to a dose response. The single best alternative in order to deal with such a problem is lowering the dose, that recalls the topic of discussion. There needs to be the ratings of adult content for any movies which have use of tobacco and live smoking on screen in it (Eysenck, 2006). Simon Chapman and Matthew C. Farrelly published an essay in the PLoS Medicine. They made four arguments in opposi tion to the change of rating of movies that have smoking scenes to adult. The first and foremost point they suggest is that those researches or studies that show the link between acceptance of smoking by teenagers at an early age and their exposure to movies or film scenes that have smoking in them are not in any way controlled, which means that they are free from any sort of manipulation of numerous other factors for instance alcohol, violence, recreation drug portrayal, coarse language and of course sexual content and also smoking. The next point they presented states, that any claims in regards to the exposure to smoking in the movies resulting in an increasing in smoking prevalence in youth is crudely reductionist, while at the same time blatantly ignoring the huge exposure to such scenarios of smoking littered elsewhere throughout the society. Thirdly they further state that in regards to the classification of movies to adult rating, it is a futile gesture since the children ca n access more of such material by using the more popular medium, the internet. Lastly they say there is a merit of concern over the assumption that in case any cause is felt rational enough, the state itself needs to implement the control censor on any and all the cultural artifacts for instance movies, arts, books and theatre that are present within its’ jurisdiction (Chapman & Farrelly, 2011). Discussion The beliefs which Matthew & Simon’
Friday, August 23, 2019
Markets Organize Economic Activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Markets Organize Economic Activity - Essay Example Firstly, a price ceiling happens when prices of commodities and other services are held below the equilibrium, in connection, these prices are not allowed to rise for the benefit of the buyers and consumers. When sellers can possibly add few cents to the current price of bread while maintaining its saleability, the government would prohibit them to do so. Anyway, there are few tactics sellers have used to make money while price has been frozen to a certain level. Some of these tactics are baking low quality breads by not following the exact measurements of several ingredients. But, consumers cannot easily spot these changes. What they have in mind is the â€Å"amount†they will exchange for that commodity. The sellers cost-cutting method can be hidden by the low-priced bread. Nevertheless, even there would cost-cutting measures, the direct result of price ceiling is shortages. When everyone can afford to buy bread, there would occur a shortage of bread supply in the market. Th ere are also instances that richer consumers would buy in excess of their regular consumptions. Secondly, lets talk about the obvious connection of the shortage of bread production to long lines. When prices of commodities are set in a price level below the equilibrium, there are more consumers who are so eager to buy bread. Even its obvious that they have to spend time to wait there turns, they are always willing to fall in line. There are various factors why many people are willing to get starve in the corner standing in the queue, even they have the option to eat in the nearby fast foods where they can be served in less than 10 minutes – they want to save every cents they can because of the inflation. While almost all the prices of products and basic commodities went higher each year, most workers salaries remain the same. There are few announcement of wage increase, however, it cannot cover up the cost of the most upward movements of prices of the major daily needs. Its
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Case Study Australia's Airline Industry Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Australia's Airline Industry - Case Study Example This enabled virgin Blue to grow rapidly and became the second largest domestic airline carrier in Australia. Air New Zealand on the other than, is a flag carrier and one of the national airline companies located in Auckland, New Zealand; This airline operates a number of scheduled flights to 24 international and 26 domestic destinations in 15 countries across Europe, Oceanic, Asia and America. It is a member of the star global Alliance having joined in the year 1999. It was originally known as Tasman Empire Airways Limited; where the government of Australia was in ownership by the year 1965. Latter the name changed to Air New Zealand as it is called today. It operates along haul fleet consisting of Boeing 747,767,777 as well as Airbus A320 aircraft on international routes. Qantas airline is one of the Australian airlines based in Sydney Australia. This airline is the oldest continuously operating airline in the whole world. Currently the airline is considered to be a four star airli ne. 2) Summary of current political, social, legal, economical and environmental issues influencing the company Political/ Legal The legal/political segment is an arena were the interest groups and the organizations compete for resources, attention and voice of overseeing the law and regulations guiding the various interactions among nations, This represents how organization try very hard to influence the government and how the governments control them. For instance Blue Virgin is concerned about all the government regulations that affect the business as a whole. This helps the company to effectively achieve its goals considerably since political and legal environment are business friendly to the company (Lowe 2008, P. 126) Social Social-culture is concerned with the society cultural value and attitude. Since attitude and values forms the main cornerstone of the society, then they often drive economical, political/legal, technological and demographical changes and conditions. This m arket segment has a direct effect on the overall performance of the company as it relate passenger who use the companies services from different cultural back grounds with varying attitudes (Robinson 1997, P. 31).. Economical Economical environment refers to the direction and nature of the economy in which a company competes. A firm must forecast, scan, monitor and assess the health of its economy so as to have a higher advantage over competitors in the same economy. As for the case of Blue Virgin it is important to analyze the economy before coming up with any decision that would help it to achieve its goals in such a competitive environment. Technological This includes activities and institutions involved with translating and creating knowledge of new services and various brands in the market. The benefits of these efforts suggest the findings by early adopters of new technology to help in achieving a greater market share as well as high returns. For instance Blue Virgin do verify that the it is continuously scanning the external environment in order to identify the potential substitutes for technologies that are being used and also acquiring new technology which gives it a very high competitive advantage over its competitors (Lowe 2008, P. 126). Environmental The general environment of Virgin group t is composed of dimension in the broader society which influences the company as a whole (Park 2001 P. 134.
Different Generations Speak Different Languages Essay Example for Free
Different Generations Speak Different Languages Essay Different generations in the same country speak different languages? Sounds impossible, but it is indeed the case. Consider situations in which your mother does not understand what you say to your classmates, situations in which you cannot figure out what your mother refers by a simple abbreviation and situations in which your father cannot reflect your undertone of some words. Different generations speak different languages, causing conflicts and misunderstandings. According to the passage What can words do and cannot do, words have denotative meanings and connotation meanings. Denotative meanings are meanings defined by the dictionary, which cause little misunderstandings. On the other hand, connotative meanings are associated with personal experiences and are likely to cause conflicts. But in the context of communication between different generations, there are both likely to evoke misunderstandings. Some connotative meanings of words are so widely recognized by a certain generation or group of people, that they consider these meanings as denotative meanings. But these meanings are unknown to other groups and are not included in the dictionary. The word, net, for example, may mean a trap made of netting to catch fish or birds or insects in your grandfathers dictionary but means a computer network consisting of a worldwide network of computer networks that use the TCP/IP network protocols to facilitate data transmission and exchange when you talk to your friends meet on the net. From this aspect, language of different generations do differ in the conception of words. Different generations may be confused by denotative meanings, not to mention by connotative meanings. The connotative meaning of a word is the associations and overtones people bring to it. When we hear a word, the thoughts and feelings we have about that word and about the person using it determine what that word ultimately means to us. (What can words do and cannot do,Weaver, Understanding Interpersonal Communication, pp. 230-333 ) Consider the word news perceived by different generations. Your grandfather may reflect news as titles in printed newspaper or radio messages while your father form in his head the television correspondent and you, a teenager thinks of web-sites. These difference in language is brought by the development of social and technology. Words and phrases have their life cycle, there are times when certain words and expressions thrive and time when they die. It is not uncommon that older generations tend to use words, phrases and expressions that are seldom used by younger generation. Moreover, young people have the tendency to make expressions short. For example, instead of saying good morning, they say morning, instead of lots of laughs, they type LOL and so on. So next time when talking to your grandmother, use less abbreviations. Difference languages spoken by different generations giving rise to unavoidable misunderstanding, so bearing in mind that different person has varied perception of words and may not understand what you mean. Dont be bothered to interpret in detail what you mean to be fully understood by other generations.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Studying New Age Tourism Potential In Kerala Tourism Essay
Studying New Age Tourism Potential In Kerala Tourism Essay Tourism seeks greener pastures for its growth and in this century every dimension of human culture has the potential to become a tourism product. Gauging the potential of variety, the products that are offered in new age tourism varied from alternative healing methodologies, avenues for aesthetic development, discourses by spiritual gurus and innovative tourism practices. This variety in tourism product resulted in the evolution of centres of attraction, which are almost three times more growth potential than the classic tourism market. Kerala is considered as the first State in India, which had initiated steps to exploit the emerging market of new age tourism and is now providing with wide and varied centres of attraction like aesthetic development, experiential and personalised self-development, and alternative approaches to health care. This study is of the view that there is a need for Certification of these New Centers of tourist attractions which will ensure quality of service provide and finally will boost tourism in Kerala. Introduction The history of tourism industry depicts a picture of exponential growth and increasing diversity. The number of activities and experiences that can be categorised as tourism has increased significantly and now every dimension of human culture has the potential to become a tourism product. It is rightly opined that tourism seeks for greener pastures to grow and expand. It uniquely celebrates differences in places and peoples to create novel experiences (Tejvir, 2004). Gauging the potential of variety, the products that are offered with new age tourism varied from alternative healing methodologies, avenues for aesthetic development, discourses by spiritual gurus and innovative tourism practices. This variety in tourism product resulted in the evolution of centres of attraction, which are almost three times more growth potential than the classic tourism market. Now tourist destinations are not seen as set of distinct natural, cultural, artistic and environmental resources but as an over all product, a complex and integrated package offered by a territory able to supply a holiday, which meets the varied needs of the tourist (Maria and Peter, 2006). The New Age faction has grown significantly since its emergence in the 1950s and 1960s (Dallen and Daniel, 2006). Originally, it was a counter-cultural movement, interacting with other counter-cultural movements of that time, such as the ecology, hippie, and commune movements. During the last decades, spiritual and esoteric methods have been popularized and commercialized by an expanding market of literature and workshops. This has made New Age a socially accepted phenomenon and it has thus lost much of its anti-modernist and culture-critical character. Objective of the study The main objective framed for this study is to analyse the available potential of tourism in Kerala vis-à -vis to the New Age Tourists. The other objectives are as follows To identify the basic motivations of tourists visiting Kerala. To analyze the socio-demographic profile and the image of the destination from the tourist perspective. To examine the activities undertaken by tourists and the usage of usage of tourism intermediaries and suppliers. Study Area The new age destinations are facing a challenge to manage and organize their resources in order to supply a holiday experience that must be equal to or better than the alternative destinations experiences on the market (Maria and Peter, 2006). Hence Kerala can be considered as the first State in India, which had initiated steps to exploit the emerging market of new age tourism. As is rightly opined by Professor Peter Cochrane Travel has long been with us. Virtual reality is well upon us. Experience is already being revealed in tourism to the extent that it may now be the key objective of todays traveler (Khan, 1997). It is this urge of the present day traveler which made the tourism authorities in Kerala to developed wide and varied centers of attraction like aesthetic development (Kalamandalam art, drama and music); experiential and personalised self-development, (courses on meditation, personal relationships and self knowledge and finally, courses on alternative approaches to heal th care (Ayurveda massage for body rejuvenation). Moreover, it can also be opined that the primary sector comprising of agricultural allied operations is stagnant and tourism is considered one of the alternative strategy that can be adopted to regenerate the economy especially in the rural area (Tribe, 1995). During the last decade, one can witness the development of tourist resorts where packages are provided where all the above amenities are clubbed together. The study area was restricted to Kovalam, Varkala, Guruvayoor, Vallikavu, Kumarakom and Munnar. Out of this Kovalam and Varkal are beach resorts, Munnar, the famous hill resort and Gurvayoor and Vallikavu are religious centers. Methodology Both primary and secondary data was used for the study. Through the primary survey, we tried to analyse the demographic profile, visitor motivation, activities indulged at the centre and duration of stay. Statistical tools like correlation analysis were used to analyse the expenditure pattern and duration of stay of these visitors. Results and Discussions Driven by a buoyant economy and increase in the purchasing power of the middle class population along with the rising interest towards oriental culture and values, one can witness an increasing shift of tourism traffic towards India. From the Figure 1.1, it is clear that the tourist flow to India is showing an increasing trend. Only the moths April to June can be considered as slump period while peal flow is observed during the tourist season October to February. * = Provisional                                           Source : Ministry of Tourism, GOI Likewise, only the off season period between April-May, one can observe a short fall in the tourist earnings. The efforts made by the Central government along with the sufficient support of various State Governments to make tourism a yearlong affair, can be clearly observed in the Figure 1.2 shown below. * = Provisional                                           Source : Ministry of Tourism, GOI Though with vast potential and diversity in the products that can be offered by India, yet it ranks only twenty-second. Hence, India was not able to harness its multiplier effects for employment and poverty eradication. The recent policy changes like liberalization in aviation sector, rationalization of tax rates in the hospitality sector, tourist friendly visa regime etc is imperative to boost the tourism sector in India. Tourism in Kerala Domestic tourist arrivals (excluding pilgrims) rose from 52.40 lakhs in 2001 to 59.46 lakhs in 2005. Thus in five years, annual growth rate for foreign and domestic tourist arrivals are respectively 13.27% and 2.69%. According to the study of World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) on tourism sector in the State, Travel and Tourism generates as much as 7.7% of GSP and 6.2% of total employment. Visitor exports (tourism receipts) are worked out as 14.3% of the total export of the State. Figure : 1.3. Earnings from Tourism Source : Economic Review, 2006. Figure 1.3 provides a clear insight into the earnings from Tourism between 2001 2005. It can be observed that the foreign exchange earnings during 2005 is Rs. 1552.31 Crores and the total earnings from the tourism sector is Rs. 7738 Crores. The Economic Review highlights that the Tourism sector employs around 10 Lakhs persons in the State. As per the estimates of World Tourism Organization (WTO), propelled by the tourism and business travel boom, India needs an additional 300,000 by the year 2020. When we analyzed the expansion plan of various tourist markets in India, it is observed that Kerala is considered as a potential tourist zone, yet the expansion plan should be further strengthened to accommodate the needs of the tourists. Figure 1.3 illustrates the new room supply expected to be included in the key tourist zones. Potential of Spiritual Tourism in Kerala It is the Greeks and the Romans who cultivated the quest of well being through Spiritual tourism. One can also observe that the followers of majority of the religions used to undertake spiritual journeys at least once in a year. It is rightly opined by Timothy Dallen that spiritual tourism as the oldest and now one of the fastest-growing segments in the travel industry. The new breed of spiritual travelers likes to enjoy spiritual enlightenment without giving up their comforts, which resulted in this being added as an important component of New Age Tourism (Greg, 2007). Various studies had pointed out that many thousands of tourists visit India for various types of spiritual interactions with diety or godman. Though there are reservations against comodifying religion and to put holy places into spot light for mass consumption and to make holy things unholy, yet one can observe that the lines between mass tourists and religious tourists are becoming increasingly blurred. Even spiritual tourism is seen by many government and tourism officials as a way to either diversifying or save struggling economies (Dallen and Daniel, 2006). There exist difference of opinion about whether spiritual tourism is related to escapism from the self to an entirely different environment that offers pure relaxation, or, an opportunity to renegotiate ones place in the world and relationships. In extreme cases, it might be about confrontation of the worlds darker side and human tragedy, a reminder of ones mortality and place in a universal cycle (Steiner and Reisinger, 2006). This kind of exploration arguably has philosophical and spiritual dimensions, which can make ones minor troubles, seem relatively insignificant. Katusuhiko Yazaki who is the Japanese mail-order multimillionaire opined that We cannot find true meaning in life by occupying spacious residences. At some point people will need to raise their desires to a higher level (Khan, 1997). His illusion is that we have material possessions but for fulfillment, we need something beyond them, which urged the present day traveler to undertake spiritual journeys of self-discover y. These spiritual journeys make the traveler feel that he is just a minute component in the massive super structure called Universe. The study observed that majority of the tourists selected for the study falls in the age group 35 45 and 45 55. It is surprising to note that in both the groups majority of them is from the female group rather than male. This can be attributed to male ego, which refrain them speaking aloud about their personal life or difficulties. The study also observed that there exists a positive correlation (+.73) between income and expenditure on spiritual journeys. Majority of the tourists are from the higher income group due to which there demand for quality in services is much higher than the others. The Gurus or Godmans are of the view that when the tourist (patient) feels confident and energetic without any negative side effects literally provides them the assurance that the treatment had achieved its ultimate objective. Potential of Health Tourism in Kerala From the Medieval Age one can trace the elements of health tourism like the scrupulous attention paid to well-being of Romans and Greeks (Melanie and Catherine, 2006) along with the development of seaside and spa tourism of the 18th and 19th century by the European elite which continues even now though at a much faster rate. The House of Lords opined that the proliferation of wellness centers, holistic retreats, spas, spiritual pilgrimages, and complementary and alternative therapies is unprecedented (House of Lords Report, 2000). Experts came forward with various theories to justify the sudden spurt in growth. Some of them are of the view that the anomie of the western capitalist societies, the breakdown of traditional religions and the fragmentation of the communities. Though the advancement made in the field of medical science had resulted in the development of curative care for major diseases, yet one can observe that the psychological and emotional problems of man are left untr eated. Depression is commonly cited as being one of the greatest disease burdens of the 21st century and suicide rates are rising, especially amongst young men (e.g., Mealanie Smith and Catherine Kelly 2005). This can be attributed to high pressure he should withstand in a performance related pay-package work environment. But the only viable solution that is left for the mankind is to indulge in Health Tourism. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, deals with both the preventive and curative aspects of health in a most comprehensive way. Besides contributing to maintenance of health, it also has a wide range of therapeutic measures to combat various illnesses. Though the art of Ayurveda had spread around in the 6th century BC to Tibet, China, Mongolia, Korea and Sri Lanka, yet one can witness in Kerala that this medical system is still being practised and perfected by the Kalari Gurukals who are considered as the master of the traditional martial art of Kerala Kalari. Vogue magazine once opined that Technology is destroying usà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Nature has a remedy for every illness, an answer for every problem (Khan, 1999). It is from this view that the strength and growth of Ayurveda lies. Kerala is the only state in India, which can boast of making concerted efforts to promote health tourism in a big way, which has resulted in a substantial increase of visitor arrivals into the state. Kerala and ayurveda have virtually become synonymous with each other. The study observed that many of the health resorts are located in beach resorts like Kovalam and Varkala. Yet one can also observe that the serene hill resorts of Kerala also attract health tourists in sizeable numbers. Like all other form of tourism, Health Tourism also attracts mainly the affluent sections of the society. It is observed that both man and woman of various age groups are showing considerable interest in ayurveda and body rejuvenation therapies. Kerala can also boast of having the best pool of ayurvedic physicians and masseurs who are effectively trained and added to the resource pool by the many number of ayurvedic hospitals. When we made a correlation analysis with that of the total expenditure incurred by the tourists, it was observed that the correlation value is 0.89. Though the study observed that many of the ayurvedic health resorts are available in developed countries yet majority of them feel that it only at the origin of the practices, they feel that they ha d received optimum service. The study observed that though there is negative opinion about the effectiveness of certain therapies of ayurveda yet the people are of the view that it has placebo effect. Potential of Culture Tourism in Kerala Cultural tourism has been identified as one of the most rapidly growing areas of global tourism demand. Cultural tourism is about people traveling for cultural motivations and is measured by determining whether the travelers attended activities and venues such as festivals, exhibitions, theatre performances or historic sites. Kerala can boast of a unique Dravidian culture and tradition. It is because of the uniqueness, Kerala can boast of a unique standard of living, which is very different from the rest of India. This unique model is popularly known as the Kerala Model of Development. Hence both domestic and foreign tourists want to have a first hand experience about the social and cultural wealth of Kerala. Along with various historical sites, Kerala also boast of unique centers of learning where can both witness the art forms of Kerala. Moved by the unique nature, many of the tourists got enrolled in these centers of learning like Kalamandalam. The study observed that though vario us tour packages had included short duration performance by the traditional artists, only the dedicated ones like to purse these art forms. The short duration performance also enhanced the sales prospects of art souvenirs of Kerala. From the table given below, one can observe that the highest consumer group of cultural tourism in Kerala is the foreign tourists. Table 1.1 Trend in Expenditure Pattern of Foreign Tourists Activity Foreign (in percentages) Domestic (in percentages) Shopping for Souvenirs 78 52 Local Cuisine 63 48 Historic Buildings 81 67 Other Findings The other findings of the study are as follows. Though both the foreign and domestic tourists are satisfied with their visits, yet majority of them opined that there is still scope for improvement. From the study, it is clear that the tourists irrespective of the area to which they belong, depends on internet for their information needs. The study also observed that spiritual and cultural tourism is most preferred by domestic tourists than international tourists. The period of stay is higher for the foreign tourists than the domestic. It ranges between two to four days for the foreign tourists while majority of the domestic had a shorter stay of less than three days. The size of the group comprising the domestic tourist is much higher than the foreign tourist. Hence it is clear that the emphasis for domestic tourist is quantity and for the foreign tourist it is quality. This also conveys that for the domestic tourist, time is an important criterion whereas for the foreign they dont give undue importance to time factor. Finally, it can be opined that that the foreign tourist is very selective about the type of accommodation whereas the domestic tourists are satisfied with the available accommodation at the area. Conclusion Suggestions It can be opined that just as (old) mass tourism is not necessarily unsustainable, in all circumstances, new or alternative forms of tourism are not inevitably panacea in all situations. Indeed neither form of tourism is sustainable unless an appropriate planning and management regime is in place (Moscardo, 1998). Much of the research till date focused on service quality in the hospitality sector, and in particular, measurement of customer perceptions of quality. There is little or no effort integrating quality into all aspects of managing tourism enterprise (Derek, 2003). One of the views that emerged from this research is that majority of tourists visit Kerala for relaxation and rejuvenation. It was observed that both domestic and foreign tourist on their arrival at the destination, a sense of anti-climax prevailed in their minds. This is due to the gap between what that is propagated and what is actually practiced. The study observed that Certification of these New Cen ters of tourist attractions should be incorporated which will ensure the quality of service provide and finally will boost the tourist traffic to Kerala. These New Centers should adopt Co-opetetion strategies whereby the new or minor centers should co-operate with one another to achieve a sustained flow of tourists to these centers (Edgell, 2006). It can be concluded that it is due to the availability of diversified products that ensures that tourism still thrives in Kerala economy. Finally this study is of the view that still the government lacks a holistic view towards tourism development in Kerala. The authorities consider competitiveness and attractiveness as different entities but it is rather supply and demand side of tourism. Only through such a holistic approach, policy makers will have a clear understanding about what the tourists are looking for and what the stakeholders are investing in. Though there is an increase in the employment for the local community due to the appe arance of tourism, yet this study is of the view that there one can witness conflicts between the host and service providers. Hence it is suggested that the onus for bridging the gap should be on the shoulders of the service providers and the government. They should try to make the centers of tourist attraction especially the villages a self-sufficient one. The growing needs of tourist sector like meat, egg, fish etc can be sourced from the village itself rather than depending on external markets which will ensure the trickle down effect and sustainability in the long run.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Sjogren Syndrome Support Group Plan
Sjogren Syndrome Support Group Plan Punit Dave TABLE OF CONTENT (JUMP TO) INTRODUCTION Overview Challenges PROPOSED PLAN Leverage Points Effectiveness Success Metrics Future Planning Schedule Staff Budget CONCLUSION REFERENCES INTRODUCTION OVERVIEW In partnership with University of Houston Medicine and Technology department and American Association of Rheumatologist we are the only national nonprofit support group to provide education, awareness, regular checkup, and research for Sjogren syndrome. In autoimmune disease the immune system attack and destroys the monsieur producing glans throughout the person’s body. Sjogren is the second most common autoimmune disease in United States; which effecting estimated 5 million people in United State. The Sjogren is three times more common than related disease like, Lupus, Multiple sclerosis and it is more common among women then breast cancer. The nine out of the ten Sjogren patients are women. The Sjogren syndrome patients suffer from verity of symptoms that range from dry eye and dry mouth to chronic fatigue and muscling joint pain. This disease also effect internal organs and internal nerve systems. In anticipation of people become familiar with disease and its symptoms; it w ill remain difficult to diagnose everyone who suffering from Sjogren syndrome. That’s why our community continues to fight for patients who aren’t able to explain their diseases or confused by the many facets of the diseases. Our community dedicated to raising awareness, so some day the patient diagnoses with Sjogren then he or she will have heard of it and will know where to turn for support and guidance. CHALLENGES With Sjogren the correct diagnosed is often difficult to obtain. It will take around 4.7 years to correctly diagnose the Sjogren, because the Sjogren’s symptoms often mimic other condition and diseases. Sjogren is often overlooked or misdiagnosed. Patients will discuss dry eye with optometrist, dry mouth with their dentist or joint pain with their primary doctors. Each symptom alone wouldn’t suggest an autoimmune disease but couple symptoms together will lead physicians to suspect Sjogren. This is why increasing awareness among the general public is very important. We strongly recommend Sjogren’s patients get treatment form one doctor. Changing the doctors won’t cure Sjogren but it often creates confusions among the doctors and patients. Getting treatment from multiple doctors’ also lead to wrong medications, diagnostic and it will hurt patients financially and medically. With a help from university of Houston medicine department and AAR we provide many medical checkup, medical guideline and nutrition plans to our members so, they always get right advice and treatments. PROPOSED PLAN LEVERAGE POINTS Sjogren Syndrome support Group is the leading advocate for Sjogren’s patients. We have dynamic volunteers, medical, scientific advisory board and researchers who work in Sjogren’s and recognized nationwide. Together with this volunteers and healthcare professionals, our group has been able to implement programs such as the first ever clinical practice guidelines for Sjogren’s. This guideline gives Sjogren’s physicians a road map for how to treat, monitor and manage sjogren in their patients. This is just one example of our support group on how we achieving our mission and changing the life of sjogren patients. EFFECTIVENESS Sjogren Syndrome Support Group stands on our founding principal of putting the patients first. From our 10 plus patients run support groups to our hundreds technical volunteers we serve our members with an ability to connect with others who have Sjogren’s. Our programs of educations always involve our volunteers to help review our educational materials, conference topics and Sjogren’s content. Our research grants from our sponsors are also awarded based on innovations. It we will help us to change the field of Sjogren’s the fastest to estimate the greatest gain for sjogren patients. I believe our group is effective because of patient voice is never forgotten. SUCCESS METRICS What are the metrics of success for our group? The Sjogren Syndrome Support Group measures the impact and success by many variables. For example our support group manages over 50 support groups in Houston area. Prints many newsletters and distribute hundreds of brochures each year. The American association of rheumatologist distributes important guidelines to each patient and provides the advice to join our support group. It will give patients an opportunity to share their thoughts with others and help others to overcome from this situation. Most importantly our support group always uses metrics to gage the success of every campaign, every program and every project. We set goals, we set objectives and then we evaluate them against the simple questions of how do these impacts on life of Sjogren’s patients. FUTURE PLANNING Additional support from CCHP would help us expand our education and awareness programs. This support would enable us to attended more professional conferences to educate healthcare professionals. Additional reassures would also allowed our support group to distribute materials to more specialist which would ultimately assist us to reaching patients who may be suffering from particular symptoms, but didn’t realize the cause could be a systemic diseases such as Sjogren. Finally, for support the patient and cure of Sjogren, more funding needed that way our support group can produce national awareness campaign and reach the 3million penitents there are not yet diagnosed. SCHEDULE (May 10 2014 – August 30 2014) STAFF We excited about future of Sjogren and we really around pace for great discoveries, but in order to make Sjogren a household name we need everyone’s support and help for more awareness, raise funds and volunteers. We have hundreds of volunteers and volunteers board of directors to help and support our group. Along with that we have healthcare professionals from Medical and Scientific Advisory Board (MSAB) and American Association of Rheumatologist (AAR) to stands for the wide range of specialties involved in Sjogren’s diagnose treatment and research. BUDGET CONCLUSION It is a proud moment for us that, we are premier organization in Sjogren research and support group funding. However more funding is needed as more talented researchers are taking interest in Sjogren. Our support group’s goal is to finding an additional funding to support these groundbreaking projects. Without increase support from research we cannot fund this projects and thus thing must be turn away. Our hope is one day all Sjogrens research and support group adequately funded so patients can have the answers for their disease. Being a Sjogren’s patient is challenging, but neither having a therapy to treat your disease nor understating what causing it is heartbreaking. REFERENCES Autoimmune Disease Coordinating Committee. (n.d.).. Retrieved April 25, 2014, from American Collage of Rheumatology. (n.d.).. Retrieved April 30, 2014, from Grant Writing. (n.d.).Sample Budget and Narrative -. Retrieved May 1, 2014, from Sjà ¶grens Syndrome Foundation Scientific Initiatives. (n.d.).Sjà ¶grens Syndrome Foundation Scientific Initiatives. Retrieved April 28, 2014, from Sjogrens syndrome. (n.d.).Definition. Retrieved May 1, 2014, from When an Autoimmune Disorder Forces You to Alter Your Life Plans Autoimmune Disorders Center Everyday Health. (n.d.) Retrieved April 28, 2014, from
Monday, August 19, 2019
Burning Out in Tom Stoppards Arcadia :: Stoppard Arcadia Essays
Burning Out in Tom Stoppard's Arcadia Humanity has no intention of fading away, but rather has designed, by its nature, a flash before death, a burning out, if you will. Inherent in the human character is a desire to fight until the end, whether it be physically, or intellectually. In Arcadia, Septimus describes life as a processional march, telling Thomasina, "The procession is very long and life is very short. We die on the march" (Stoppard 38). But as we die, we don't simply allow ourselves to pass into the distance. We push our muscles to the limit, breathing harder and harder until we fall. The people of this earth do not follow the uncomplicated universal pattern of slowly giving up hot for cold. Despite human understanding of this pattern, and the ultimate fate of ending up cold even after the flash, our "noise," as Valentine calls it, love and sex and other various distractions, affects our life equation, and makes Thomasina's death in a fire all too appropriate. As Hannah and Valentine discuss the mysteries of Sidely Park, Valentine argues that everything in the universe progresses from heat to cold. He illustrates, "It's a one way street. Your tea will end up at room temperature...[it] is happening to everything everywhere. The sun and the stars...we're all going to end up at room temperature" (Stoppard 78). Hannah, appearing to support Valentine's statement, recites a section of Lord Byron's "Darkness": I had a dream that was not all a dream The bright sun was extinguished, and the stars Did wander darkling in the eternal space, Rayless, and pathless, and the icy earth Swung blind and blackening in the moonless air... (Stoppard 79) Hannah, however, is refuting Valentine's statement, not supporting it, as is evidenced by the rest of Byron's poem, which goes on to say: ...all hearts Were chill'd into a selfish prayer for light And they did live by watch fires... The habitations of all things which dwell Were burnt for beacons; cities were consumed, And men were gather'd round their blazing homes To look once more into each other's face... Forests were set on fire - but hour by hour They fell and faded - and the crackling trunks Extinguished with a crash - and all was black... (Byron 31) Â "Darkness" implies that as the universe gets colder, humanity, in an effort to stay alive, burns the earth for warmth.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Essay examples --
Short Answers – 5 points each. Pick 10 questions 1. Describe two IT initiatives that can help move an organization toward greater process orientation. For each, describe why this would work. Data Collection: IT can help organization plan and control their process by collecting important data. This is an effective way to monitor work and helps reduces errors caused by lack of important information. Process Planning: IT can provide necessary tools for organization to use for effecting planning to meet its business objectives. This will work because it can help then monitor their processes and it can also be used for business analysis. 2. In your own words, describe the difference between a business continuity plan and a disaster recovery plan. Include two things that should be covered in each. Business continuity plan and disaster recovery plan helps organizations prepare for the worse. Business continuity plan is when an organization makes plans to carry on its normal routine after a disaster occurs while disaster recovery plan is when an organization fixes its routines after a serious disaster. 3. Provide two key considerations for determining which business processes as not good candidates for outsourcing. Quality Control: Company must take into consideration the monitoring of the quality of major processes in their business Intellectual Property: Company must not risk their IP being exposed while outsourcing. 4. Explain why installing an enterprise system often requires the redesign of existing business processes and the impact this has on the organization. Installing Enterprise system requires the redesign of existing business processes so it can achieve ideal performance of the integrated modules. This ... ... of the IT of the business. An alternative approach to radical process re-design is the incremental change. The goal of this is to improve business processes through small step by step changes rather than a radical one. This method allows manager to choose a process to improve, chose to measure the improvement and find ways to improve the process based of measurements of improvements collected. Organization should elect to go this route because it give them some sort of control over the improvements that are being made and it may because less damage if something goes wrong. In an incremental change approach, a business manager’s role is to ensure the changes are not detrimental to the overall outcome of the revenue of the company while the IT manager’s role is to monitor the incremental changes over time and providing effective support to implement the changes.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Looking for Alibrandi Essay
Good afternoon’s teachers and my peers, today I would like to give my speech about how education leads to a successful life. I am going to discuss three main points in my speech that are; education provides a better quality of life, it expand people mind and helps people to learn values and morals. Firstly education provides better quality of life because it helps people to become successful and smart people by giving knowledge and ideas.Education is key to get good job. It will guide through your life it will help people what job they want to. In this website author was telling thatâ€Å"Now a day every job requires employee to be well-educated and industry are offering high salary jobs to highly educated people and educated people have good chance of getting better occupations. According to jobs qualification website authors was saying that â€Å"without much education one person will end up working 50 hours a weeks while other person with better education makes more money in the half time†. Secondly, Education expand people mind because it help us to understand this world. It teaches us how to make decision, how to think, how to work properly and how to cope with complicated things in life and it makes people hard workers and that give people freedom .it give us power to understand thing in our life and teach us to learn from different experience. An educated people have ability to modify their life in positive way. Without knowledge and Education people would not have develops a meaningful outlook of life. We learn values and moral in school through education that make us right thinkers and it help to act in good manners. We learn values like honesty, kindness that is important in our life. education help us to achieve Successful goal in our life.Educaton open our minds to outside world so it allow people to gain knowledge and values from other cultural. According to ask (website) author was telling that education help society in different useful ways and without education people would not have highly developed life to live happily and peacefully so people need to have good education. Thank you for listen my speech
Friday, August 16, 2019
Compare and Contrast on Fibers Essay
As nutrition labeling becomes essential throughout the world, it is recognized that a single definition of fiber may be needed. New products are being developed or isolated that behave like fiber, yet do not meet the traditional requirements of fiber, either analytically or physiologically. Without an accurate definition of fiber, compounds can be designed or isolated and concentrated using available methods without necessarily providing beneficial health effects, which most people consider to be an important attribute of fiber. Most of us are familiar with the terms â€Å"soluble fiber†and â€Å"insoluble fiber†but what is the actual difference? Soluble fibers bind with fatty acids and slow digestion so blood sugars are released more slowly into the body. These fibers help lower LDL cholesterol and help regulate blood sugar levels for people with diabetes. Insoluble fibers help hydrate and move waste through the intestines and control the pH levels in the intestines. These fibers help prevent constipation and keep you regular. The three most commonly used fibers are dietary, functional, and total fibers. Dietary Fiber consists of non-digestible carbohydrates and lignin that are intrinsic and intact in plants. Functional Fiber consists of isolated, non-digestible carbohydrates that have beneficial physiological effects in humans. Total Fiber is the sum of Dietary Fiber and Functional Fiber. Dietary fiber comes from the portion of plants that is not digested by enzymes in the intestinal tract. Part of it, however, may be metabolized by bacteria in the lower gut. Different types of plants vary in their amount and kind of fiber. Dietary Fiber includes pectin, gum, mucilage, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Pectin and gum are water-soluble fibers found inside plant cells. They slow the passage of food through the intestines but do nothing to increase fecal bulk. In contrast, fibers in cell walls are water insoluble. These include cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Such fibers increase fecal bulk and speed up the passage of food through the digestive tract. Dietary fiber may help reduce the risk of some cancers, especially colon cancer. This idea is based on information that insoluble fiber increases the rate at which wastes are removed from the body. This means the body may have less exposure to toxic substances produced during digestion. Dietary fiber is found only in plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains. The form of foods may or may not affect its fiber content. Canned frozen fruits and vegetables contain just as much fiber as raw ones. Other types of processing may reduce fiber content. Drying and crushing, for example, destroy the water-holding qualities of fiber. The removal of seeds, or peels also reduces fiber content. Whole tomatoes have more fiber than peeled tomatoes, which have more than tomato juice. Likewise, whole wheat bread contains more fiber than white bread. Functional Fibers are isolated, non-digestible forms of carbohydrates that have been extracted from starchy foods or manufactured from starches or sugars. Unlike dietary fibers which are consumed in whole foods like vegetables, grains and legumes. These added substances are considered fiber because, like dietary fiber, they resist digestion and perform some of the same functions when eaten. Functional Fiber may have some of the benefits of naturally consuming dietary fiber, such as helping to prevent constipation or lowering blood glucose levels after meals, but in contrast lack nutrients and phytochemicals that come with fiber found in whole foods. Functional Fibers include gums, pectins, polydextrose and inulin. Inulin and polydextrose are water-soluble fibers as well as pectin and gums found in dietary fiber. Inulin is one functional fiber that is now being added into many food products enabling an excellent source of carbohydrates for probiotic organisms populating the lower portion of the gastrointestinal system. Such fibers may increase beneficial bacteria in the gut, enhance immune function, add bulk to stools, and help prevent constipation. Most nutritionists encourage getting fiber from whole foods that we eat because they contain many other healthful plant compounds. However, if you don’t get enough fiber in your diet (25-38grams daily) added functional fibers can help fill in the gap. On food labels, functional fibers are usually included in the grams of dietary fiber. Eating a wide variety of fibers is the ideal solution to gaining all the health benefits. Total fiber is the sum of dietary fiber and functional fiber. It’s not important to differentiate between which forms of each of these fibers you are getting in your diet but that the total amount is moderate. Eating too much fiber (more than 50-60 grams of fiber a day) may decrease the amount of vitamins and minerals your body absorbs. To add more fiber to the diet, an individual can increase the amount eaten gradually, this gives the stomach and intestines time to get used to the change. In addition, fiber supplements could easily lead to excess, which may cause intestinal discomfort thus, adding fiber to the diet with the addition of fiber rich foods is a safer route. Eating too much fiber too quickly may cause gas, diarrhea, and bloating. Excessive use of fiber supplements is associated with greater risk for intestinal problems. Some of the benefits from a high fiber diet may be from the food that provides the fiber, not from fiber alone. For this reason, it is best to obtain fiber from foods rather than from supplements.
Chapter 24 Discussion Questions
Chapter 24 Discussion Questions How sanitary were houses of the British lower orders? The houses of the British lower orders were completely unsanitary and unhealthy. In various sections of Manchester, as many as 200 people shared one outhouse. These outhouses were not cleaned out often and sewage overflowed and seeped into dwellings. Some courtyards became dung hills and sometimes excrement was gathered and sold as fertilizer. How did women’s status change during the 19th Century? Women usually did not work in the factories in 19th century Europe.It became expected of them to stay home and take care of the children. They formed bonds with their children because of the decrease in infant mortality rates and genuinely loved their husbands because people married out of love, not for economic reasons. Women had legal inferiority to their husbands and worked to change that throughout the 19th century. They campaigned for equal voting rights and access to higher education and profe ssional employment. These groups gained important victories like the 1882 law that gave English women complete property rights. Discuss the philosophy of Auguste Comte.Auguste Comte was a French philospher who was an exceptionally influential system builder in the 19th century. He believed that intellectual activity goes through predictable stages. Comte believed that his new discipline of sociology would identify the eternal laws of human relations by applying the scientific method, or positivist method as it is also known. These stages of knowledge illustrate the popularity of the idea of evolution in the 19th century. How was transportation transformed in the 19th Century? In the 1870s horse-drawn streetcars operated in many European cities, which were invented in America.In the 1890s European cities utilized the electric streetcar, which was another American invention. Electric streetcars were cheaper and faster than horse-drawn streetcars. Millions of Europeans made use of the improved public transportation, workers, shoppers, and schoolchildren alike. In 1886 horse-drawn streetcars were transporting 900 million riders in England, Austria-Hungary, Germany, and France. In 1910 electric streetcars were transporting 6. 7 million passengers in those four countries. The improvement in public transportation helped the overpopulation of urban cities.Urban workers were able to live further away from the cities and still get to and from work using the innovations is public transportation. Art analysis: Decide on a 19th Century painting that best describes urban living. Be prepared to show the painting and explain how it reflects urban living. This painting shows urban living in the 19th century for a couple of reasons. The horse-drawn streetcars show the increase in public transportation during the 19th century. The spacious boulevards show the change in urban planning in Paris by Georges Haussmann at that time.How did the rise of industrialization affect urban li fe and the family? Industrialization caused overcrowding in major cities which sped up the spread of diseases and germs. Most people who lived in major cities lived in buildings that were cramped with as many as ten people in one room. Living conditions were poor and unhealthy. Sewers flowed alongside or down the middle of unpaved streets. Millions of European families lived â€Å"in shit. †How did the scientific-technological thinking influence the social sciences and the arts? Many people attempted to apply the objective methods of science to the study of society.These new social scientists had access to huge sets of numerical data that various governments had started to accumulate on all things, from prostitution to population, from crime to children. Along with Auguste Comte, another influential philosopher and scientist was Charles Darwin. Darwin presented the idea of natural selection and evolution in the 19th century. Darwin said that variations within a specific spec ies will kill off the weaker members will die off and the stronger members will survive, based on Malthus' theory that population will always outgrow the amount of supplies.How different are our attitudes toward gender and class issues from those of the Victorian Age? In the Victorian Age, the man had his place in the family and the women had theirs. Women were expected to stay home and manage the household, take care of the children, and manage the money. Men were expected to be the wage earners in factories and offices, not the women. Women only had jobs outside the house if they were extremely poor. And women who did have jobs like this, were paid significantly less than men who held the same job position.Nowadays, it is very common practice for women to have jobs outside the household. It is also illegal to pay employees more or less because of gender or racial reasons nowadays. Compare women and child-raising in the 16ththrough 18thCenturies with the 19thCentury? Throughout the 16th century, women were afraid to form bonds with their children because of the extremely high infant mortality rate. In the 18th century, the peasantry still did not become attached to their children until they were at least a year old. If the child survived the first year of life, his odds of surviving were much greater.Older children helped in cottage industry and the more children there were to help produce textiles and other things, the better. During the 18th century, the upper classes still neglected their children. Infants were usually handed off to wet nurses because breast-feeding was seen as a burden and by breast-feeding your children, there was a chance of becoming close to them. Finally, in the 19th century, women formed bonds with their children, no matter how young and breast-feeding was seen as a privilege, unlike before. Women were not as afraid of forming bonds with their children because infant mortality rates began to decrease.
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